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Stargate Hero


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Re: Stargate Hero


I thought you'd have used total body transformed to calculate the number of Workers and Warriors available...


Yeah, that would have been one way to go, but I felt that the BODY deployed into constructs was not going to be spending time Transforming more raw material.


The Warriors are too busy warring and the Workers are already getting a bonus to the Transform.



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Re: Stargate Hero


The problem with the way you do it in the file is that you risk the occasional blip where the number of workers drops...I think about the 20th iteration whereas using total BODY the numbers can only increase with time (unless the heroes are doing their job and taking them out....)




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Re: Stargate Hero


The problem with the way you do it in the file is that you risk the occasional blip where the number of workers drops...I think about the 20th iteration whereas using total BODY the numbers can only increase with time (unless the heroes are doing their job and taking them out....)





I could put in a conditional statement that makes sure that the Wroker value does not decrease at all.


This would mean that the workers will be built at a detrement to Warriors.


I'll have to give this a go and see how it affects the growth.


You've hit a point there that this whole exercise is a little pointless, as it doesn't take into account how much damage is don eby the PC's. I think that this process should be used for people to decide what variables they like that give the results and speed they want.



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  • 6 months later...

Re: Stargate Hero


Try these:


SG team, jaffa and tok'ra character templates:



Full character sheets for SG-1 team members, in HTML and Hero Designer format, plus martial art package prefabs:



Discussion and stats for weapons:


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