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Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


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You KNOW your players always wanted to fire an energy blast at Jennifer Lopez, and now they can. Jennifer is ready to drop into your campaign world along with a hidden twist/terrible secret.


10 STR

27 DEX

15 CON


13 INT

13 EGO

20 PRE

16 COM

8 PD

8 ED



30 END



Chracteristics total 121




10 - +5 PD/+5 ED armor, OIF leather suit

35 - 2d6+1 (3d6 with STR), HKA, Armor piercing, 0 END, OAF mace

5 - 10" swinging, OAF swingline




20 - +2 Overall skill levels (almost used exclusively for DCV in combat)

4 - +2 OCV with mace

Classic comic book martial arts

4 - Martial strike

5 - Offensive strike

4 - martial block

4 - martial dodge

24 - +4 damage classes

3 - acrobatics 15-

3 - breakfall 15-

3 - climbing 15-

3 - seduction 13-

3 - stealth 15-

2 - PS: Bad dancer 11-

2 - PS: Bad actress 11-

2 - PS: Bad singer 11-

2 - KS: Social climbing 11-




10 - Wealthy

20 - Hollywood contacts and favors, set up to fit your campaign.


Powers, skills, and perks total. 168 points




10 Public ID: Jennifer Lopez

15 Secret ID: Really IS Jennifer Lopez

20 Goes to any lengths to keep up the masquerade of being a only one person who is not a villianess (common, strong).

10 Vain (Common, moderate)

10 Watched by tabloids, less powerful, NCI, 14-

20 Enraged if anyone causes body damage (makes her bleed), 11-, 11-

20 Casual Killer (common, strong).


Disadvantages total. 105


Total points 184








The Jennifer Lopez twins were born on July 24th, 1970 in the Castle Hill section of the Bronx in New York City. Her parents were originally from Puerto Rico, with their father working in the computer industry and their mother a kindergarten teacher. They grew up listening to tasty Latin beats and dreaming of becoming a dancer. For reasons that are still not exactly clear their parents decided to pass off the twins as a single child. To this day no one outside the Lopez family knows that "Jennifer" is actually two different people.


It is amazing how successful two people working at improving the life of a single person can become. Jennifer was able to accomplish scads more than any normal person because she had the ability to be in two places at once.


She climbed the social ladder and worked her way into the entertainment industry. She had little in the way of actual talents, but she was somewhat attractive and was able to go out on twice as many auditions as others, thus she continued to climb.


Whenever Jennifer wasn't social climbing and working on her career she was training in secret to become a master criminal. Jennifer was determined to be successful in one way or another. Her training paid off, and she was able to become a very deadly combatant. Her lack of any actual superpowers, or even superhuman abilities (other than her dexterity and speed), keep her from going toe to toe with Grond, but she can be very deadly against lighter characters.





The Jennifers are motivated by the sheer love of money, power and fame. They WILL be famous and powerful, and look out for anyone who tries to stop them. When in Actress/Singer guise Jennifer is generally friendly and nice, while in supervillian guise she is cold, ruthless and evil.


Her supervillian guise never claims a name at all. The tabloids and the news media have picked up on the fact that there is an unnamed supervillian who looks just like Jennifer Lopez, and indeed will even answer to that name, but no one actually thinks it is really her.


Jennifer will do anything to protect her secret. Anyone outside her family who finds out the truth will be killed. Her manager doesn't know, her agent doesn't know, and her ex-husbands didn't know.


When asked about the supervillian that looks like her she always says, "How could anyone think that is me? My butt is much smaller than that".





Jennifer usually fights with a big spiked mace. She selected this specific weapon after seeing how effective it is in a movie. If deprived of the mace then she will fight with martial arts.


Jennifer has a very low defense/con and thus is fairly easy to KO. She knows this and often wastes half her phases dodging, swinging around and otherwise avoiding damage and trying to set herself up to get a good hit in with her mace. She will avoid brick/type characters at all costs and instead will try to pick off other martial artists.


She usually tries to set up her criminal activities so that she will have an airtight alibi. So her crimes will never be anywhere near her home and will tend to happen while her other half is on television, or otherwise out in public.




Jennifer Lopez looks exactly like, wait for it, wait for it, Jennifer Lopez. In supervillian guise she always wears a tight black leather outfit which is mildly armored.




All the tabloids claim the two Jennifers to be the same person, but none of them suspect that there are two of them. She is often linked to Foxbat in supervillian guise, although the two are not currently involved.




Jennifer is indeed two separate characters with identical character sheets. There is not a good one and an evil one, they simply switch off.

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


I wanted her to be an incredible pain in the ass, yet easily squashable, which is why I gave her a NASTY armor piercing killing attack, but at the same time gave her minimal defenses.


The best use for J-Lo in the campaign is not to center the scenarios around her, but instead just keep slipping her in at inopportune moments. She isn't going to attack the whole party head on, but she might very well be allied with other villians and wait patiently in the shadows to make a single attack in the middle of a complicated melee, before fleeing. Then the characters will have to decide if they should chase down J-Lo or continue fighting the big bad.

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Well that's different. :)


I can't say that I ever thought of turning J-Lo evil (well, eviller), but she wasn't really a major "star" when I was GMing.


I did have this plan to use KISS as a "touring DEMONhame" of sorts. Make their tour manager the Morbane, the KISS Army is full of Brothers and Initiates, and of course the members of KISS get the powers they had in KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park. Maybe the 4 members have a "group power" to bring their music to life, transforming random fans into embodiments of some of their more popular songs: Deuce, Strutter, War Machnie, God of Thunder, etc.

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Jenny from the block


Just my opinion, so take it for what it is worth.


I would be slightly tempted to increase CON. Let’s face it, dancers are in good shape and we are exaggerating here. Along those same lines I would increase EGO since we are talking about such a strong willed and determined individual. I would reduce COM to 14. I would say most people that find her appealing are attracted to her charisma (PRE) and body (CON).


I am not really feeling the mace. Seems heavy and slow for a dancer. I might have gone with a whip or staff. Even knives would add to the flavor of the parody. We are talking about Jenny from the block after all.


I would admit that she is a bad singer. I would argue, although I could easily see your point that she is a questionable actress. I think you have to give props to her skill as a dancer. I would also add PS Choreographer.


I am not a big fan of J-Lo so I hope I do not come off like I am trying to defend her or anything. I thought this write-up was quite good. I would love to see more celebrity write-ups just for fun.

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Ok, Jennifer Lopez went into action for the first time tonight.


Foxbat had challenged the parties Batman clone to a public duel since they both have the same schtick, and he doesn't like that.


Thousands of people showed up for the duel. Foxbat manages to knock down the Black Knight in his first phase, at which point Jennifer Lopez swings down from her hiding place and strikes him with her mace.


She rolled a 17 Body (out of 18 possible) and got a STUN multiple of 5. It was an armor piercing attack to boot, so the Black Knight spent the rest of the fight in lala land. The group's speedster managed to take care of her in short order, while the NPC archer drained all Foxbat's END with her 1d6 RKA linked to 5d6 END drain.


And then the mole people showed up!!

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Ok, Jennifer Lopez went into action for the first time tonight.


Foxbat had challenged the parties Batman clone to a public duel since they both have the same schtick, and he doesn't like that.


Thousands of people showed up for the duel. Foxbat manages to knock down the Black Knight in his first phase, at which point Jennifer Lopez swings down from her hiding place and strikes him with her mace.


She rolled a 17 Body (out of 18 possible) and got a STUN multiple of 5. It was an armor piercing attack to boot, so the Black Knight spent the rest of the fight in lala land. The group's speedster managed to take care of her in short order, while the NPC archer drained all Foxbat's END with her 1d6 RKA linked to 5d6 END drain.


And then the mole people showed up!!

I used JLo this weekend too. I even stole someone's comment. She swooped in, smacked the bajesus out of LavaLad and yelled 'THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR J-LO!" Thank god we aren't face-to-face otherwise I would be covered with die shaped bruises.


It was lots of fun. JLo started the evening as the entertainment for the Policeman's Ball, where the heroes were attending as a duel investigator/guest. It was only after the fight broke out that JLo whipped out her microphone-mace.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


This is, of course, a very welcome thread.


After all, there's always room for J-Lo. ;)


Given the universal and standard-issue comment regarding her, ah, assets,

one wonders how there could possibly be room for J-Lo anywhere with-

out violating some law of physics or another.


Major Tom :winkgrin:

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Man' date=' one hit and I'm down. ONE FREAKING HIT!!!! I get flashed for a round so I can't attack that round, and then I'm hit by J-LO. That's it, that's my for the fight. Man it sucked....[/quote']

Dude, you're not in my group!


Cheater!! Fibber!!


Are you? No, you can't be. None of them read these boards.


Hmmm. JLo must be kickin some ass all across the realms.




Bri? Is it you?

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


That's it, maybe we should have a "celebrity writeups thread"...


Shakira and Selma Hayek should be listed as professional rivals, and Jennifer Garner(who in the game world should be an actual ninja/secret agent) should be listed as a romantic rival for the affections of hopelessly untalented Ben Affleck.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


I just thought of an Entangle that the PCs could use to pin J-Lo in place long

enough to lay a major smackdown upon her:


Using their street contacts, the heroes let it be known that they'll be at a

certain location (one that she's sure to show up at). Once the evil J-Lo

arrives, the heroes seal off the entrances and exits, then lure her into an

auditorium that also has a stage. After she's there and in position, the

heroes spring their trap, raising the curtain to reveal... Sir Mix-A-Lot, who

immediately launches into a performance of "Baby's Got Back".


Caught off guard by this (decidedly twisted) ploy of the heroes, the evil J-Lo

has no choice but to dance to the music, leaving her at a major DCV penalty

(which the heroes immediately take advantage of by nailing her with a massed

volley of every EB/NND attack they can get away with. After that, it's Miller



It's amazing what you can come up with at quarter to Three in the morning...


Major Tom :sneaky:

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Did it happen that way in your game too?

Yeah. Brian got flashed and then stomped HARD by JLo. She critted.


I should actually post this over on the quote of the week,


Brian: "OH! My spleen! I'm gonna go grab a coke. Beep me if needed."

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Yeah. Brian got flashed and then stomped HARD by JLo. She critted.


I should actually post this over on the quote of the week,


Brian: "OH! My spleen! I'm gonna go grab a coke. Beep me if needed."


LOL I thought it was going to be a simple "There can be only one Batman" fight. Foxbat hits me with a flash ping pong ball, that's fine I'll start whooping him next phase. Then J-Lo hits me with a mace. 85 stun armor piercing on a character made to not exceed any normal characteristic maximums. Oh yes, also only built on 300 points (instead of 350).

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Had you CHECKED Short Bow's mailbox you might have found the letter with the key to the new base.


Give me an IDEA of what you would spend some points on, some will be going on the base and such.


Basically, now that I have seen the characters in action it is time to fix a few problems with them, and they NEED a base, the whole meeting in people's apartments and stuff is way lame.

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  • 5 months later...

Paula Abdul


Thread necromancy strikes again!


I thought I would add one of my favorite celebrities. I may follow up with a super-powered version later.


Paula Abdul


Val Char Cost
10 STR 0
12 DEX 6
12 CON 4
8 BODY -4
10 INT 0
13 EGO 6
10 PRE 0
14 COM 2
2 PD 0
2 ED 0
2 SPD 0
4 REC 0
24 END 0
19 STUN 0
7" RUN22" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 16




Cost Skill
1 Acrobatics 8-
1 KS: Gene Kelly 8-
2 PS: Cheerleader 11-
5 PS: Choreographer 14-
5 PS: Dancer 14-
2 PS: Singer 11-
Skills Cost: 16


Cost Perk
1 Arsenio Hall Favor
1 Brad Beckerman Favor
1 Emilio Esteves Favor
6 Money: Wealthy
4 Reputation: American Idol Judge (A large group) 11-, +2/+2d6
2 Reputation: Choreographer (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +2/+2d6
1 Reputation: Singer (A medium-sized group) 8-, +1/+1d6
Perks Cost: 16




Total Character Cost: 48


Val Disadvantages
15 Hunted: Tabloids 14- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
10 Physical Limitation: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

Disadvantage Points: 25


Base Points: 50

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian


Why do we need a Jennifer Lopez writeup when we've already got that crappy Sapphire character to work with?


Well, duh. Obviously, it's so they can do one of those Zoolander walk-offs or something equally brain-damaging. Alternately, so you can have Sapphire date Ben Affleck causing Dark J-Lo to team with Jay and Silent Bob to stop them.

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