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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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  • 2 weeks later...

New Topic:  You just won the lottery!  What crazy way do you spend $1 million of your jackpot?


Donate it to a political candidate/party because they're finally going to be the ones the change the culture of Washington DC!


New Topic: Foxbat's newest Master Plan™ involves next Monday's eclipse! What's the plan?

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New Topic: Foxbat's newest Master Plan™ involves next Monday's eclipse! What's the plan?

Steal a spaceplane and use it to disrupt the Moon's orbit so that all the people gathered to watch the eclipse get a message in Morse Code that reads "WE ALL LUV FOXBAT!:FOXBAT IS CUL! FOXBAT ROX!"


That he would be messing with cosmic forces beyond human comprehension has never stopped Foxbat before!

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New Topic: Foxbat's newest Master Plan™ involves next Monday's eclipse! What's the plan?

Five hours of massive traffic jams along the eclipse track, during which time he can do as he wants because an entire slice of the country three hundred miles wide all the way across the continent is stuck behind bridge repair projects with truly moronic traffic control schemes for bypassing the one-lane road conditions.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The announcers keep saying Polly even though no one there is named Polly.


The middle response of the prievious topic isn't posted until the last response of the next topic.


NT Worst ways to cover that your new character for the game is just a famous superhero your ripping off.

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