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Neck Snap


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OK everyone.

I''m redoing my various fantasy martial arts for my game, and I'm pondering how to add the classic cinematic "grab the head, usually from behind, then snap the neck" move to my Scout martial arts.


I have a couple of ideas concerning how to do this, but before I post my thoughts I'd like to see how some of y'all would construct it.

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Re: Neck Snap


Build it as an HKA. Probably run it like a targeted grab with a DCV penalty. You tend to be pretty focused on what you're doing and pretty stationary as well. 3D6 or so would be enough to kill a normal human if you use hit locations so:


Killing Blow 0 OCV/ -2 DCV 1 1/2D6(5DC) HKA; must follow grab; cannot be performed on someone with an armored neck or not neck at all; automatically hits the head/neck location if optional hit locations are used.

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Re: Neck Snap


In a campaign with hit locations, a 2d6KA to the neck will usually insta-kill an 8 Body normal, or close enough.


Without hit locations, I'd buy it a a few extra dice of HKA, with 1/2 DCV Concentration and Only Versus Humanoid Targets (-1/2), not versus foes with Clamhel Plate Armor or other neck protection (-0).

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Re: Neck Snap


Martial Arts Killing Strike. SFX is that it snaps the target's neck. Buy a few DC to up the damage and it should work every time (or the GM can just say it works).


If you don't want the maneuver to be that easy to perform, go ahead an use the Hit Locations. An unawares target is at 1/2 DCV and penalties to hit the head are 1/2 as well.

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Re: Neck Snap


I do think there is an element of Find Weakness to the classic head snap. The getting up behind the person, unawares... or wrestling them into position... should involve a matter of reducing defenses they have... then the HKA vs. the Head as posted above... and you almost always have a good chance of pulling this off.


In some ways... it could also be AVLD... defenses being damage resistance or natural armor that keep the head from moving... worn (focus) armor has no effect. (Then again, I've always allowed AVLD to do Body... without the extra +1 modifier... so it isn't as insanely expensive as 5th would make it.)

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Re: Neck Snap


If the victim is normal and the attack is a killing attack why would you need Find Weakness? Normal people don't have resistant defences..


Gets past any armor they may have. Combat luck and the like, if they have it. The AVLD (or NND does Body as in the book) are different ways. A strong enough character (Hulk) should be able to neck snap another brick... so Find Weakness is important for that kind of attack.

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Re: Neck Snap


I do think there is an element of Find Weakness to the classic head snap. The getting up behind the person' date=' unawares... or wrestling them into position... should involve a matter of reducing defenses they have... then the HKA vs. the Head as posted above... and you almost always have a good chance of pulling this off. [/quote']

This would never be the case with humans versus humans though, if you use a KA for the effect. There won't be any defenses to reduce.


In some ways... it could also be AVLD... defenses being damage resistance or natural armor that keep the head from moving... worn (focus) armor has no effect. (Then again, I've always allowed AVLD to do Body... without the extra +1 modifier... so it isn't as insanely expensive as 5th would make it.)Which is why it's appropriate to use a KA. If the target doesn't have any rDEF on the neck, all the damage gets through anyway. If they do, it gets subtracted from the damage and protects them to some extent (might save their life, if nothing else).
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Re: Neck Snap


Gets past any armor they may have. Combat luck and the like' date=' if they have it. The AVLD (or NND does Body as in the book) are different ways. A strong enough character (Hulk) should be able to neck snap another brick... so Find Weakness is important for that kind of attack.[/quote']

I suppose that makes sense, but if the only necks you're snapping are the unattentive guards of what's supposed to be a secure facility, a simple KA works just as good. I haven't seen many instances of someone snapping the neck (or attempting to) of someone in armor of any kind, and those I can recall involve someone with so much STR the armor probably didn't matter (and they probably bought it as the "rending and tearing" brick trick KA anyway).

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Re: Neck Snap


Martial Arts Killing Strike. SFX is that it snaps the target's neck. Buy a few DC to up the damage and it should work every time (or the GM can just say it works).


If you don't want the maneuver to be that easy to perform, go ahead an use the Hit Locations. An unawares target is at 1/2 DCV and penalties to hit the head are 1/2 as well.


I'd just go with Killing Strike, sfx bone breaker. Then have something like Deadly Blow, Only with Killing Strike, Must Follow Grab.




Killing Strike sfx bone Breaker. Deadly Blow only with Killing Strike, Only on Head Hits. If using hit location chart.

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Re: Neck Snap


I like the one in Dark Champions the best, but I did whip out my UMA and create a martial manuever for doing just this a while ago.


BoneBreaker: -2 OCV -2 DCV HKA 4DC, Must Follow Grab, Unbalancing

Cost: 5 pts.

So you have to successfully grab them, then make an attack roll at -2. Then you deal 4 DC + STR of killing damage (2d6 for a 10 Strength MA). If you targeted their head with the grab, you deal double damage as normal. The unbalancing element normally means that your target automatically goes before you in the next phase, but... because of the lack of target after performing this most of the time, I house rules that it makes you go last in your next phase. This move can get really brutal with high-strength MAs or those with plenty of DCs. It is effective even if you don't target their head.

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Guest Champsguy

Re: Neck Snap


The NND does body version is probably best because it still works on a guy wearing a helmet.


I disagree. That's part of the helmet's "Real Armor" limitation that means it doesn't apply vs such a move.

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Re: Neck Snap


Why shouldn't it apply?


Part of the maneuver requires you to get a grip on the victim's head, right? Well, if there's something preventing that (say a fully enclosed helm like a motorcycle helmet or a football helmet) then should you be able to perform the maneuver at full efficiency?


You exert your force on what you get a hold of, that being the helmet, and the force transmitted to the victim's neck depends on the fit of the helmet. You might snap his neck, he might be looking out of his earhole...

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Re: Neck Snap


Exactly, Mr. B. It's all about the special effects.

The cylindrical helms worn by some crusading knights would just swivel around the poor guys face, other helmets would hit a point where they would catch on the armor and not move any more to the side, Motorcycle helmets (full ones with masks) wouldn't offer much protection, if any, and hardhats and pith helmets wouldn't mean anything, since the MA would just grab the part of his head not covered by the helmet.

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