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Stargate Hero


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Re: Stargate Hero


I am currently in a Stargate Hero game - will be going Friday night to deal with it. We don't have writeups for the big 4 because the game goes that Daniels and O'Niel were captured during the first time to Abados (the movie) and we were sent in to find them a year later. They're now being deprogrammed from being Ja'fa (complete with snakes in bellies).


Gotta love those alternate timelines. It's a blast - especially since we don't have to make the 'bonehead' manuvers in order to fill an hour's show (why don't they ever, or rarely ever, use ATV's? :P)

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Re: Stargate Hero


Great work on the write-ups.


One thing that cccurred to me during the revising of O'Neill, was that he ought to have an overall level that only applies while taking "the direct approach".


Something that popped into my head now, is that Carter really is a very smart character, but I wonder if maybe her INT should be a bit lower, but with a level or two on INT rolls (or maybe just "all science skills")? Also, the Scientist skill enhancer wouldn't be out of place.

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Re: Stargate Hero


Great work on the write-ups.

Thanks :)



One thing that cccurred to me during the revising of O'Neill' date=' was that he ought to have an overall level that only applies while taking "the direct approach". [/quote']

Sounds interesting, how would that work exactly? I'm not familiar with that mechanic.



Something that popped into my head now' date=' is that Carter really is a very smart character, but I wonder if maybe her INT should be a bit lower, but with a level or two on INT rolls (or maybe just "all science skills")? Also, the [i']Scientist[/i] skill enhancer wouldn't be out of place.

I went with the high INT as I saw in the Sidekick character stats examples that 14-20 was Einstein level, and everyone is always saying that she is the best scientist in her field. And she is this series 'Data' or 'Spock' character. :)


Again how does that work with the level on Scicnce Skills? Is that and the Scientinst enhancer in Sidekick?


I'm off to check now....


Cheers for the feedback


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Re: Stargate Hero


Sounds interesting' date=' how would that work exactly? I'm not familiar with that mechanic.[/quote']

It's just a matter of applying the Conditional Power (or Limited Power) limitation to the skill levels. Some GM's are okay with it, other's aren't. Personally, I think having situational bonuses adds to a character's uniqueness.


In this case, when a situation involves technical or political matters, or requires subterfuge, Jack isn't comfortable with it. He isn't incompetant in those areas (okay, maybe in technical areas, he is), it's just not his schtick. When it comes down to arguing the the core point of a debate, to say nothing of throwing down, then he really shines (i.e., gets to use his conditional levels).


I went with the high INT as I saw in the Sidekick character stats examples that 14-20 was Einstein level' date=' and everyone is always saying that she is the best scientist in her field. And she is this series 'Data' or 'Spock' character. :)[/quote']


I don't have sidekick, but...

Intelligence represents a character's ability to take in and process information quickly. It does not necessarily reflect knowledge' date=' or lack thereof (a character could be a genius or ignorant and still have an INT of 10). INT has more to do with processing and reacting to information than raw learning.[/quote']

So, yeah, she'd probably have a slightly higher than average INT, but I think if anyone on the show displays that sort of immediate, intuitive comprehension of new information, it would be Daniel, especially early in the series.


All IMO, of course.

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Re: Stargate Hero


It's just a matter of applying the Conditional Power (or Limited Power) limitation to the skill levels. Some GM's are okay with it, other's aren't. Personally, I think having situational bonuses adds to a character's uniqueness.


In this case, when a situation involves technical or political matters, or requires subterfuge, Jack isn't comfortable with it. He isn't incompetant in those areas (okay, maybe in technical areas, he is), it's just not his schtick. When it comes down to arguing the the core point of a debate, to say nothing of throwing down, then he really shines (i.e., gets to use his conditional levels).


So something like this would be it?


5 real points

+1 Overall (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only applies when taking "The Direct Approach"; -1)



So, yeah, she'd probably have a slightly higher than average INT, but I think if anyone on the show displays that sort of immediate, intuitive comprehension of new information, it would be Daniel, especially early in the series.


All IMO, of course.


That's what I'm here for :)


Good point, so about 16 points would be sufficient?




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Re: Stargate Hero


You could buy a 5 point skill level "+1 with Science Skills"


If I would do anything stat-wise it would be to bump her EGO to a 13-14.


So it is acceptable to group the skills like that for the 5 pointer?


It doesn't explicitly say that in the book, but it makes sense, the only other thing I could think of would be to have +1 on all background skills, this effects KS, SS, and PS.


Just read the EGO description again and that makes a lot of sense, thanks, once more to the HD machine......




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Updated Sam


Hi all


After reading the feedback here is an updated version of Sam.


Captain Samantha "Sam" Carter




Val** Char*** Cost
13** STR 3
13** DEX 9
12** CON 4
12** BODY 4
16** INT 6
14** EGO 8
12** PRE 2
14** COM 2
4** PD 1
4** ED 2
3** SPD 7
5** REC 0
25** END 1
25** STUN 0
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM02 1/2"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 49




Cost** Skill
5** +1 with Ranged Combat*
5** +1 with a group of similar Skills*
3** Combat Piloting 12-*
3** Computer Programming 12-*
3** Demolitions 12-*
3** Electronics 12-*
3** Inventor 12-*
7** PS: Astrophysicist 16-*
4** PS: USAF Captain 13-*
3** Scholar*
2** 1) KS: Codes and Cyphers (3 Active Points) 12-*
2** 2) KS: Computer Interfaces (3 Active Points) 12-*
2** 3) KS: Computer Security (3 Active Points) 12-*
2** 4) KS: Military Science (3 Active Points) 12-*
3** Scientist*
4** 1) SS: Astrophysics 14- (5 Active Points)*
4** 2) SS: Goa'uld Technology 14- (5 Active Points)*
4** 3) SS: Mathematics 14- (5 Active Points)*
4** 4) SS: Physics 14- (5 Active Points)*
4** 5) SS: Software Engineering 14- (5 Active Points)*
4** 6) SS: Stargate Technology 14- (5 Active Points)*
3** Stealth 12-*
3** Survival 12-*
3** Systems Operation 12-*
0** TF: Combat Aircraft*
3** Tactics 12-*
5** WF: Small Arms, Goa'uld Weapons, Knife, Unarmed Combat*
Skills Cost: 91


Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Military Rank - Captain*
4** Fringe Benefit: Ex-Host [Notes: Being an ex-host of a Tok'ra Symbiant means that Sam can use Goa'uld technology that others cannot activate. Another side effect is that Sam now also possesses the ability to sense the presence of Naquida.]*
Perks Cost: 7


Cost** Talent
3** Lightning Calculator*
Talents Cost: 3



Total Character Cost: 150


Val** Disadvantages
5** DF: Military Uniform (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Virtually Everyone)*
25** Hunted: The System Lords 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Passionate About Science (Common, Moderate) [Notes: This character is emotionally involved about a certain specific subject. When talking about this subject, he speaks emphatically and with great emotion. When acting toward this subject, he does so with verve and zest. His enthusiasm for the subject seems boundless, and he never backs off of it if he can help it. The frequency is determined by how common the subject is. In order to avoid acting in this manner, the character must make an Ego Roll.]*
20** Soc. Lim.: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Woman in a Man's Galaxy (Occasionally, Severe) [Notes: Many cultures encountered through the Stargate consider women to be inferior, this beliefs make it harder for Sam to interact with them.]*

Disadvantage Points: 75


Base Points: 75

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0



Please feel free to comment





Sam HD File

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Re: Stargate Hero


Speaking of Stargate stuff, is there a Hero write-up anywhere of how to do a Replicator? I figure they are all built with a form of Summon - another Replicator, built using available materials. A creature with Summon that can call forth more creatures with Summon as well would seem to fit their setup. Anyone written them up in Hero?

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Re: Stargate Hero


Speaking of Stargate stuff' date=' is there a Hero write-up anywhere of how to do a Replicator? I figure they are all built with a form of Summon - another Replicator, built using available materials. A creature with Summon that can call forth more creatures with Summon as well would seem to fit their setup. Anyone written them up in Hero?[/quote']


This has had me thinking all day :)


The only problem is I only had sidekick with me at work (it's smaller)


I was thinking that you'd need to stat the individual blocks, the small bugs, the big bugs, the queen bug and the people.


Obviously it makes sense to start with the individual blocks and that's what I have been pondering today. After a quick Google I have found some background onfo on the Replicators that is quite helpful e.g. you need at least 2 blocks to make a third.


In my head I thought it would be useful to find a quote from the show that says 'if you have 2 blocks within x hours you will have x more' That way it would be possible to work out the endurance costs required for the Summon or Duplication, which ever works.


I guess you would want an increased recovery with the limitation, only when materials are present to absorb. And it would be nice to balance out the END and time costs in sync with the shows technobabble.


As for the other bugs they would have, clinging, leaping, tunneling and some kind of acid attack. Resistant ED as Goa'uld weapons don't hurt them. Vulnerability to physical attacks, e.g. bullets. I also seem to remember that they couldn't 'tunnel' through Apohis' personal force shield.


Sorry there is not very much tangible there, just more of an idea of my current thought process. I'll post anything 'real' I come up with.




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Re: Stargate Hero


I don't know if you'd have to stat the small blocks. That would be almost like having to stat a human cell, or any other 'unit' in a hive-mind creature. I'd just build the various bugs, giving them the powers and vulnerabilities you listed. Then, just give every bug a Duplication power with the lims 'must have at least 2 building blocks' and 'duplicate is only as good (def) as raw materials.' Also, don't forget that the nanite replicators are also bullet proof (def. a good example of the desolid, only vs. PD attacks power).



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Re: Stargate Hero


I don't know if you'd have to stat the small blocks. That would be almost like having to stat a human cell, or any other 'unit' in a hive-mind creature. I'd just build the various bugs, giving them the powers and vulnerabilities you listed. Then, just give every bug a Duplication power with the lims 'must have at least 2 building blocks' and 'duplicate is only as good (def) as raw materials.' Also, don't forget that the nanite replicators are also bullet proof (def. a good example of the desolid, only vs. PD attacks power).




Ok, so rather than have the 'blocks' as a mechanic, just a GM ruling. So you could just have an idea of the rate of 'replication' and how quickly and easily they can create the bugs.


I guess that the benefit of this is you don't need to work out the mechanic of the blocks transforming into other shapes.


I think the lesson I will learn from this is that you don't have to build everything, plot and story and 'The GM says' has a useful place for filling in the gaps. :)




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Game mechanic for Replicators


For Replicators, how about a variety of Multiforms? You'd have one form with a lot of points (some big bug, the "true form"), then each successive Multiform would be smaller, maybe have fewer points, but have Duplication to represent that a big bug can break itself down into multiple smaller bugs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Daniel JacksonHi,Have been very busy for a while, spending some time figuring out how to host files off the forums after all the talk of server issues.However I've finally done a write up for Daniel Jackson.Here he is......Dr Daniel JacksonPlayer:

Val Char Cost
11 STR 1
11 DEX 3
12 CON 4
11 BODY 2
16 INT 6
14 EGO 8
13 PRE 3
14 COM 2
4 PD 2
4 ED 2
2 SPD 0
4 REC 0
25 END 1
25 STUN 2
6" RUN02" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 36
Cost Skill
5 +1 with a group of similar Skills
3 Conversation 12-
3 Cryptography 12-
3 Deduction 12-
3 Jack of All Trades
1 1) PS: Archaeologist (2 Active Points) 11-
1 2) PS: Lecturer (2 Active Points) 11-
1 3) PS: Researcher (2 Active Points) 11-
1 4) PS: SG-1 Team Member (2 Active Points) 11-
3 Oratory 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
3 Scholar
1 1) KS: Abnormal Psychology (INT-based) 8-
2 2) KS: Anthropology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 3) KS: Archaeology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 4) KS: Cartography (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 5) KS: Customs (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 6) KS: Dating Techniques (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 7) KS: Egyptian Culture (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 8) KS: Field Excavation (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 9) KS: Field Survey (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 10) KS: Goa'uld Customs (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 11) KS: Goa'uld Politics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 12) KS: Greek Mythology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 13) KS: History (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 14) KS: Linguistics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 15) KS: Mythology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2 16) KS: Norse Mythology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
1 17) KS: Paleontology 8-
2 18) KS: Primitive Cultures (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
1 19) KS: Psychology (INT-based) 8-
1 20) KS: Sociology (INT-based) 8-
2 21) KS: Theology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
3 Scientist
2 1) SS: Archaeology (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points)
2 2) SS: Dating Techniques (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points)
2 3) SS: Geology (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points)
2 4) SS: Geophysics (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points)
2 5) SS: Statistics (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points)
3 Survival 12-
3 Trading 12-
3 WF: Small Arms, Zat Gun
Skills Cost: 90
Cost Perk
4 Fringe Benefit: SG-1 Team Member
Perks Cost: 4
Cost Talent
20 Universal Translator 12-
Talents Cost: 20
Val Disadvantages
5 DF: Military Uniform (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10 Phys. Lim.: Allergy (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) [Notes: This character has a non-life threatening Allergy, such as hay fever. When the Allergy is active, the character feels ill. In the case of respiratory Allergies, the character suffers from watery eyes, a stuffy nose, and is constantly sneezing and coughing. Topical Allergies cause the character to break out in hives and constantly itch. Dietary Allergies cause the character to grow nauseous and can lead to vomiting, sweating, and balance problems.]
5 Phys. Lim.: Klutz (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 Phys. Lim.: Needs Reading Glasses (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) [Notes: A character with this Limitation doesn't have bad eyesight per say, he merely can't read small print without help. Otherwise, he tends to make stereotypical actions, like holding the written material at arms-length and squinting. This problem is easily correctable with glasses.]
15 Psych. Lim.: Must Help Those In Need (Common, Strong) [Notes: This character is driven to give aid to anyone in need. This can vary from feeding the hungry, sheltering the poor, treating the sick, rescuing the distressed, or freeing the oppressed. The character will become directly involved with the needy person's problems. For example, if presented with a battered wife, the character will become directly involved with helping her, possibly by removing her from the situation and maybe even confronting the batterer.]
15 Psych. Lim.: Sticks to His Principles (Common, Strong) [Notes: This character is steadfast in his beliefs and will not be easily persuaded to ignore his principles. He will not normally agree to any plans that run counter to his beliefs. To do so, the charcter must make an Ego Roll after hearing a very good reason. And even then, he will participate reluctantly. If the plans run counter to another Psychological Limitation the character has that isn't Total commitment, he must *also* make it's Ego Roll.]
20 Soc. Lim.: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)
Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 75Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 150

Height: 1.83 m Hair: Dark Blond
Weight: 100.00 kg Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Personality: Quote:Background: Dr. Daniel Jackson was approached by the military to decipher a mysterious hieroglyphic artifact which had baffled their scientists. He was successful in translating the images and the Stargate was activated, on their first mission Daniel joined the SG1 team through the "gate". Daniel holds a PHD in Anthropology and Linguistics which proved helpful when they arrived on Abydos. It was here he met his wife Sha'uri and decided not to return to Earth. Whilst on Abydos he had time to research a map room and brush up on his ancient languages. After O'Neill returns to Abydos and Sha'uri is kidnapped he decides to go back to Earth and join forces with SG1 to find his wife and her brother whilst exploring other planets. His humanistic, liberal approach is often in conflict with O'Neill's militaristic one. Some see him as a soft, brainy, clumsy scientist who carries a wide-eyed enthusiasm with him through every mission but its these exact qualities that his team members find so appealing. He was given the opportunity to ascend by Oma and decided that he could do more good that way and left the SGC. He was descended for his actions against Anubis and has returned back to his previous role in SG-1. Although he hasn't retained the memories/experiences he had as an ascended being, he has occassionally recalled an event which has proved useful to SG-1.Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: And the HD FileI'm also thinking about putting up a site for Stargate bits, so if anyone has any requests for it please let me know.CheersShem
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Re: Stargate Hero


Looks good, except you left off the languages. I forgot how many he spoke, but it was somewhere in the mid teens. Also, is this Jackson in the early series? If so, I'd probably take the Goa'uld KS skills down to 8- familiarities.


And if you're thinking about a web site, I'd be happy to give you a section over at starherofandom.



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Re: Stargate Hero


Looks very good, but I would probably roll all the skills into KS: Gou'ald 11-. He isn't that much of an expert. He knows more than most humans, but only what he has pieced together from artifacts. Teal'c knows alot more


I would also buy his linguistics above default. In the movie (which is part of the series continuity) he unlocked a translation in a few days that had confounded a team of experts for years. He is supposed to be among the best in the world.


I'd also add a psy lim "must save his love from the Gou'ald". Dr. Jackson spent the first several seasons trying to get his wife back from them. Then he spent another 2 trying to save a former girlfriend.

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Re: Stargate Hero


Looks good' date=' except you left off the languages. I forgot how many he spoke, but it was somewhere in the mid teens.[/quote']


I would also buy his linguistics above default. In the movie (which is part of the series continuity) he unlocked a translation in a few days that had confounded a team of experts for years. He is supposed to be among the best in the world.


Hmm, wasn't sure the best way to do the language sides, as he can communicate with nearly every race in the galaxy! Therefore I thought that the Universal Translator Talent would cover this without trying to define all the languages he knows.


Good point about the Linguistics, I will increase that.



Also' date=' is this Jackson in the early series? If so, I'd probably take the Goa'uld KS skills down to 8- familiarities. [/quote']


Looks very good' date=' but I would probably roll all the skills into KS: Gou'ald 11-. He isn't that much of an expert. He knows more than most humans, but only what he has pieced together from artifacts. Teal'c knows alot more [/quote']


I wasn't sure where to place him, more in the middle of seasons, I just know that it was going to be before he ascended. Good point about the Goa'uld knowledge though, will change that later.



6'0" may be about right' date=' but 220 lb is much too heavy[/quote']


Hmm, never been good at guessing physical charactersitics, would you say that a quarter off that would be about right?


Thanks to all for all the feedback.

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Re: Stargate Hero


My bad. Didn't see Univ. Trans. there. Given Jackson's language skills, as a GM I'd allow it. However, I'd probably add the limitations Spoken or Written Languages Only (-1/4) and some form of Requires Skill Roll (Linguistics) for unfamiliar languages (-1/4), even though UT already had a skill roll.



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Re: Stargate Hero


Hmm' date=' never been good at guessing physical charactersitics, would you say that a quarter off that would be about right?[/quote']


Close enough. Michael Shanks is fairly well built, I guess 75-80 kg (165-176 lb) would be about right. But I'm not good at estimating people's weight either.

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