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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Signs you really shouldn't have sent your son to Military School.


He returns home and announces, "You know all those things you did that screwed me up when I was young? I've just spent four years learning self-discipline, weapons skills, and the strategy and tactics necessary to plan and execute an operation with military precision. They're never going to find your bodies."


New Topic: Things to make Herophiles smile on an August weekend.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Which "Farscape" character are you ? If you've never seen "Farscape" pick any Science Fiction show character.


Almost every online test I've ever taken says I'm Malcolm "Captain Tightpants" Reynolds, but I see myself as more the Shepherd Book type.


Sorry, misread the question. I'm probably most like Pilot.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Tennessee has just seceded from the Union. Either why did they do it or pick one of the consequences.


Because it worked out so well the last time they did it. :rolleyes:


New Topic: President Obama had his Beer Summit this week. What's next on the schedule?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Other corporate sponsorship ideas for the government.


Sadly, everything government does (at least in the US) is sponsored by one corporation or another. To keep people from realizing this, these corporations have renamed themselves 'Political Action Committees'.

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