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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: People who should never put out a rap album. (Difficulty: No saying 'everybody' or the like.)


Pardon me, you forgot the "c" at the beginning when you typed "rap". ;)


And, in answer to the topic: William Shatner. No, on second thought, he might actually make rap palatable to me.


NT: Songs or types of music that William Shatner could improve by performing them.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Favorite Pirate Past times


Grogging, wenching, and plundering. Pretty much the same as any corporate executive or legislator these days.


New Topic: Surprises in store for Pariah at this week's Parent-Teacher Conferences.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Creative ways to start your own business


Start with a video camera, a restaurant-sized oven, and a bikini model who can bake delicious cookies. You can figure out the rest from there.


New Topic: Things that would be more fun if they glowed green.

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