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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Signs that your new science teacher may be a mad scientist...


He's ME! Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! :eg:


New Topic: Things I can do to convince my students that I really AM a mad scientist. (Difficulty: Things you can physically and legally do in a high school science class.)

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Show the third graders how a gummy bear screams when you light it on fire...


I bet a bunch of you are gonna try it now, huh?



-leaving my first reply as it's just twisted, but I didn't see the "high school" in the NT...


How about dropping a glass of water on the ground, letting your mouth gape open in horror, screaming like a girl, and running like hell out of the room?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Get arrested by the police for speeding. assuming of course they can catch said particle.


"But officer, I was only going 300,000 km per second. That's not technically a violation of the law!"


/off topic

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Okay, since nobody's been able to answer this for the last two days, I'l complete the trifecta and offer a new topic.


NT: Particle Man' date=' Particle Man. Does whatever a Particle can.[/i'] What can a Particle do, anyway?


A particle can can-can...can't it?


New Topic: Questions you wish you'd seen on a final exam in school.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


New Topic: Questions you wish you'd seen on a final exam in school.


"The answer to this question is B."


Long explanation under spoiler:



My high school chem teacher taught two sessions of the same intro chemistry class, and gave both classes the same assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. He also told the students that both classes were graded on the same curve together, so the students in the first class would only be hurting themselves by letting people in the second class know what the answers were.


Despite this, a group of students in the first class were passing answers to students in the second class. So the teacher decided to put a stop to it.


One day, he gave the first class a multiple choice test, to which *every* answer was "C". He then gave the second class a multiple choice test to which, not only was no answer "C", but some of the questions were "The answer to this question is B". Of course, the cheaters had heard that every answer was "C", so they just filled in the answers without reading the questions. With "questions" like that, it was hard for them afterward to claim they didn't cheat.



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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Okay, since nobody's been able to answer this for the last two days, I'l complete the trifecta and offer a new topic.




A particle can can-can...can't it?


New Topic: Questions you wish you'd seen on a final exam in school.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?



NT: (LOL) What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: "...And that' date=' kiddies, is how we used the internet before virtual reality."[/quote']


"Keyboards? What in the world are keyboards?"


NT: We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with _______. Let's see if they notice the difference! (Difficulty: no coffee references)

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with _______. Let's see if they notice the difference! (Difficulty: no coffee references)


NT: We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with double-sided tape. Let's see if they notice the difference!

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with _______. Let's see if they notice the difference! (Difficulty: no coffee references)


We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with boards with house and car keys glued on them. Let's see if it makes the trolls any more coherent!

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with _______. Let's see if they notice the difference! (Difficulty: no coffee references)


We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with detonators to explosive devices placed all over the city. Let's see if they notice the difference!


New Topic: Why did the ostrich cross the road?

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