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Waking the dead?


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Re: Waking the dead?


I've built it as:



Retrocognition, sight, sound, smell

Information is vague and inaccuarte -1/4 (You're basically being told what happened by the dead that happened to be there, they might not know everything).

GM's discretion if there was even a spirt there to observe -1/4


The perk of that construct is that its fairly universal and under gm's discretion.


OTOH, if what happens after you die is firmly established it would be a class of Telepathy possibly with Transdimensional "Spirit" class of minds.

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Re: Waking the dead?


First you need to decide what dead people are. Are they rotting husks trapped in graves? Ghosts which surround you all the time? Sprits which have moved on to "heaven?" Once you decide that you can decide how to communicate with them. For example if they're ghosts it might just be knowing a simple 4 point language to understand the "invisible" ghost tongue. If they are in "heaven" it might be Radio Transmit/Receive with extra dimensional where you broadcast to and receive from the other realms. If they're trapped in graves I'd go with mind scan and mind link.

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Re: Waking the dead?


First you need to decide what dead people are.
I'd start even more basic than that. I'd say, first you need to decide what benefit(s) you want to get from the special effect of "I talk to dead people." Once you isolate exactly what you're trying to accomplish, the whole "talk to dead people" aspect may become just that... a special effect. :)
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Re: Waking the dead?


I've built it as:



Retrocognition, sight, sound, smell

Information is vague and inaccuarte -1/4 (You're basically being told what happened by the dead that happened to be there, they might not know everything).

GM's discretion if there was even a spirt there to observe -1/4


The perk of that construct is that its fairly universal and under gm's discretion.


OTOH, if what happens after you die is firmly established it would be a class of Telepathy possibly with Transdimensional "Spirit" class of minds.


I have built a similair construct to Nexus;


Medium: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Hearing Group), Usable By Other (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -1 1/2), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Only in Haunted Places (-1/2), Only Things that the spirit wishes to tell and know of (-1/2), Side Effects (Chance of Being Possessed by a powerful Spirit; -1/4)


Of course Contact: Netherwold might be a cheap way to go;)



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Re: Waking the dead?


The idea was that a child would grow up having imaginary friends which she would learn skills and perhaps powers from different characters in history.


Tactics and Warfare from Wellington's ghost, martial skills from a Gladiatrix who fought in an arena in Londinium. Some minor spells from Merlin maybe? That sort of thing.


I imagined ghosts as they are depicted in the film 'Sixth Sense', they are around but nobody can see them unless they are a medium.


It would be a plot hook for the GM (me) to get the player to investigate strange goings on and so forth. Not really all that fleshed out so far...

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Re: Waking the dead?


The idea was that a child would grow up having imaginary friends which she would learn skills and perhaps powers from different characters in history.

That reminds me of a movie I heard about recently that I can't remember the name of... I guess that doesn't help any.


In the case you describe, it sounds like all the ghosts can to is teach the character things. Useful things, sure, but he actually has to take the time to learn them (and spend the CP on them). In that case, I'd probably just buy "The Spirit World" as a funky Contact (probably with the Organization modifier; even though it's not an actual organization, there's lots of ghosts out there with lots and lots of skills to teach). Then, as the character learns Skills, he just pays for them with CP like normal. He's just learning them from a ghost instead of some other way.


If these ghosts are useful in other ways, figure out what those other ways might be and buy the appropriate powers/talents. Does Wellington hang around giving annoying advice all the time? Maybe the character has Danger Sense defines as Wellington shouting "duck" every now and then. Perhaps that guy from the auto accident a few months ago wouldn't mind looking around the corner for you (Clairsentience). And what if Gladiatrix suddenly bellowed "No! Like this!" and manifested in the physical world and kicks the but of the VIPER agent standing next to you (Follower)?

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Re: Waking the dead?


Okay so give me some ideas for nifty uses of powers?


Perhaps the Gladiatrix fuses with her when she goes into combat, she could have a few OIHID powers. Armour, Gladius & Shield. Maybe a few heightened stats


Some kind of tactical mastery from Wellington, all combat levels & Danger sense.


If she met a mathematician she could perhaps learn some advanced mathematics, like folding reality, Teleportation maybe from Sir Isaac Newton.


This is obviously still at the ideas stage.

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Re: Waking the dead?


Once the character picks up a trick from a ghost, do they have it from then on, or do they only get to use it while the ghost is "fused" with them?


If it's "once they've learned it, they've got it" sort of thing, then I'd go with Dust Raven's suggestion of a Contact at the Organization level; and with that in mind, you could justify nearly any sort of power you want.


If they only get to use non-Knowledge powers (the ability to mathematically 'fold space' and hence Teleport, things like that) while the ghost in question is with them, you might want to consider a VPP with "Requires A Contact Roll" in place of "Requires A Skill Roll" to change Powers -- to represent getting the attention of the appropriate ghost. You could further limit the pool to "only Powers that have been previously researched/practiced", meaning they'd have had to have put in some time training with a given ghost on a particular stunt before they can use it.


The other thing to keep in mind is that if they only have "powers" when fused with a ghost...is there a way to keep that from happening? Would certain types of barriers, wards, hallowed ground, and so on prevent a ghost from getting to them? Could a ghost be exorcised / dispelled / banished to deprive them of their powers?

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Re: Waking the dead?


Where I'm at so far.


She has the power to talk to ghosts (bought as a contact, detect or telepathy havn't decided which yet..)


Maybe even interact physically with them. (Str bought with affects desolid adv)


She has one ghost that she has a special affinity for, the Gladiatrix ghost whom she invites into her body during combat (a bunch of combat abilities bought with OIHID and not on holy ground. Also Ghost armour sword and shield which work in both the real world and v ghosts. Desolid on the Sword and power & ego defence only v undead with the armour maybe)


She also learned the ability to fold reality from Newton(Teleport)


From Wellington she learned tactics and warfare (Perhaps All combat skill levels usably by others as she directs combat as well as Danger sense)


The VPP is out as I'm planning to give this character to a relative newbie and I think that VVP's are a bit too complicated for him.

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