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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Subtle signs that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland no longer finds your antics amusing.


She simply states, "Knock that off. I didn't tolerate that kind of crap from the Falklands, and I won't tolerate it from you."

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Subtly signs Death Tribble and Teh Bunneh visited your city.


"City? There was a city here?"


"Yeah, see all the pr0n remnants amid the scattered debris?"


NT: Tools unexpectedly useful in repairing your back yard fence.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Not so subtle signs that Foxbat doesn't find your antics amusing.


Step One: A truck with an alarming number of wheels backs into your driveway.


Step Two: The back elevates, dumping millions of ping-pong balls into your garage.


Step Three: The truck drives around the corner.


Step Four: The ping-pong balls explode, filling the whole house with a stinking purple mist.


Step Five: You see Foxbat in the branches of a nearby tree laughing his fool head off.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


He goes on national TV and radio and has stories printed in the press and magazine saying that yoy are a stinky head.


(I heard the following this morning and have to do it)

NT: Highly Inappropriate songs for the first dance at the wedding between Bride and Groom. Examples are 99 Problems by Jay Z and Big Mistake by Natalalie Imbruglia.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: What RexMundi is going to do to BoloOfEarth if he finds out Bolo has been dissing Dr. Pym again.


Make him catalog Janet Van Dyne's wardrobe. By hand. With a pencil and paper.

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