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Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


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Here we go again

am I going too fast on these or stepping on toes with this project?




25 Maeltstrom: Telekinesis (36 STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (94 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Custom Modifier (only in direction of rotation and down at the center; -1/2), Custom Modifier (Can only be used on large bodies of waterCan only be used on large bodies of water; -1/4) [Notes: This is one of the most powerful spells in the arsenal of Water Wizards. Once cast, a powerful downward current is created in the target hex, causing a huge, rotating vortex of water to form. At the center of the vortex the strength of the flow is 36, but it decreases outward at the rate of 1 per 1" of radius. Ships caught within the vortex must escape or they will be dragged down to a watery grave. Because the spell is stationary, it is most effective when cast upon a narrow channel or harbor. Victims caught in the center are grabbed and dragged underwater, suffering normal STR damage from the Telekinesis. If the water is shallow enough, victims will also be dashed against the sea bottom. However, the current slows at the same rate as the vortex, so the victims will be unharmed if the depth is greater than 36". Of course, then they have another problem - how to breathe.]

60 Mages Bane: EB 3d6, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), NND ([standard]; defense is no active magic; +1), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points) [Notes: This spell has been developed by certain paranoid spell-casters to defend against magically-protected foes. When the attack strikes a target it is enveloped in pale flames which appear to spring from every source of magic - including spells which are currently operative! Shutting off or discarding all active magic is the only way to cancel the spell.]

21 Magic Door I: Tunneling 1" through 10 DEF material, Fill In (42 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) [Notes: When cast upon a wall, this spell creates a plain door that opens to the other side. If the wall is too thick, then the door merely opens onto a surface of blank wall. The spell is difficult to cast, requiring total concentration and extra END.]

9 Magic Door II: Teleportation 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +1) (45 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), OAF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; Requires a skill roll to construct a new item; -1 1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2)

125 Magic Free Zone: Suppress Magic 20d6, all [special effect] powers simultaneously (+2), Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (500 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, -3) [Notes: This spell will create a permanent dead zone where all but the most powerful forms of Magic will fail to function. Even artifacts, when they work at all, will be considerably weakened within this zone. This spell is especially useful when cast upon a strategic fortification that is difficult to defend against magical attacks, but not against mundane forms of assault.]

14 Magic Hearth: Change Environment 4" radius, +3 Temperature Level Adjustment (21 Active Points); Custom Modifier (any amount of stone; -1/2) [Notes: Particularly useful in the winter, this spell causes all stone within its radius to warm as though a fire glowed within. The warmth is not enough to burn, yet even a single stone will be enough to heat the local area.]

18 Magic Moustetrap: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) [Notes: Mages who leave their homes for long periods often use this spell to protect their possessions. The Caster casts his spell and sets a circumstance for the trap to watch for, such as "anyone who enters but me," or "anyone who opens this chest." Once the event occurs, the trap catches whoever or whatever is near. The spell is difficult to cast and requires a few seconds, but if it saves the Caster's goods, it's probably worth it.]

10 Magic Pool: Endurance Reserve (50 END, 15 REC) Reserve: (20 Active Points); REC: (15 Active Points); Custom Modifier (only recovers when magic is aided, absorbed or transfered; -2) [Notes: This spell steals magical power in order to fuel the wizard's own sorcerous energies. The pool is not a constant, it does not recharge on its own.]

21 Magic Tar: FW (5 PD/5 ED; 7" long and 1" tall) (Opaque Normal Sight) (42 Active Points); Custom Modifier (must be cast on a surface, cant stand on its own; -1) [Notes: One of the worst occurrences on a ship is a breach in the hull. Magic tar is designed to plug up the holes in an existing surface such as a ship's hull. When the wizard performs the spell, a cascade of thick, black tar sprays onto the surface, hardening instantly and covering over any holes, including doors, portals or windows, breaks or breaches, etc. Magic tar was created for use on a seagoing vessel, but it is equally effective when applied to paper, fabric such as curtains and tapestries, surfaces with many openings such as nets and shrubbery, and even the surface of the water itself.]

19 Magical Aura: Hearing Group and Detect Images 1" radius, +/-5 to PER Rolls, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; Detect Magic; +1/4) (29 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Only to give target false positive from Detect Magic ; -1/2) [Notes: With this spell, the caster can cause Detect Magic spells to incorrectly detect magic on a mundane object or location. This false aura is triggered when the target is exposed to a Detect Magic spell, and the target of the illusion is the wizard using the Detect spell. The magical aura is considered a cosmetic change to the setting.]

27 Magical Healing: Healing BODY 4d6 (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) [Notes: This spell enables the caster to correct grievous wounds that the target has suffered.]

21 Malediction: EB 2d6, Time Delay (+1/4), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (32 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Only versus a single target; -1/4), Custom Modifier (Delay is random (within 1d3 days); -1/4) [Notes: This spell will cause an individual to suffer an unfortunate accident some time in the near future. A malevolent spirit is called upon to stalk the victim and inflict the accident at an especially bad moment (hence the Penetrating advantage.) The total number of dice rolled indicates on how successful the Caster was at targeting the victim during the spell casting.]

28 Malekiths Meteor Swarm: RKA 3d6, MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; From Above; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Custom Modifier (Doesn't work in rain or underwater ; -1/4) [Notes: One of the most powerful fire spells commonly known, this spell allows the caster to call down a devastating hail of burning meteors. Because of its large area, this spell has very limited usefulness in combat, but is extremely dangerous in a non-combat setting. Its original casting left an entire town devastated, with each building either destroyed or burning. Obviously, use of this spell is frowned upon by most reputable wizards, except in the best of causes.]

10 Maokars Great Leap Forward: Leaping +10" (37"/39" forward, 18 1/2"/19 1/2" upward) (x64 Noncombat) (35 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) [Notes: The caster of this spell gains the ability to leap enormous distances. The spell is based upon an ancient myth about a legendary hero who leaped into the future, dragging his nation behind him.]

39 Marathon: (Total: 99 Active Cost, 39 Real Cost) Aid Recovery 3d6, Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1 1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Custom Modifier (Long Term END loss to target every 5 hours maintained; -1/4) (Real Cost: 36) plus LS (Eating: Character does not eat; Sleeping: Character does not sleep), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (9 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Linked (Aid; -1/2) (Real Cost: 3) [Notes: This spell allows the target to run continuously for two days without the need to stop for rest, food, or sleep. However, lengthy runs will cause 7 points of Long Term END loss to the target every five hours. If the spell is still in effect when the runner does stop to rest, the Aid to REC will restore Long Term END loss at the higher rate.]

9 Marching Forest: (Total: 50 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Major Transform 1d6 (Remove Unable to Walk Limitation), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (41 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Custom Modifier (Only effects trees and bushes; -1), Custom Modifier (Only to move in designated direction at a 2" movement rate ; -3/4), No Range (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus Running +2" (8" total), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (9 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Custom Modifier (Only effects trees and bushes; -1), Custom Modifier (Only to move in designated direction at a 2" movement rate ; -3/4), Linked (Transform; -1/2), Linked (Transform; -1/2) (Real Cost: 2) [Notes: This impressive spell causes all trees and bushes within a 1km diameter of the Wizard's location to uplift their roots and begin marching in the designated direction. The trees march at a leisurely 2" movement pace, and they cannot cross deep water, barren rock, or any other ground where they are unable to grow. The moving forest can be easily avoided by most creatures, unless they are surprised (an unlikely occurance) in which case they can be crushed by massive tree roots.]

54 Markoths Rotting Curse: RKA 12d6, Penetrating (+1/2) (270 Active Points); Gradual Effect (1 Week; -2), Custom Modifier (; Decreased stun multiplier (1d6-5); -1), No Range (-1/2), Custom Modifier ( Limitation: does not work in bright sunlight ; -1/4), Custom Modifier (Limitation: does not work on ground sanctified to a "good" religion; -1/4) [Notes: This spell is greatly feared, as it causes the target to suffer a slow, painful, lingering death. The caster has but to touch the target and speak the incantation, and the spell is set in motion. Over the next several days the target will become ill and begin to suffer from a gangrenous, leprosy-like disease. Unless a magical cure can be found, the target's body will rot away entirely. As the magic of the spell keeps the target alive to the bitter end, the experience is quite painful and horrifying.]

82 Martial SKill: Aid Dexterity 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Area Of Effect (16" Any Area; +1 1/2) (82 Active Points) [Notes: The casting of this spell gives everyone in an area the blessing of the God of War so that their weapons strike true and their opponents miss the mark.]

25 Mask Inebriation: Mental Illusions 4d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (ends with target sobering up; +1/2), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1) (100 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Only to convince viewers of sobriety ; -2), Custom Modifier (Only on drunken targets; -1/2), No Range (-1/2) [Notes: This spell creates a shell of illusion focused upon one drunken (but conscious) creature. Its purpose is to cause all observers to look upon the affected creature as entirely sober. It insidiously affects their perceptions so that they will interpret the person's actions and statements as those of a rational, sober individual. Any slurring of the speech, inconsistencies in statements, wobbling, or weaving will be overlooked or ascribed to some other factor. There is a reversed version of this spell, Unbelievable Sobriety, which will convince observers that a sober creature is hopelessly drunk, and works on their perceptions in similar (but opposite) ways. In all other respects it is as the former spell.]

75 Mass Fear: Mind Control 10d6, Area Of Effect (21" Cone; +1 1/4) (112 Active Points); Set Effect (Fear; -1/2) [Notes: Through the use of this spell, the caster can cause whole armies to run in terror. This could turn the tide of a battle.]

45 Mass Invisibility: Invisibility to Sight Group , Ranged (+1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +3/4) (45 Active Points) [Notes: With this spell, the wizard can endow four other willing individuals (in addition to himself) with the power of invisibility.]

22 Mass Silence: Invisibility to Hearing Group , Ranged (+1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +3/4) (22 Active Points) [Notes: With this spell, the wizard can endow four other willing individuals (in addition to himself) with the power of silence.]

105 Materialize: Suppress Desoldification 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (105 Active Points) [Notes: The Conjurer can summon a desolidified being wholly into the current realm, making it more vulnerable to normal attacks. The caster must be close to the target for this spell to be fully effective.]

45 Matloques Curse of Silence: Minor Transform 9d6 (Deafness, restored by magical music) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), No Range (-1/2) [Notes: This is a spell that is only taught to sonimancers of the highest achievement. It causes a magically induced deafness to fall upon the target, which can only be cured through magical music. Since the ability to hear is considered paramount by most Sonimancers, this spell is shunned by most.]

15 Matloques impediment of the tongue: Hearing Group Images 1" radius, +/-4 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1) (38 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Only distorts speech of target ; -1 1/2) [Notes: This spell causes the target to be unintelligible when speaking. The person speaks in a nonsensical, alien tongue, which is extremely difficult to understand.]

11 Meld: Minor Transform 2d6 (Meld 2 objects together), Improved Target Group (Any ; +1) (40 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Custom Modifier (Only to meld two solid, inanimate objects; -1), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) [Notes: This spell allows the Wizard to join together two separate, inanimate objects. The points of contact between the two objects flow together to form a permanent bond. The strength of the connection depends on the types of materials. Identical materials, or substances that have a strong affinity for each other, will form a better bond. Forming a meld requires greater time and endurance than normal.]

3 Memory Spell: (Total: 9 Active Cost, 3 Real Cost) Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2) (Real Cost: 2) plus Speed Reading (x10) (4 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2) (Real Cost: 1) [Notes: This spell enables the caster to read and memorize almost any amount of text. Both merchants and diplomats are often required to carry sensitive information into hostile environments. This spell insures that this information will not be compromised (barring torture, of course).]

30 Memory Surgery: (Total: 70 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Telepathy 10d6 (Human class of minds) (50 Active Points); Custom Modifier (only to read targets memory; -3/4), No Range (-1/2), Gestures (must touch head; -1/4) (Real Cost: 20) plus Minor Transform 2d6 (Modify Memories) (20 Active Points); Linked (Telepathy; -1/2), Custom Modifier (blocked by mental defenses; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10) [Notes: Upon completing this spell, the Enchanter touches the head of the subject, and he is able to probe deeply into his memories. He can add, delete, and alter selected memories, as they are discerned through the Telepathic probe. If the target is able to mount any mental defenses, however, he can employ them against both the Telepathy and the memory Transformation.]

7 Mend: Minor Transform 2d6 (20 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Custom Modifier (only to fix, needs all parts; -1/2) [Notes: A wizard can mend damaged or broken articles back to their original form with the use of this spell. The wizard needs all pieces of the article in question to perform the task.]

25 Mental Cloak: Invisibility to Mental Group and Normal Sight , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) [Notes: This spell dulls the perception of any observers, masking the caster's presence. The caster remains undetected by spells which would ordinarily reveal his mental energies.]

104 Mental Paralysis: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (physical attacks; +1/4), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; to all but mental sense group; +1) (130 Active Points); Custom Modifier (works against ego not strength; -1/4) [Notes: This spell stiffens the muscles of the target, rendering him incapable of voluntary movement - even of the eyeballs. However, involuntary functions such as breathing and heartbeat are unaffected.]

36 Metal Shaft: RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (45 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: When this spell is cast, a thin shaft of incredibly sharp metal shoots out of the caster's finger tips and strikes the intended victim. The shaft, while small, is still quite deadly and can penetrate almost any form of armor.]

14 Metal Skin: (Total: 19 Active Cost, 14 Real Cost) Density Increase (400 kg mass, +10 STR, +2 PD/ED, -2" KB) (10 Active Points); Visible (turns casters skin to metal; -1/4) (Real Cost: 8) plus FF (5 PD/4 ED) (9 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; -1/2) (Real Cost: 6) [Notes: The caster of this mighty spell can endow his skin with the natural properties of metal (eg: STR, PD etc).]

16 Mighty Leap: Leaping +20" (37"/39" forward, 18 1/2"/19 1/2" upward) (20 Active Points); Custom Modifier (not while wearing leg armor; -1/4) [Notes: After casting this spell, the caster is empowered with the ability to jump a tremendous distance. The spell only allows one leap, however, and must be recast for successive leaps. The caster's legs grow and become much more muscular for the short duration of this spell, and thus no restrictive leg armor may be worn.]

22 Mind Missile: Mental Illusions 12d6 (60 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Only for creating Illusory Missiles; -1 1/2), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: The caster flings an illusory missile from his hand at the target. Exactly what sort of missile this is, is up to the caster. The caster must roll EGO+20 for this illusion to take effect if he wants the missile to do STUN damage, EGO+30 if he wants the missile to do STUN and BODY damage. If he makes this roll, then the missile automatically hits for whatever damage it would normally do, up the total of the illusion dice in Active Points.]

30 Mind Speak: Telepathy 6d6 (Human class of minds) [Notes: The ability to read another's innermost thoughts is one claimed by many but mastered by few. Even those mages who have this spell are loathe to publicize it.]

20 Mind Trap: Mental Illusions 8d6 (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (a Prepared Trap; -1), Custom Modifier (Illusion that victim is entrapped in object only; -1/2), No Range (-1/2) [Notes: Some spell casters have mastered the art of stealing an enemies thoughts through the use of this spell. The caster has but to cast the spell and touch his target. The target's mind will then be trapped within a prepared "mind trap".]

13 Minor Healing: Healing BODY 2d6 (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) [Notes: This is the most basic spell of Healing - a spell which will correct minor wounds.]

20 Mirage: Sight Group Images 1" radius, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2) (20 Active Points) [Notes: For anybody within the effected area, this spell creates the illusion of a distant feature within the radius of the spell, but outside the hole in its middle. This illusion is usually some type of terrain, but can include a city, army, large creatures, or even a weather disturbance. The primary use of this spell is to serve as a distraction - to mislead others and buy the caster some time. Because of the large distance from the viewer to the image, normal PER rolls are more difficult.]

15 Mirror Image: Sight Group Images Increased Size (4" radius; +1/2), +/-4 to PER Rolls (33 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Images remain within 2" of Wizard and return on first phase ; -1/2), Custom Modifier (Images match actions of Wizard; -1/2), Custom Modifier (mages banished upon taking 1 point of BODY; -1/4) [Notes: Upon casting this spell, four images of the Wizard step out of his body and begin to duplicate his actions. On the Wizard's first phase of each turn, the illusionary constructs merge back into his body, then step out again. By mimicking the actions of the Wizard, the images make it very difficult to determine who is the actual Illusionist, unless he makes it obvious by using a ranged weapon or a Power with visible effects. The images are usually 1/2 DCV of the Illusionist, unless he concentrates on avoiding blows to a particular image, in which case it receives the full DCV. In addition, the images are fragile and will vanish upon receiving 1 point of BODY.]

0 Mirror Plane: Duplication (creates 0-point form), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (+0); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Requires An EGO Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -1/2), Side Effects (Side Effects (Wizard passes through to mirror plane); -1/2), Custom Modifier (Dispel or both step through mirror; -1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) [Notes: This spell creates a mirror gate to an alternative time line and draws forth a duplicate of the Wizard through the surface. When the spell charge expires, or both Wizards step back through the silvery plane, the duplicate returns to his normal time line, even if slain. However, since the duplicate timeline is very similar, his counterpart is also probably in trouble, so the Wizard must make an EGO Skill roll. If he fails, he passes through the same Mirror Plane to aid his counterpart.]

21 Mirror Walk: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 21 Real Cost) Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations) (5 Active Points); OAF Bulky (magic mirror; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 2) plus Teleportation 10", x16 Noncombat (35 Active Points); OAF Bulky (magic mirror; -1 1/2), Custom Modifier (Requires a mirror at both ends; -1/2) (Real Cost: 12) plus Sight Group Flash 4d6 (20 Active Points); OAF Bulky (magic mirror; -1 1/2), Linked (Teleportation; -1/2) (Real Cost: 7) [Notes: The caster can step into a mirror with a blinding flash of light and instantly step out from any mirror that he has previously memorized.]

50 Miscast: Drain Magic Skill 2d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Invisible to Mental Group (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2), No Range Modifier (+1/2) (50 Active Points) [Notes: This devious power causes the Wizard to be particularly inept with his spell casting, often bumbling the attempt and suffering the backfire results. The Caster must be able to target the Wizard, but suffers no penalty from range.]

23 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by Energy Attacks) (40 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Custom Modifier (will not work in very dry areas; -1/4) [Notes: This popular water spell causes the caster's body and belongings to become a cloud of mist which can move about. When used in combat the wizard is protected from physical attacks, and they pass through him without effect. However the mage is still vulnerable to energy attacks. As a noncombat spell, the mage can move about silently and get into places where he may not be welcome. The caster should remember though that he is not invisible and that he can't pass through solid physical barriers.]

14 Monkey Swing: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 14 Real Cost) Gliding 10" (Real Cost: 10) plus Swinging 10" (10 Active Points); Custom Modifier ( Only from tree branch or vine; -1), Linked (Gliding; -1/2) (Real Cost: 4) [Notes: This spell allows the Wizard to brachiate rapidly through the treetops like an agile monkey. If vines or branches are available, the caster can swing from tree to tree. When gaps occur in the forest, the Wizard can glide to the next tree.]

13 Moon Dance: (Total: 25 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) Leaping +5" (37"/39" forward, 18 1/2"/19 1/2" upward), Custom Modifier (+2 during full moon, -2 during new moon; +0), Usable By Other (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2) (9 Active Points); Custom Modifier (takes double knockback from attacks; -3/4), Linked (Acrobatics; -1/2) (Real Cost: 4) plus Acrobatics 14-, Custom Modifier (+1 during full moon, -1 during new moon; +0), Usable By Other (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2) (16 Active Points); Custom Modifier (takes double knockback from attacks; -3/4) (Real Cost: 9) [Notes: The target of this spell is able to leap and jump about in spectacular fashion, as if he weighed much less than normal. However, this lightened state makes the target more vulnerable to Knockback.]

24 Mud Trap: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Custom Modifier (must have connection to earth; -1/4) [Notes: The caster summons mud from the ground to stream over his opponent in sticky tendrils. The mud is clinging rather than hard, allowing the target to be struck without disrupting its clinging sticky tendrils.]

90 Mute: Minor Transform 9d6 (normal person to mute person, Muteness can reputedly be removed by a variety of means - wearing a blessed necklace, etc.) [Notes: This spell renders the victim unable to speak, although he can still make sounds.]

50 Mysterious Manservant: (Total: 103 Active Cost, 50 Real Cost) Summon 72-point creatures, Continuous (+1) (28 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Custom Modifier (Must Remain Within Range; -1/2), Linked (Transform; -1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 7) plus Major Transform 2d6 (Air to mundane objects), Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (75 Active Points); Custom Modifier (ends when servant is at 0 Body; -1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) (Real Cost: 43) [Notes: This spell is a favorite of eccentric or showy mages. The spell calls into being an invisible, intangible force, which is imbued with a limited intelligence. It is similar to, but more powerful than the "Invisible Servant" spell, and the summoned force has the same stat.s. The force obeys verbal commands and is able to produce a variety of useful, usually mundane objects. It tends to become confused if the request is not specific, however: due to its comprehensive knowledge of the multiverse, the request "give me my hat" might result in a black top-hat or a Stetson rather than the wizard's favorite pointy cap. No information about other people, places, or things can be surmised from quizzing the manservant, however. Mages who use this spell tend to anthropomorphize the force, carrying on one-sided (to others) arguments with it over misguided conjurations, such as the Stetson mentioned earlier. Strangely enough, they speak as if they receive actual replies, even though no other person can hear them, and they themselves do not recall actually hearing anything. Any conjured object leaving the mage's possession or which the mage tells the manservant to get rid of immediately vanishes. Conjured objects are limited in size to the weight that the servant can shift, but since nothing conjured can be given away and expected to exist anymore, value matters little. Also, no magic items, or expendable foci may be conjured.]

95 Mystic Fortress: Entangle 9d6, 9 DEF (Stops A Given Sense Normal Sight), Hole In The Middle (+1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Day (+1/4), Area Of Effect (24" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1) (332 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), No Range (-1/2) [Notes: Within the area where the spell is cast, a hexagonal fortress materializes. The walls of the fortress are plate metal, with no exits or windows, except an opening onto the roof. On the third floor, the walls are crenellated. The interior is divided into six primary chambers, each furnished plainly with built-in benches, beds and tables. There is also a stable on the first floor with room for four mounts. Spiral staircases run between the floors.]

Powers Cost: 1670

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  • 3 years later...
Guest Worldmaker

Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


My only complaint is the hard-to-read walls of text. Any way you could slip it into paragraph format or something?

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Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


Here we go again

am I going too fast on these or stepping on toes with this project?




25 Maeltstrom: Telekinesis (36 STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (94 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Custom Modifier (only in direction of rotation and down at the center; -1/2), Custom Modifier (Can only be used on large bodies of waterCan only be used on large bodies of water; -1/4) [Notes: This is one of the most powerful spells in the arsenal of Water Wizards. Once cast, a powerful downward current is created in the target hex, causing a huge, rotating vortex of water to form. At the center of the vortex the strength of the flow is 36, but it decreases outward at the rate of 1 per 1" of radius. Ships caught within the vortex must escape or they will be dragged down to a watery grave. Because the spell is stationary, it is most effective when cast upon a narrow channel or harbor. Victims caught in the center are grabbed and dragged underwater, suffering normal STR damage from the Telekinesis. If the water is shallow enough, victims will also be dashed against the sea bottom. However, the current slows at the same rate as the vortex, so the victims will be unharmed if the depth is greater than 36". Of course, then they have another problem - how to breathe.]


60 Mages Bane: EB 3d6, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), NND ([standard]; defense is no active magic; +1), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points) [Notes: This spell has been developed by certain paranoid spell-casters to defend against magically-protected foes. When the attack strikes a target it is enveloped in pale flames which appear to spring from every source of magic - including spells which are currently operative! Shutting off or discarding all active magic is the only way to cancel the spell.]


21 Magic Door I: Tunneling 1" through 10 DEF material, Fill In (42 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) [Notes: When cast upon a wall, this spell creates a plain door that opens to the other side. If the wall is too thick, then the door merely opens onto a surface of blank wall. The spell is difficult to cast, requiring total concentration and extra END.]


Looks fine to me. Try adding a blank line after you paste in stuff, from wherever you're writing it. Extra lines in some word-processing applications don't carry over too well.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


I'll work through it.


Are you the same guy who put together the conversion of the AD&D Wizard's Spell Conversion? Because if you are, I owe you a round of applause, man.

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Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


Are you the same guy who put together the conversion of the AD&D Wizard's Spell Conversion? Because if you are, I owe you a round of applause, man.


I worked on a lot of conversion stuff, its on killer shrikes site, I as far as the Ultimate Grimoire goes, it was all 4th edition materal, I translated it to 5th edition and entered it in Hero Designer, I wasnt responsible for the original 4E material


at some point I have a couple of ancient Role Aids books of magic items, mostly mythological based, I may give a go at converting these.

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Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


I have .hdp files for all of the Ultimate Grimoire on my site at http://mojobob.com/roleplay/hero/fantasy/magic/spellfinder.html. Some of them are Shadowcat's stuff' date=' some are mine, and some come from others. There's a zipfile there with the whole shebang too.[/quote']


And jolly useful they've proved too :)


cheers, Mark

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


Are you the same guy who put together the conversion of the AD&D Wizard's Spell Conversion? Because if you are' date=' I owe you a round of applause, man.[/quote']


I worked on a lot of conversion stuff, its on killer shrikes site, I as far as the Ultimate Grimoire goes, it was all 4th edition materal, I translated it to 5th edition and entered it in Hero Designer, I wasnt responsible for the original 4E material.



No that's not the thing I'm talking about. Killer Shrike's stuff is good, but the WSC conversion is about ten times that amount of spells converted to Hero. I looked for the site where I got the WSC file from, but my link is broken, which is a shame. That guy had all kinds of cool things on his site for hero, but its not there anymore.

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Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M



No that's not the thing I'm talking about. Killer Shrike's stuff is good, but the WSC conversion is about ten times that amount of spells converted to Hero. I looked for the site where I got the WSC file from, but my link is broken, which is a shame. That guy had all kinds of cool things on his site for hero, but its not there anymore.


What was the link; even though its broken?

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Re: Ultimate Grimoire Letter M


ok, I didnt have time to mess with it, but http://www.archive.org came up with this much



if you plug the URL Gregg posted into the search engine, you might be able to pull up an earlier version of the page even thats more useful

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