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Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?

Darren Watts

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


Something I just now thought of:


At least a couple of characters with no clearly definable country origin, but who simply wander the planet and can be encountered anywhere. Swamp Thing or the Phantom Stranger could be templates for such individuals.


And for the Phantom Stranger's character sheet all you need is a blank piece of paper and the comment "The Phantom Stranger doesn't go in for this sort of thing."



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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


To "L Marcus" Scandanavians boring ? Really ! When i was populating my world with Super Heros I put one of my most powerful groups in Scandanavia (Actually at Skagen on the northern tip of Denmark). Two Swedes. two Norwegians, a Dane and a Finn. None of them are boring !

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


i hope you touch upon totem animals of the reserve indians and the aboriginal dreamtime.


I hope that this suggestion will be ignored.


Indigenous cultural material is not in the public domain. It is the intellectual property of the members of the respective cultures, and should not be used without permission.

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


I hope that this suggestion will be ignored.


Indigenous cultural material is not in the public domain. It is the intellectual property of the members of the respective cultures, and should not be used without permission.



'Touching' upon said material is not a problem. Article 29 of the UN's DRAFT DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES state's:


Article 29 Intellectual Property

Indigenous Peoples have the right to own and control their intellectual and cultural property including indigenous sciences, technologies, genetic, seeds, medicines, flora and fauna, languages, literature, designs and visual and performing arts.


And, just to be clear, "intellectual property" is defined as: any product of the human intellect that is unique, novel, and unobvious (and has some value in the marketplace).


* an idea

* invention

* expression or literary creation

* unique name

* business method

* industrial process

* chemical formula

* computer program process

* presentation


So it ain't gonna be a problem to talk about that stuff.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


Indigenous cultural material is not in the public domain. It is the intellectual property of the members of the respective cultures' date=' and should not be used without permission.[/quote']



On behalf of my fellow Native Americans (except Nightfly, who doesn't count), I hereby give Hero Hames permission to exploit my native culture as it sees fit, as long as a quality book comes out of it.

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but if there's going to be some supers from Japan, I'd like to see a sumo Super. In fact, I'd like to see one that is a SPD 8 or 9. But please, don't make him look like a Mr. Olympia contestant. Keep him strong, but keep him fat, like the vast majority of sumo wrestlers.


I remember going through school thinking sumo wrestlers were just fat, until I actually saw one do a "slap" on a punching bag. Very loud and very powerful. I was informed that these guys were very strong, but muscle lies underneath fat, which they also had (yes, I was one of those people in junior high/high school that didn't realize you could be fat and have muscles underneath).


As for the high speed, there's two reasons. One, it would be very atypical for bricks to be that fast; Two, one of my best friends from high school (who was obese and strong, but no sumo) played a very fast sumo in V&V and the nostalgia would be just great. ;)


Unlike kenjutsu and ninjutsu (which I'd still like to see), Sumo is the national sport of Japan. Maybe in his down time, he plays golf. :D

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but if there's going to be some supers from Japan, I'd like to see a sumo Super. In fact, I'd like to see one that is a SPD 8 or 9. But please, don't make him look like a Mr. Olympia contestant. Keep him strong, but keep him fat, like the vast majority of sumo wrestlers.


I remember going through school thinking sumo wrestlers were just fat, until I actually saw one do a "slap" on a punching bag. Very loud and very powerful. I was informed that these guys were very strong, but muscle lies underneath fat, which they also had (yes, I was one of those people in junior high/high school that didn't realize you could be fat and have muscles underneath).


As for the high speed, there's two reasons. One, it would be very atypical for bricks to be that fast; Two, one of my best friends from high school (who was obese and strong, but no sumo) played a very fast sumo in V&V and the nostalgia would be just great. ;)


Unlike kenjutsu and ninjutsu (which I'd still like to see), Sumo is the national sport of Japan. Maybe in his down time, he plays golf. :D


Let me second the motion. I've always thought a cool Japanese superhero would be a sumo wrestler who manifested superspeed. Imagine sumo maneuvers performed at mach 2. . .

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


On behalf of my fellow Native Americans (except Nightfly' date=' who doesn't count), I hereby give Hero Hames permission to exploit my native culture as it sees fit, as long as a quality book comes out of it.[/quote']

I'll throw my hat into the ring.

Exploit the Scotch-Irish-Norwegians all you want ;)

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


How about a team of adventurers who explore the submerged ruins of Atlantis? Not necessarily a high powered team, but someone who could come in and aid the PCs whenever they seem to have an underwater adventure. "Don't worry, I know just who to call."


How about an alien robot frozen a thousand feet beneath the Antarctic ice waiting ever waiting for someone to thaw the ice and set it free?


How about an advance scout of an alien culture slowly working to prepare the way for the conquest of Earth? Someone who considers subtlety a deadlier weapon than any power. Someone who manages to manipulate all the heroes best efforts to his own benefit.


How about Jim Clancy, The Toughest Cabbie in the Entire World?

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


OK, so I was being a bit precious about the indigenous stereotype thing. There ya go. I still don't want to see a lot of it, but I'll stop being a PITA about it...


I'll throw my hat into the ring.

Exploit the Scotch-Irish-Norwegians all you want ;)


You're descended from whisky?

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


Hmmm' date=' I think this thread has officially jumped the shark a few posts back...[/quote']

:nonp: Oops. :think:


Okay, well, how about, if there is a super-fast sumo themed character, he goes by some name like Tectonic Plate, but in Japanese. I've seen many a sumo with names referencing the mountains, but I believe that alludes to them not being able to be moved; this guy would be different, since he feels the need for speed.


Of course, he couldn't compete in the official sumo matches any more.

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


Hey all! I'm about to start working on Champions Worldwide' date=' the next supers sourcebook, so it's time to chime in with your thoughts. Here's the basic specs: between 75-100 characters total, from around the world but not including the UK and Canada (since both will eventually get their own sourcebooks.) It'll lean somewhat more heavily on the bad guys, but there will be a solid mix of heroes in there too. Organizations, government teams, and other "Superhuman World" stuff will also be covered, though we're not going to go into numbing detail or try to define the entire Tiger Squad roster. Good guys get full write-ups in the front, but the bad guys only get publically-known info there; full sheets and nasty secrets go in the GM's Vault. So let's hear it! dw[/quote']


Looks like either you've already gotten some of the stuff I'd like, or others have already posted siimilar to what I'd suggest anyways. I definitely want to see and learn more of the characters who are named abroad in Champions Universe 5th Ed (Stryker from Poland, Moonfire from Germany, etc). Sounds like you've already got that covered.


This has probably been mentioned, but I think some things should be left open for GMs to use as reasons to have a PC group start up where an NPC group might have failed. If, for example, a new "Defenders of Mexico" team were wished by a GM, it would be handy to have a patron or other hook in the book to make his job that much easier.

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


Perhaps some characters that have powers but choose to live "normal" lives instead of fight crime. Things like:


  • The brick who uses his strength to move heavy loads around on the dock
  • a speedster self-employed as a courier/delivery guy
  • a cop who posesses senses keen enough to sniff out drugs, explosives, spot smuggled weapons, etc.
  • a teacher that can impart knowledge telepathically
  • a doctor with healing abilities or at least senses to aid in determining medical problems (x-ray eyes, microscopic vision, etc.)
  • a bartender who really *can* solve the problems who pour their hearts out over a drink.
  • you get the idea...


Essentially a league of non-super supers, perhaps employed by the same agency. Perhaps just people who decided to use whatever abilities they have to make a living (much like professional athletes...).

Personally I think that this type of approach is interesting enough to warrant its own sourcebook.


As far as World Wide Supers goes I would like to see South and Central America get some attention.



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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


:nonp: Oops. :think:


Okay, well, how about, if there is a super-fast sumo themed character, he goes by some name like Tectonic Plate, but in Japanese. I've seen many a sumo with names referencing the mountains, but I believe that alludes to them not being able to be moved; this guy would be different, since he feels the need for speed.


Of course, he couldn't compete in the official sumo matches any more.

Just teasing, I couldn't resist!


- and 17 pages is pretty darn healthy if not old age for a thread, at least a nonpolitical one

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Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


what i would really like to see out of this and future releases, are characters built on the base 350pts with higher powered and lower powered options, similar to Doctor Destroyer from the old Classic Enemies...


also, keep in mind that not every group plays high powered campaigns...our group rarely exceeds 250pts when starting a campaign and mor often plays at 200pts...we've been with Champions and the Hero System since its inception and we have learned what works and what doesn't...


another thing...try not to over-complicate when building characters/vehicle/etc...in the old days, it wasn't necessary to sell off an jet plane's "running"...it simply didn't have it...


also, keep in mind that the characters you publish are likely to be dropped into an existing campaign that may or may not be fully in the Champions Universe...some generalities would be nice...

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