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Odd Champions campaigns


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Just a thread to throw out some unususual ideas for Champions settings.


Galactic Dark Champions: The characters are elite law enforcers or vigiliantes working in a galactic setting but without the cosmic power levels. They should either have levels of training or very esteoric abilities to offset the power of technology in the setting such as magic, super martial arts or psionics.


Mystic Street Level: A Dark Champions campaign but focused the mystical side of things. All the characters have magical origins and their adventures revolve on the occult.


Golden Age Iron: A campaign set in the traditional time period of the Golden Age (World War 2) but with Iron Age sensibilities. Probably fairly dark and grittly raising issues of racism, warfare and mortality.


"Iron Age" Champions: Literally, a game set in the distant past. Or even Stone Age Champions. Any historical game set in a period other then the Old West or World War 2.


Champions Thru time:Similar to the above, A generational game that starts at the beginning, the genesis of superhumanity and continues to the modern day and beyond. Players play the descendants of their original characters over time.



Just some ideas I've had in the past, any others that would be cool to toss out?

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Nice I do use a lot of Urban fantasy on occasion for dark champs....how about Romantic Magiacal Girls:Dark champs? (Man I'm getting a headache) You know Sailor moon gritty crime fighters...."Oh how can I go to the prom!My boy friend is trading sexual favors to feed his drug habit!"

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Nice I do use a lot of Urban fantasy on occasion for dark champs....how about Romantic Magiacal Girls:Dark champs? (Man I'm getting a headache) You know Sailor moon gritty crime fighters...."Oh how can I go to the prom!My boy friend is trading sexual favors to feed his drug habit!"


Hey, I like that. Could be cool....

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


I have always thought a world where the gene for super power lies with females only could be interesting. But how would it impact the world if since WWII, if it was women who were the strongest, fastest and powerful beings on Earth?




Ps. A normal group like the IHA would be the Witchhunters

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Just a thread to throw out some unususual ideas for Champions settings.


Galactic Dark Champions: The characters are elite law enforcers or vigiliantes working in a galactic setting but without the cosmic power levels. They should either have levels of training or very esteoric abilities to offset the power of technology in the setting such as magic, super martial arts or psionics.


Mystic Street Level: A Dark Champions campaign but focused the mystical side of things. All the characters have magical origins and their adventures revolve on the occult.


Golden Age Iron: A campaign set in the traditional time period of the Golden Age (World War 2) but with Iron Age sensibilities. Probably fairly dark and grittly raising issues of racism, warfare and mortality.


"Iron Age" Champions: Literally, a game set in the distant past. Or even Stone Age Champions. Any historical game set in a period other then the Old West or World War 2.


Champions Thru time:Similar to the above, A generational game that starts at the beginning, the genesis of superhumanity and continues to the modern day and beyond. Players play the descendants of their original characters over time.



Just some ideas I've had in the past, any others that would be cool to toss out?


Fun ideas all. :)


Recently I've been thinking of doing Adventure Movie Champions set in the 1950s. Players could put together any super with power levels equal to the Supers of the 1940s and 50s movie serials and radio shows. Superman (a 350 point version), Captain Marvel, Flash Gordon, the Shadow, El Santo, Roy Rogers. Bad guys would be thugs in bad suits working for insane rulers of underground empires.


Read a great web site a few years ack about a funky 1970s Supers campaign. Wish I could find it. :)

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Zero point Champions: I never got a chance to play in this, but a friend of mine ran this campaign over a summer years ago. Essentially, you play a zero point normal, plus any disadvantages you're willing to take...assuming you're daring enough. It's from those disadvantages you get all your powers and skills.


From speaking to the players and GM later, I missed out on something odd, yet fun.

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Mystic Street Level: A Dark Champions campaign but focused the mystical side of things. All the characters have magical origins and their adventures revolve on the occult.


If I ever get to actually run another Champs game, that same basic concept is tied for #1 on my list of campaign types.


(Most of the top-notch role-players I used to game with have moved away. Stupid post-college adulthood. Even the "worst" of that bunch was far better than most people I've tried to game with.)

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


We are currently involved in a cross-over. We decided to take a break from Champions about a year ago. I'm using the same campaign setting, but instead of Champions in 2076, its normal heroic character in 1884.


For the setting and time period the characters ARE the superheroes of the day and age. Its quite refreshing and a great deal of fun.

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


I'll admit this is neither my idea nor particularly odd, but it bears mentioning:


Start with the assumption that super-problems will be, as much as possible, handled with existing procedures and organizations. Then ask yourself what the following have in common: demons from the inferno, aliens from other planets, time travellers, powerful former Nazi supervillains, and incomprehensible beings from beyond the veil of reality. Well, they're all here causing trouble . . . and none of them are U.S. citizens.


This looks like a job for INS, Division Six.


The players would be members of Immigration and Naturalization, doing the same thing all their colleagues do: tracking down illegal aliens and deporting them. Their aliens just come from a little farther away.



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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Mystic Street Level: A Dark Champions campaign but focused the mystical side of things. All the characters have magical origins and their adventures revolve on the occult.

In other words, a "Hellblazer/Books of Magic" style campaign.

Golden Age Iron: A campaign set in the traditional time period of the Golden Age (World War 2) but with Iron Age sensibilities. Probably fairly dark and grittly raising issues of racism, warfare and mortality.

Godlike has that sort of campaign setting.

"Iron Age" Champions: Literally, a game set in the distant past. Or even Stone Age Champions. Any historical game set in a period other then the Old West or World War 2.

I believe there was a Mythic Greece supplement for HERO once upon a time. I think I have that book somewhere in fact...

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


In other words, a "Hellblazer/Books of Magic" style campaign.


Godlike has that sort of campaign setting.


I believe there was a Mythic Greece supplement for HERO once upon a time. I think I have that book somewhere in fact...


I never claimed that these ideas were completely unheard before just that they would be odd and interesting ideas for Champions settings. :)

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


This campaign idea could easily be powered up to Champions levels (right now it is more Urban Fantasy).




I have some variations on this, including Silent Mobius Zeta, which uses a mix of magicians and cybertech:




And, of course, the Galactic Champions martial artist campaign:



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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


I've always wanted to do Post-Apocalyptic Champions. Logically enough, superheroes would stand a better chance of surviving a nuclear war than normals. There would be pockets of civilization, but lots of evil badness of the post-nuke variety.

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Just a thread to throw out some unususual ideas for Champions settings.


Galactic Dark Champions: The characters are elite law enforcers or vigiliantes working in a galactic setting but without the cosmic power levels. They should either have levels of training or very esteoric abilities to offset the power of technology in the setting such as magic, super martial arts or psionics.


I like this idea - could be a good "GDC" campaign or a good Star Hero campaign (just remove costumes). Space-pirate hunting vigilantes, busting up alien slave rings, etc.

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


The Atlantean Age is a "superpowered high fantasy" sort of campaign setting' date=' where spellcasters are almost like comic book superheroes. It has a culture that mixes swords and crossbows with [i']orichalcum[/i]-powered flying ships and similar techno-magical wonders. Think Barsoom or Jack Vance's "Dying Earth" with a touch of superpowers.


A Fantasy Champions campaign using the above setting would be interesting.

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


A Fantasy Champions campaign using the above setting would be interesting.


I ran one as part of my generational campaign (started with cave men, ended in 1950). We did the high points of the history of my game world; the players loved the Atlantis and Mythic Greece segments.

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  • 3 years later...

Re: Odd Champions campaigns


I like this idea - could be a good "GDC" campaign or a good Star Hero campaign (just remove costumes). Space-pirate hunting vigilantes' date=' busting up alien slave rings, etc.[/quote']

i know of one hero who'd fit in well here i beleve his name has been established as thadeus ghostal in other words..


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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Post-modern Surreal Realism: No one provably has super powers before today, now nearly 10% of the world's population is enhanced with new or improved abilities, about 90% of them very low-level, but about 1-in-a-million is at standard superhero level. What happens next?

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


Ok, how about "How did I do that?" Champions? PCs are 25 + 25 point talented normals. Tell them if they want to try having something happen or not happen that would require super powers they can simply describe the effect and roll a dice. Depending on the dice roll (and whether the GM wants it to happen) the player now has the power with the active to do that, and it happens. The more active points it needs the less likely it is to happen. The GM can include any limitations on the power consistent with ít's first us. That way the characters don't use up their CP powers allowance too quickly. The players have no idea how many CPs of superpowers they can have. If at all possible the GM should use an existing power or one that fits with a PC's existing power to achieve the result a player wants.



The PC's are quitely having coffee in a university coffee shop when a armoured agent bursts in spraying laser fire. Helen's character Monica throws a chair at him and tells the GM she wants this to be effective against him if it hits, she and it does. The GM rolls for power effectiveness and says ""The guy utters a sort of grunt as the air is expelled from his lungs by the impact. His gun goes flying as he's thrown 3 metres through the window and keeps going. People look at you in amazement. You just used 10 END". GM notes on Monica's Form '+50 STR, thrown objects only". If he wants he can cancel that limitation later.


More agents pile in and Mark's PC, Chandler, wants to grab the first agents gun. The GM decides he's close enough but as soon as he grabs it he gets shocked by it's boobie trap. Mark tells the GM he doesn't want that to happen and rolls. The GM tells him "Ok retcon, the gun didn't shock you, instead as you pick it says 'new user, granting superuser access, all modes activated' you can use the gun"". Notes on Chandler's form "Major Transform machines only, to machine that allows Chandler access and control.".

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


a campaign where the characters buy a lot of perks.


squads of soldiers, platoons of APCs, loyal minions, huge estates.

the PCs are in control of a lot of men and materiel,

and the GM can have events and attacks affect them

both on and off table

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


a campaign where a cataclysmic setback of Takofanes sets events in motion. A setback, not a defeat, mind you.


Five of Tak's old buddies are stirred from their sleep deep in the mountains of Georgia (Asia or Appalchia, your choice)


These are all old undead archetypes, laid to rest long ago when Tak. was consolidating his power. They were of course rivals, and he had to get rid of them, but not kill kill them because of vengeance, karma, etc.



a vicious ghost from old country, immaterial, powerful,

able to walk though walls and minds with equal ease.



A powerful wight with a an aquatic bent, he can swim and maneuver in water in a way no dead thing should be comfortable there. he can track, fight, etc.

(think undead aquaman aragorn)



a continental ghast possessing disgusting powers over the rotten. he can mark by scent, track by scent, curse the living, and bash in brains with ease.



the one wizard who stood a chance against Tak back in

the before time. he's now a lich with a score to settle. wide variety of metallic, earthen, and stone powers.



acually a vampire of a strange blood-line, many will be his unwilling servants. cadaverous looking, with great acting and disguise in spades.


make up other undead master types to suit


Now these five are not evil per se, they are motivated to zap Takofanes if at all possible. this can make for some gingerly talked out negotiations with the "superhero" PCs.

these guys are gross, and utterly distasteful to the average spandex-wearer, but they may be "allied" with.


What do the Fearsome Five want?

Revenge? Power? Final Rest? New Life ? Redemption ?

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Re: Odd Champions campaigns


I played in a short-lived but very fun game: near-future noir.


The setting was a colony world in the future that was going through a fad; it had advanced technology, but it was all disguised to look like 1930's tech. The PCs had been hired to help a young heiress prove her innocence after being charged with her husband's murder. At the end of the first adventure (where we'd cleared her but hadn't solved the crime), the PCs became an investigative agency, run by the heiress as a way to continue the search for the real killer.


The team included a hired killer, a professional driver, a con-man, and a psychic investigator. Lots of plot twists and turns. It was like cyberpunk without the chrome.


I remember watching Cowboy Bebop a few years later and getting flashbacks to the game.

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