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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: What were the name and powers of your very first Champions character ?


At GenCon, I played Flashpoint in Champions Offline. She was a bratty little flamethrower.


The first character that I have started working on is for a campaign I'm telling. His name is Voltage and he's a bunch o electricity. He's a human lightning rod, being struck 437 times in his life (he claims that the first time was when he got his powers)


OH YEAH! New Topic!: How would you take over the world?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


At GenCon, I played Flashpoint in Champions Offline. She was a bratty little flamethrower.


The first character that I have started working on is for a campaign I'm telling. His name is Voltage and he's a bunch o electricity. He's a human lightning rod, being struck 437 times in his life (he claims that the first time was when he got his powers)


OH YEAH! New Topic!: How would you take over the world?

Free kittens and internet to every subject.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Simple. Kidnap and hold to ransom most celebrities and sports people and therby blackmail the media and government to follow my demands. For without sport and entertainment to cheer them up the people will rise and riot and destroy their government and the people who have kept them deluded, the media

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


New Topic!: How would you take over the world?


I don't know; none of my plans ever work. What do YOU think we should do tonight, Pinky?


New Topic: Unusual things to bring to a family barbecue. (Difficulty: No food.)

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Subtle signs that Yogi Bear has lost his mind. (Difficulty: no violence)


He becomes the manager of the New York Yankees.


New Topic: Best way to prepare for my first day of teaching on Monday.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


He becomes the manager of the New York Yankees.


New Topic: Best way to prepare for my first day of teaching on Monday.

Anti-acid, headache relief (Extra-Strong) and a list of at least five reasons why every course you're teaching would be useful in a job.


Because none of my teachers ever knew.


New topic: *Peaceful* uses for that atomic bomb. Limitation: Must explode it, -2.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


"This'll make the biggest ditch you'll ever see in your life!"


(Admittedly, using atomic weapons to dig a canal is like using a shotgun to kill cockroaches, but that didn't stop some engineers from actually suggesting it.)


NT: Unexpected ways to deal with that asteroid careening towards the Earth.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


"This'll make the biggest ditch you'll ever see in your life!"


(Admittedly, using atomic weapons to dig a canal is like using a shotgun to kill cockroaches, but that didn't stop some engineers from actually suggesting it.)


NT: Unexpected ways to deal with that asteroid careening towards the Earth.

High-powered, solar-powered laser. Not to destroy the asteriod; to use the 'solar sail' effect and hot gas venting to shift its trajectory by a percent or two.

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