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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Use the aircraft catapult to fling 2016 US Presidential candidates into the sea.  Tell them they get extra delegates the more distance and hang time they get.


NT:  Subtle signs that your next door neighbor is a deep cover agent for a different country.  (Specify the country they're working for, as well as the subtle sign, please)

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NT:  Subtle signs that your next door neighbor is a deep cover agent for a different country.  (Specify the country they're working for, as well as the subtle sign, please)

You know that your next door neighbor is a German agent because he responds to a sneeze with "Gesundheit". 

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NT:  Subtle signs that your next door neighbor is a deep cover agent for a different country.  (Specify the country they're working for, as well as the subtle sign, please)


You know that your neighbour is a Canadian agent because although he is insufferably polite, there are a ton of Molson cans in the back of his black van, eh?

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NT:  Subtle signs that your next door neighbor is a deep cover agent for a different country.  (Specify the country they're working for, as well as the subtle sign, please)

Your neighbor is eating all these incredibly rich foods yet remains thin as a rail. Might he be a deep-cover French agent?


NT: Subtle signs your next-door neighbor still thinks it's the British Invasion era.

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NT: Subtle signs your next-door neighbor still thinks it's the British Invasion era.

He's still upset that that Pope after John Paul didn't choose the Papal name George Ringo.


NEW TOPIC: What's for dinner at Avengers Tower tonight?

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Make all men wear a cleavage window as well.

Off topic: With as many cheap shots as women take about plumber's crack, I sincerely doubt she'd do that. In fact, her next archnemesis might be the one to do that.


On Topic: Starship-class disintegrator cannon mounted in your car, with energy reserves for many hundreds of uses. Clear the congestion!

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NT: Ways to avoid the rush hour

Teleportation. It's not that much more expensive than Running, really, and having Fixed Locations would make it easy to get to the office.


NEW TOPIC: Subtle signs that Petey the Stone Cold Penguin, the official mascot of the sport of Curling, is now your Representative in Congress / Parliament / Althing / whatever.

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NEW TOPIC: Subtle signs that Petey the Stone Cold Penguin, the official mascot of the sport of Curling, is now your Representative in Congress / Parliament / Althing / whatever.

The floor of the House of Representatives is surprisingly slippery, resulting in some rather embarassing pratfalls during speeches (except for Petey's -- Petey can handle it).

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NEW TOPIC: Subtle signs that Petey the Stone Cold Penguin, the official mascot of the sport of Curling, is now your Representative in Congress / Parliament / Althing / whatever.

The final tally of Senate votes for the rights of Penguins to eat humans was 1 to 99.


NT: Reasons that a High School Student may have a 0.0 GPA.

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