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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: I knew it was going to be a bad day when I found ______________ on my doorstep when I went out to get the paper.



I knew it was going to be a bad day when I found a reanimated Bea Arthur on my doorstep when I went out to get the paper.


NT: Best zombie movies that haven't been made yet.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Best zombie movies that haven't been made yet.


Zombie Moulin Rouge!


NT: The NFL Season proper is about to start. What happens first ?


Brett Favre has a bad game, the ESPN folks profess their undying love for him anyway.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


I knew it was going to be a bad day when I found Marilyn Manson trying to be shocking on my doorstep when I went out to get the paper.


NT: The NFL Season proper is about to start. What happens first ?

Pre-season and advertisements. Training, too.


NT: The newest roleplaying game out in 2010 is _________?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: The newest roleplaying game out in 2010 is _________?


FATAL 2K10! The best FATAL yet!


Which, admittedly, is not saying much.


New Topic: Biggest surprise arising from the Disney Corporation purchase of Marvel

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Social occasions that would be ruined by a sudden visit from Galactus. (Difficulty: no planet-eating)


"I finally get the sweet, smart cheerleader I've loved from afar since the age of 12 to go to the prom with me, and this big purple guy steals her away to be a herald or something! This blows!!"

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Soicial occasions that would be ruined by a sudden visit from Galactus. (Difficulty: no planet-eating)


A wedding as all the photoes shows Galactus's boots or boot.


NT: In revenge for posting at almost the same time as the Tribble in this thread, what does the fiery eyed tentacled one do to Cranial Spasm ?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: In revenge for posting at almost the same time as the Tribble in this thread' date=' what does the fiery eyed tentacled one do to Cranial Spasm ?[/quote']


Crosses her name off his Christmas card list, which is a shame, really, because Death Tribble's Christmas cards are always so sweet and comforting.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


A wedding as all the photoes shows Galactus's boots or boot.


NT: In revenge for posting at almost the same time as the Tribble in this thread, what does the fiery eyed tentacled one do to Cranial Spasm ?

Writes a long and detailed letter of complaint, which is so meticulously written that english professors weep for joy and logic professors spend years in complete awe.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: In revenge for posting at almost the same time as the Tribble in this thread' date=' what does the fiery eyed tentacled one do to Cranial Spasm ?[/quote']


Viciously, cruelly, and callously create a new topic about it in the NGD Scenes From a Hat thread.


NT: What is one thing that should never, ever be mentioned in the NGD Scenes From a Hat thread?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: What makes you happy ?


Every ultrasound that shows our little girl's developing normally.


New Topic: Suggest something geeky that Pariah should buy for his little girl when she arrives in late December.

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