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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Great Caeser's Ghost ! Delaware just vanished ! Why ?

Washington DC just claimed eminent domain and annexed it.

(They figured it was the only way they'd be sure of getting those House and Senate seats they've been quacking about.)

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Where does Tyrannon store the worlds he conquers?

He keeps them in the pockets of his gigantic billiards table.


(Pluto was really taken off the list of planets last year because it was destroyed in a wicked game of cosmic 9-ball.)

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Where does Tyrannon store the worlds he conquers?


In the dresser drawer that says "Planets" in his languauge. which is rather embarrassing because the lettering is exactly the same as the word for "Underwear", and occasional;ply when he's in a hurry he finds himself with Jupiter on his head instead of tightie whities at the Cosmic Ubervillain parties.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Signs that the poor schmuck with the job of writing the Champions comic book really didn't want to job in the first place.

"Ok, ok, I'll write your damn super-hero book. Just make sure you spell my name right. It's MILLAR, with an A, not an E."







"Ok, who do I get to kill?"

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat



The opening thesis for Foxbat's new Master Plan


"I, Foxbat, being of sound mind and body. Hey, what's 'sound' mean? How does my mind 'sound'? My body sure sounds. *PFFFTTTTBLAAAAAATTTT* HAHAHA! Did you hear my body sound? Did you? Did you?"


Champions Universe ad campaigns featuring Burger King's The King.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Songs on Black Paladin's album (can be any genre from Rock to classical to Country and Western


Good Ship Lollipop done with heavy-metal instrumentation & arrangement


NT: "Let's step outside and settle this like gzarmphztls! ___________ at seven paces!"

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