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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle


Q-Champions 1

"There's the installation." Ken Gordo pointed with one finger. "All we have to do is get in there."


"We have to get past the cerebi first." Number Fifteen collapsed at the group's feet. A cloud of ash billowed up at the slight impact.


"It's my turn to carry him." Locq Reed raised her wand. "He'll probably deal with things by himself by the time we get there."


"Speak for yourself, Miss Reed." The Gun Knight streaked into the air, eldritch energies surrounding hands of gears. A blue cape spread like wings as his metal form streaked forward like a bullet.


"You're slow, Locq." Ken charged down the hill toward the stone wall, leaping across five feet gaps.


"I got Fifteen." Dwayne lifted the body to a shoulder. He freed his sword as he started down the hill. "You'll owe me."


Locq lifted her wand. She shot into the air after the Gun Knight and Ken. She struck out with a set of letters. Hideous creatures became visible for her. Number Fifteen struck out at one with a blade of light.


The six remaining champions started down after their comrades. Dwayne's sword glistened in the shrouded daylight. Rand summoned his metal fist, and arm, from the ground. Smith held his assault rifle ready, glasses covering his immobile face. Rank gestured his spear in existence, spinning the golden staff as he went down. He could stab through rock with it. Yuma and his possessing spirit Cairn merged so that the medium wore his ghost like armor.


Ghost Boy walked last, hands in the pockets of his jeans. His keen gaze belied the nonchalance of his stride as he descended the hill behind the rest of the survivors. It was hard to believe this was the last of the heroes of his world.


Number Fifteen's spirit form cut down the guard dogs with his flashing blade. Black mist made up his body, white skull his face. Everywhere he swung, the cerebi split in half.


The Gun Knight fired a beam of light from his gauntlets. The wall of the main building split apart. If he could get to the target, he could secure it until the others arrived.


Locq pointed her wand at another part of the facility. Letters of a spell struck out. Water formed a fountain pushing up out of the ground and through that building. The beam wouldn't last long. That should keep some of the enemies busy.


Ken pointed his pistol and blasted away the guard dogs that got in his way. He headed right for the door. Nothing was going to stop him.


"We might have a problem." Smith had his rifle's scope to his eye. "There's something big moving in the building to the right."


"Might be a dragon." Dwayne kept going, eyes open for threats. "We can't slow down to take care of it. We still have a pack of things chasing us."


"The others seem to have opened a door for us." Rand flexed his iron fist. "It looks like we might pull this off after all."


Taloned hands began popping out of the grounds around them as they walked. The champions broke off with Dwayne leaping into air. He brought his sword down. A crater appeared where he had stood seconds before.


Rand leaped forward, a jet erupting from his back. He landed down the slope and turned to face their new enemies.


Smith dropped explosives on a timer. He ran as one of the scaled hands caught the package. More of the arm came out of the ground. The bomb blew the arm off.


Rank jammed his spear in the ground. Flames ran down into the base of the staff. Monster parts blew away from the jet. The spear carried him toward the building.


Yuma and Cairn split the ground with spirit energy from their hands. That threw up even more of the zombies. They moved quietly ahead. Most of the walking dead seemed to try and converge on them as they walked after the others.


Ghost Boy walked last. His hands remained in his pockets as he moved forward. Occasionally he paused to crack open a skull with his foot. He whistled quietly as he went.


The Gun Knight entered the main building. He held up a hand. Arcane energy scrubbed the hall in front of him. His enemies had mastered the art of the ambush. He couldn't be stopped by anyone now that they had reached their goal.


"Who's slow now?" Locq Reed waved her wand in the central chamber. Letters lit up the scene.


"Watch out, Miss Reed." The Gun Knight raised his hand as he shouted his warning.


Tentacles reached down from the ceiling, exiting unearthly shadow above the machinery surrounding the cleared spot in the middle of the room. Locq blanched at the sight of the octopi arms descending toward her.


Then she raised her wand with a shout. Letters of flame struck inside the shadow, burning something there that should not be on Earth. DEMON had let loose all the evil it could before they had stopped things.


Too bad they were too late.


Number Fifteen arrived with the splitting of a watch dog's head. He looked around, then attacked the closest tentacles with his blade. Ichor drifted through the air as he cut.


Ken arrived next. He reloaded his pistol with his gunslinger's speed. He took aim at the tentacles but knew his pistol wouldn't do anything.


"Help me get the machine started, Mister Gordo." Gun Knight spent a second to clear one side of the room with a blast of light. "We can't let this thing distract us."


"What do you need?" Ken joined him at the controls. He held his pistol ready.


"Just start everything." Gun Knight started working the controls on his side.


"Be careful." Locq joined them at the controls, firing blasts of letters into the darkness. "We don't want to ruin this chance."


"I don't think we have a lot of time." Dwayne burst through the door, dumping Number Fifteen's body on the ground. "Just hurry it up."


The others joined the group. Smith unloaded a full magazine into the tentacles when he saw them. Yuma/Cairn sent spirit energy to join Locq's writing. The darkness broke apart to show them the monster's true face. Ghost Boy walked in at the moment. He pointed a finger and a ball of light blasted a hole in that hideous visage.


"I've been saving that one." Ghost Boy blew smoke from his finger tip.


"A little help here." Rand flew into the room and landed on his back. His metal hand held a distorted skull minus the rest of the body.


Rank appeared next, stabbing a ghoul through the face. Cuts covered his body. He smiled.


"I think its time." Gun Knight pushed a button. A vortex opened in the center of the room. "We can try and save the world before this ever happened."

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Re: The New Circle


Q-Champions 2


The Q-Champions are the last survivors of the heroes of their Earth. Demon almost won and almost destroyed the planet and reality as we know it. Heroes and villains joined to stop the invasion of otherworldly destruction. They banished the Kings of Edom, but only after a terrible cost.


Ninety percent of the world's population was dead, the planet had been reduced to a cinder, and things were left behind that were deadly to any known life.


The Champions learned of a time machine buried in a bunker by the war for survival. They agreed to journey back in time and change the time line to prevent the destruction of the Earth. Only now in the past, they aren't quite sure if they are on the same Earth in the past as their own Earth since certain things don't match up as they expected.


Still Demon remained.


The friends began working to uncover Demonhames, exposing any operation, wrecking anything that might lead to another Earth dead like theirs. This has led to undying enmity between Luther Black's minions and the travelers.


The Q-Champions wouldn't have it any other way.


The membership of the team consists of Dwayne, demon swordsman, Number Fifteen, spirit cutter, Locq Reed, sorcereress, Ken Gordo, gunslinger, the Gun Knight, a robot wizard, Smith, professional assassin, Rand, the man with the iron fist, Rank, the sunlight spear, Yuma and Cairn, a medium and his pet spirit, and Ghost Boy, resurrected delinquent turned defender of the world.


All these heroes except for Smith lost their friends, family, and lives thanks to Demon. They hold their battle as sacred even if this isn't their world after all.


The Q-Champions have set up their base in an old building in Millennium City. They have gone to a lot of trouble of allying themselves with most of the major heroes that operate in the world. They have done favors for Primus and Until. All this has been done to fight Demon day and night.


The Q-Champions have taken their partial knowledge of the future and turned that to making money off the stock market, as well as investing in companies that produced technology in their own world.


The only fly in the ointment is that none of their younger selves, or affiliates, are present in the current timeline. They have two theories to explain what happened. Neither are pleasant to contemplate.


One is they have crossed to an Earth where they didn't exist, and Demon does. That means to them that Demon is spread across the multiverse and trying to ruin all of creation.


-The other possibility is traveling back in time erased their timelines from existence. This might have caused reality to overwrite their allies and enemies into other people. This is bad because they had counted on their former teams to be their allies in the ongoing struggle with Demon, and they need the resources and powers their colleagues possessed in their home realities.


The Q-Champions are trying to recruit candidates that could be altered versions of their old friends. This has had mixed success since these people are not their friends at all.


Still the heroes are trying to win their personal war and inflict the most damage with the least use of their scant resources.


Other organizations have taken the information gained and done what they could with it. This has caused Demon to try and stop the otherverse heroes. They have tried assassination, framing, legal means to move the team out of their headquarters, mercenary assault, blackmail, and holding hostages. Dwayne has kept his group on course through thick and thin.


Dwayne has promised himself that he will hold Luther Black's heart in his hand. He doesn't particularly care which Luther Black he has to disembowel to get that piece of muscle. If he saves the world as a side effect, then so much the better.


The others have suffered as much as the demon swordsman. They all want their piece of the mastermind. They have already faced the brief touch of Edom. They won't let this happen to another Earth.


The Infernal Hierarchy, the Spirit World, and the Land of Legend, as well as numerous other universal forces are happy to add fuel to the vendetta's fire. They lose nothing by betraying Demon to the heroes, and some ties to their realms persist across realities.


They might not win the war, but losing won't be because they gave up in the face of the unstoppable. It will be because they died trying to save the universe.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle





Dwayne leaped back, sword ready. A black line spun in the sky above. Things made of angles swarmed down. Innocents ran for their lives.


It was the end of the world.


Dwayne looked around. His companions were protecting the civilians as best they could with their own special abilities. He had to buy time. Closing the rift in the sky would do that.


Dwayne reached into his quiet place. Wind wrapped around him. He raised his sword as the blade turned to blood. He sliced the air, hurling his will out with the blow.


A wave of energy slammed into the growing hole in reality. A duel commenced as the forces battled each other for supremacy. Finally a tentacle emerged from the rift. Dwayne's sword power dispersed with its touch.


Dwayne tried again. If he could destroy the thing's physical body, that might close the hole.


Dwayne watched the wave impact on the tentacle. Pieces of flesh rained down like fallout on the tortured earth. The wind ate at the eldritch abomination for two seconds more before the creature shook it off.


The tentacle descended on the earth. Reality warped around it. Dwayne struggled to raise his sword and strike again. The air boiled around him. He raised his arms to protect his face as the pressure picked him up and sent him flying. He struck a wall as it changed into a cloud of dark moths.


Dwayne picked himself up. Everywhere he looked people were dying. He growled in frustration. He should be able to stop this. His sword should cut through the thing and end this. He couldn't lose.


Dwayne called on a different power from his sword. He summoned ice shards and threw them at the tentacle. The spikes blew apart under the presence of the thing. Some of the lesser creatures had been caught in the storm. They vanished as they split apart from the blow.


The tentacle came down again. Pressure washed over Dwayne. His shirt and skin boiled away. Then the demon blasted along the ground. He tried to get up. His companions needed him. People burned away as he tried to get to his feet.


Someone screamed his name.


He looked to his right. Kay Gomi, his friend, rushed over to try and help him. She caught fire. She went up like a skyrocket.


Dwayne vented his fury. He dragged himself to his feet. He swung his sword again and again. Wrathful strokes of fire and ice rushed out from the blade as it sliced the air. The air became something more suitable for Venus than Earth. The ground split into rocks that bounced away from the conflict. The rift started closing.


Dwayne headed for the tentacle. He was beyond letting it go. He wanted it dead.


The tentacle retreated upwards under the fusillade. Dwayne knew he wasn't doing anything. He didn't stop. The fury wouldn't let him. Why was the thing leaving after doing so much harm?


The small creatures spawned by the invasion collapsed into small shards that drifted slowly to the ground. They just weren't strong enough to resist the twin effects of Dwayne's sword and the pressure of their master sharing the same reality. The tidal forces stole their lives even as the battlefield twisted around the changing humans caught in the conflict.


The tentacle disappeared from sight. The circle closed slowly. Dwayne could still see a line reaching to the horizon. Then the line snapped and faded too.


Dwayne looked around. He was standing in a ruin that looked like the surface of the moon. On the edge of the blast area, a single tree beat the ground with its limbs. Things that could have been people were anything. He hoped they were dead.


He didn't want to think they could still be alive and a puddle at the same time.


Dewayne examined the area for traces of his friends. One had died. Where were the others?


His companions were dead. He found them one by one. They weren't anything he considered living anymore. He sat down in the middle of the ruin and gazed at the sky. So many dead, and he still lived.


What about the rest of the world? He needed to know if the rest of reality had been saved. He got up and set a course. He started walking. He would find others somewhere who could tell him how the war was going.


Someone must still be fighting the Kings of Edom. Why else had the tentacle withdrawn? It surely hadn't because of him. His powers weren't that great.


Dwayne looked up at the sky. It resembled a clear window. Beyond it, things writhed and growled, shuddered and cried. He wondered how many people would go mad from that.


He certainly felt like he was.


Dwayne kept walking across the decimated land.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Dwayne

Real Name: Dwayne Kir

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: White/Green

Place of Birth: Boston

Date of Birth: 2/14/50

Height/Mass: 5'11/180 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

30 STR 40

45 DEX 25

40 CON 30

40 BODY 30

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

1 COM 12

PD 8

ED 6

5 SPD 4

REC 14

END 60



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Demon Powers 100 point multipower

4 Run: Flight 25' 50 pts only on solid surfaces (-1/4) 40 pts

10 Jumping: superleap 100' 100 pts

5 Dog's Nose: sense of smell + 50 perception roll 50 pts

5 Dog's Ears: sense of hearing + 50 perception roll 50 pts

1 Claws: hand killing attack 1d6, 15 pts

1 Fire Spit: energy blast 2d6 10 pts


5 LS: Immortality

26 Regeneration: 2d6 body, 20 pts reduced end (+½), persistent(+½), self only (-½)


13 Cloth of Fire: desolidification 40, only versus fire (-1), cannot pass through solid objects (-½), OIF (-½)


The Blade of The Wind 100 point multipower OAF (-1) sword 50 pts

4 The Wind Shear: Hand killing attack 6d6 90 pts OAF (-1), 45 pts

4 The Cyclone: ranged killing attack 6d6 90 pts OAF (-1) Gestures (-1/4) 40 pts

4 The Breeze: dispel magic 10d6 100 pts OAF (-1) Gestures (-1/4) 44 pts

4 The Hurricane: Ranged killing attack 3d6 45 pts area of effect Radius (+1) OAF (-1), Gestures (-1/4) 40 pts

5 Unhand the Wind: energy blast 10d6 50 pts no range (-1/2), nnd (must be Dwayne, +1) lockout (-½) 50 pts


21 The Breeze's Bite: ranged killing attack 4d6 60 pts, linked to dispel (-½), gestures (-1/4), OAF (-1)


Cost Skills

15 + 5 OCV with multipower

3 Tracking 12-

Kung Fu

4 Block

4 Disarm

4 Dodge

3 Legsweep

5 Punch

3 Throw

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 KS: Kung fu 12-

2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

3 KS: Cooking 12-

2 Land Navigation 12-

3 KS: DEMON 12-

3 KS: The Demonic Hierarchy 12-

3 AK: The Northeast 12-

3 AK: The Underworld 12-

3 AK: Land of Legend 12-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Climbing 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Shadowing 15-

2 Survival 12-

3 Fast Draw 15-


15 +6 Lightning Reflexes

27 Danger Sense, out of combat, immediate vicinity


5 Contact: Uncle Flea (Spirit Advisor) 11-

6 Contact: Chapman Kir (demon half brother) 8-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Psych limitation: hatred of Demon

10 Psych limitation: Looking for lost love

5 Secret: Loses powers during a new moon

15 Physical limitation: Can't use demon powers during new moon, loses half of physical attribute points.

10 Physical limitation: mystic aura.

10 Reputation: DEMON hunter 11-

10 Rivalry with other DEMON enemies.

25 Hunted By DEMON 11-

25 Hunted by Circle of the Scarlet Moon 11-

15 Watched by the Trismetgus Council 11-

10 Vulnerable to Sonic Attacks


CHA Cost = 196

Total Powers Cost = 262

Total Skills Cost = 142

Total Cost = ______600____________

Background Information: Dwayne Kir grew up the son of a demon and a human mother in a quiet neighborhood in Boston. His strength and quickness made him a natural at sports, but he had problems with the local mystics that detected his half-human nature and wanted to wipe him out.


Dwayne met his brother Chapman, during one of these conflicts. Chapman had more of his father's power while Dwayne was more like his human mother. Naturally this led to fights between the two brothers whenever they came together. Only their advisors have been able to separate them and keep them on whatever goal they were chasing.


Dwayne met Kay Gomi, an apprentice priestess, during an adventure. The two of them began traveling together. Kay helped her friend gain the Blade of the Wind in a vault in a misty underworld.


The two of them were joined by others. They focused their attention on fighting another half-demon intent on reshaping the world. Their quest blinded them to DEMON and Luther Black's goal of releasing the Kings of Edom.


When the world was destroyed, Dwayne traveled the new realm. He gathered a new cadre of companions. They strived to protect the last of humanity from the monsters roaming free.


One of their members found an archive dealing with time travel experiments before the great disaster. The members of the Q-Champions searched for the site. They didn't know what would happen. They hoped to change the world by preventing the summoning.


Upon arrival, the Q-Champions found their personal histories were wiped clean as if they never existed. For Dwayne, this meant his brother and advisor didn't know him in the slightest. Kay Gomi, his best friend, had vanished also.


Dwayne made friends for the first time with his brother, and has enlisted his advisor to advise him once again. His group chases DEMON while he looks for his lost love. Both seem hopeless tasks.


Quote: "I'm going to slice and dice you."


Personality: Dwayne is the calmest of the heroes assembled. He tends to cut through his problems with the magic weapon given him by his father. His main goal of trying to find Kay in the rewritten history has led him into confrontations with demons around the world.


His enemies know he's looking for something besides the nearest DEMON hame, but so far he has kept what secret. He has also kept his other secret from others outside his circle of friends. If DEMON knew he was powerless three nights out of the month, they would move all their operations to those days to take advantage.


Appearance: Dwayne looks like a normal guy with white hair and green eyes. He wears a red and white poncho that allows him to walk through fire. It also conceals the Blade of the Wind from view until he needs it.


Powers: Dwayne has inherited some of his father's demonic strength, toughness, and agility. He can run along any surface, leap great distances, and follow someone's scent for yards, maybe miles. His spit can be used to set things on fire.


Dwayne's major weapon is the Blade of the Wind. It can cut like a regular blade, fire bolts of chilling wind, dispel magic while cutting at a target, and fire needles that fill up a sphere around a victim.


Plot Hook 1) Dwayne believes he has found his true love finally. He has two problems with this. This Kay Gomi is a master thief. She works for DEMON. Dwayne turns to the PCs to help sabotage Kay while trying to find which hame she is operating for in the campaign city.


Plot Hook 2) The Q-Champions are missing. DEMON is running rampant in their base city. Chapman Kir asks the PCs to deal with the problem while he is looking for his missing half-brother. Can the heroes deal with the massive monsters and magic unleashed by the servants of Edom?


Plot Hook 3) The Q-Champions are trying to form a DEMON task force. They invite the player group in to help with a flanking maneuver against several DEMON drug factories. DEMON decides to retaliate and destroy as many of the heroic meddlers as it can. Then VIPER gets involved to help the heroes out. Who is on whose side after that? And what do the independent magicians and master villains think of it all?


GM's Note: Dwayne Kir is based on Inu-yasha.

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Re: The New Circle


Locq Reed

Locq Reed held her staff in front of her. Words wrote themselves on the air as she cast spell after spell against her rival Lee Clow. He answered her with several definitions of his own, diverting her magic around him.


The world outside their dueling ring exploded. Things shifted and changed as they watched inside their circle. The city stretched upwards like giant fingers reaching for the moon. Then the first of the Edomites arrived, killing anyone who were left alive after the first touch of their monstrous masters.


"We can settle this later." Locq dismissed her magic. "I have to help anyone caught up in this."


"I agree." Lee Clow dismissed his side of the circle. "When we have done what we can, we will merge to be as one as we are destined."


"We have to live long enough to argue." Locq took to the air, buoyed by her word FLY.


Lee smiled as he pointed at something that would break a lesser mind. DESTRUCTION wrote itself on the angular beast. It blasted apart. He started walking, glowing staff in hand. Words wrote themselves wherever he looked.


Locq flew across the tortured land. She wrote out her spells as she tried to protect the people caught flatfooted by the monsters appearing out of rips in reality. She shattered the beasts wherever she could.


She finally harnessed enough energy to create a circle around all of the survivors that she could gather under her wing. A fortification grew around that spell as countermeasures were put in place. She knew in her heart that it wouldn't stop one of the things reaching for the Earth with slimy tentacles.


Lee Clow appeared a month later. He had been changed by the eldritch energies he had been exposed to in his long walk across the ruined Earth. His very body seemed to be composed of their precious words come to life.


"It's time, Locq." Lee raised his staff with dripping fingers. "You have saved all that you can. It's time for us to merge as we were meant to do."


"I told you, Lee." Locq raised her own staff. "I'm not interested."


A circle closed around the two combatants. Words flew as the two magicians searched for weaknesses. After a few exchanges, Locq wrote EMPTY BOOK. The blank pages sucked Lee in before he could muster a defense.


"We were never meant to be." Locq picked up the smoking book. She carried it into the center of her protective circle and ensconced it in a place of honor so that it would keep protecting the survivors she had gathered.


"I'm going to search for other survivors." Locq smiled at the fear and worry on the faces of her people. "We're going to push this enemy back to where they came from. I ask you all to do your best, watch out for each other. The Earth will live again. We will make it so."


Locq raised her staff. She wrote several more circles on the site as further protection. Then she flew into the air.


Her battle with Lee Clow had raised some kind of memory to the surface. She needed to prove to herself that it was false. She was human to the bone, and not a puppet.


She found the rotting clones three days later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Locq Reed

Real Name: Loquitia Reed

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: brown/brown

Place of Birth: Providence, Rhode Island

Date of Birth: 3/4/90

Height/Mass: 5'1, 90 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

45 DEX 25

10 CON 15

10 BODY 15

10 INT 20

40 EGO 30

10 PRE 20

3 COM 16

PD 3

ED 3

10 SPD 4


END 30



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 10 DECV: 10

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

End Reserve 100 end 20 rec, 30 pts

Reed's Will 100 pt Multipower

9u Transformation 3d6, 45 pts(anything to anything +1) 90 pts

5u Flight 25" 50 pts

5u Force Wall 10 pd /10 ed 50 pts

5u Energy Blast 10d6 50 pts


Variable 50 point + 25 point Power Pool 75 pts (Only magic, -1/4,) 60 pts


Transfer 3d6 points from magic powers to End Reserve 45 pts


4 Life Support: Longevity


Cost Skills

3 Contortionist 14-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Computer Programing 13-

3 Analyze magic style 13-

3 Acrobatics 14-

25 + 5 levels with Magic

3 KS: Magic 13-

3 KS: The Magic World 13-

3 AK: Land of Legend 13-

3 AK: Other Dimensions 13-

3 AK: Providence 13-

3 AK: The world 13-

2 Navigation 13-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Sleight of hand 14-

3 Systems operation 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

2 Survival 13-

1 WF: Staffs

3 Fast Draw 14-

3 KS: History 13 -

3 Climbing 14-

1 TF: Bicycles

3 Combat Driving 14-


150 Points Disadvantages

10 Reputation: Kid Wizard 11-

5 Secret: A member of an army of clones of the original Locq Reed

10 Rivalry with other wizards.

15 Psych limitation: Overconfidence

20 Psych limitation: Trying to live up to the Reed Ideal

10 Distinctive Features: Mystic Aura

5 Distinctive Features: Gothic Lolita clothing and staff

35 Hunted by Demon 14-

10 Watched by the Trismetsgus Council 8-

20 DNPC: Lee Clow 11-

10 Psych limitation: Code versus killing


CHA Cost = 143

Total Powers Cost = 263

Total Skills Cost = 94

Total Cost = _______500___________

Background Information: Locq Reed believed herself to be a normal girl with a propensity for seeing imaginary things. Her mother indulged her imagination, but neither of them realized this was the birthing for the girl's magic powers.


These visions were teaching Locq words that she could use to further an ancestor's plot from beyond the grave.


Thomasina Reed was hung for being a witch. Before she left the mortal coil, she set in motion schemes to create a new body for herself, methods to ensure material and magic wealth, and a spell that would change her chosen one into the perfect vassal for her essence.


Thomasina's plans worked well at first. Her organization had enough funds to change the world with its influence. They had gathered all the magic they could steal from others. Locq seemed to be the perfect choice for incarnation.


The master plan hit a snag when Lee Clow arrived in Providence. He had been taught in the same type of writing magic as the Reeds. He wanted to take Locq's magic from her, and add it to his own.


Locq found herself contending with Lee who aided her when it suited him, and the Reed Foundation, and villains who wanted to exercise their power in her hometown.


Then the world ended.


Locq began helping people survive the changed Earth until she encountered the rest of the Q-Champions. They convinced her of their plan to travel back in time. She agreed with the hope of living up to the honor that the Reeds promised while getting rid of the duplicity they perpetrated on her, her mother, and the world.


Quote: "Eat magic, demon humper!"


Personality: Locq likes to project happiness wherever she goes. She uses her magic to change things to help people constantly. She does everything she can to improve the world in a way the Reed pledge never intended its family to do.


She sometimes acts afraid that she is nothing but a tool now that she knows what her ancestor planned for her. She intends to fight it out for her own identity. A partial erasing of the timeline might not have changed enough for her and her family.


Appearance: Locq is a slender girl with brown hair and eyes who wears modified Victorian dresses. She carries a staff to use as a focus in case of emergencies.


Powers: Locq's four main powers are the spells for transform, flying, force wall, and magic blast. In duels with other wizards, she has taken power from them to add to her endurance battery as a quick way to recharge her battery.


She has a pool of words that she uses to enhance her main powers, create minor secondary effects, and push her senses into the extraordinary range.


Her staff can be used as a bat, or changed into something dangerous.


Plot Hook 1) Locq Reed has stumbled over the new timeline's version of Lee Clow. He is a student who apparently knows nothing about magic. She has decided to try for a better relationship with him than in her original time. When Lee is implicated in a demon summoning, will she protect him from the heroes, or turn him in?


Plot Hook 2) Living spells are running wild in the campaign city. These spells seem to be based on words written on them. Locq Reed is known for such things, but no one knows where she is. Are the effects weapons of mischief, or a cry for help?


Plot Hook 3) Cards with magic attached to them have begun showing up in the hands of criminals. These cards are remarkably similar to the ones Locq Reed sometimes produces for her magic. Has she gone bad? Is it a frame? And who would set a hellhound on the heroes when they decide to take a closer look?


GM's Note: Obviously Locq Reed is based on Card Captor Sakura from Clamp. A look into her history could provide more plots for this character.

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Re: The New Circle


The Gun Knight

The world changed as the Gun Force jetted through the sky. Their scanners had alerted them to something happening, but they hadn't expected anything like the scene they encountered. Gun Knight pulled his sword from his extradimensional armory as he slashed the things dripping from the sky.


"We have to shut this breach." Captain Gun fired the beam cannon he used for a pistol. The light from the discharge fried several monsters as they tried to advance on the trio of robots.


"Only something like the explosion from one of our armors will make a dent." Gun Fire caught a clawed talon with his shield. His hand fired a jet of flame into it. "It might dislocate the thing and close it."


"Let me try to close it with my magic first." Gun Knight swung his blade in circles to try and clear the air.


"There's no time." Gun Fire flew toward the breach. He breathed flame to try to clear the air. The monsters still dragged him down.


Captain Gun fired his cannon over and over to save his friend. He held up a hand as the robot glowed like the sun. Everything went white.


Gun Knight hit the ground behind his burning shield. He threw it away. The tortured sky seemed to be clearing. It wouldn't be enough to save the planet. He began to chop his way to freedom with his seared sword.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Gun Knight

Real Name: Morg

Nationality: Infernal Hierarchy

Hair/Eye Color: none, red

Place of Birth: The Underworld

Date of Birth: Unknown

Height/Mass: 6'/500 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

30 STR 40

42 DEX 24

40 CON 30

60 BODY 40

8 INT 18

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

2 COM 14

PD 8

ED 6


REC 14

END 60



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Full Life Support 45 pts

Armor 20 pd/10 ed 45 pts


Magic Knight 120 pt multipower

6u Jet Flight: Flight 30" 60 pts

5u Super Jet Flight: Teleport 30" must pass through intervening space (-1/4) 48 pts

7u Get out of my way: Teleport 20" 40 usable against others (+1) ranged (+½) only straight up (-½) 66 pts

6u Mystic Sword: hand killing attack 4d6 60 pts

5u Mystic Shield: Missile deflection and reflection on all ranged attacks 50 pts


Bag of Tricks 40 + 20 Power Pool (only magic spells -1/2, must be variations of multipower slots -1/2) 50 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Physics 11-

3 KS: Magic 11-

3 KS: Dimensional Traveling 11-

3 AK: Land of Legends 11-

3 AK: Babylon 11-

3 AK: The Underworld 11-

3 KS: The Magic World 11-

3 KS: Dimensional Navigation 11-

2 WF: Swords, Shield

3 KS: History 11-

10 + 5 OCV with Sword

3 Concealment 12-

3 Combat Driving 13-

3 Combat Piloting 13-

5 TF: Wheeled Vehicles, Jets, Tanks, Helicopters

5 Offensive strike

4 Block

4 Choke

3 Grab

3 Throw

3 Bump of Direction

3 Absolute Range Sense

3 Absolute Time Sense

20 Universal Translator


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Psych Lim: Code of Honor

15 Psych Lim: hunting Demon

25 Hunted by Demon 11-

10 Watched by the Infernal Hierarchy 8-

10 Secret: Demon Inside A Suit 8-

10 Reputation: Mechanical Man 11-

20 DF: Armored Knight with Cape

10 DF: Mystic Aura

15 Dependence on Root Beer weakness in six hours

15 Susceptibility to Holy Ground suffer drain 1d6 str and 1d6 drain con every turn


CHA Cost = 207

Total Powers Cost = 289

Total Skills Cost = 104

Total Cost = ______600____________


Background Information: Morg, the Gun Knight, lost a bargain with a wizard sometime in his youth. He was used to empower a suit of armor, changing that into his own body over time. Two more demons joined him and they became known as the Gun Force. The wizard assigned them to protect Earth from the menaces that crept quietly through the shadows.


The Gun Force fought bravely against several invaders from beyond. Eventually they earned an archenemy in Zados, the World Destroyer. They disrupted his schemes over and over. Their efforts chipped away at his empire until he had to put down an insurrection and abandon his dreams of conquest for a time.


All their efforts came to nothing when DEMON completed their objective and released the Kings of Edom. Both Captain Gun and Gun Fire were vaporized in the resulting explosion of energy. The Gun Knight wandered the planet, saving anyone he could.


Eventually he encountered the growing group of Q-Champions. He helped spearhead the search for the time machine they used to travel back in time.


Gun Knight allows his comrades to believe that he is a machine that thinks like a man. He feels his friends would turn on him if they knew that he was a demon instead.


Quote: "I'm here to swash the buckles."


Personality: The Gun Knight is a renegade demon imprisoned inside a suit of armor dependent on a particular brand of soda to keep moving. He is remarkably cheerful about his condition, and tries to uphold the tradition of knighthood as much as possible.


Appearance: Gun Knight's armored body is white clockwork pieces bolted together. A long cape and tunic add decoration to make him more recognizable. His helmet is fashioned after a knight's helmet from the past.


Powers: Gun Knight is fairly resilient and strong enough to imitate the robot he pretends to be. He is capable of flight with bursts of extreme high speed. His primary weapon is his sword which he creates out of mystic energy. Sometimes he sends targets high in the air to get them out of the way.


Gun Knight can also configure parts of his body to enhance the powers granted him by the armor.


Plot Hook 1) Gun Knight has found counterparts of his old comrades. They have joined him conducting raids against DEMON bases. Then one attacks the heroes' base of operations. Is it a plan to stir up conflict between the Q-Champions and the players, or is something even more sinister going on? What is their next move?


Plot Hook 2) Gun Knight resembles an old enemy of the heroes. Is it just coincidence, or are they related in some way? What will the players find?


Plot Hook 3) Mechanical heroes are being taken from all over the world. Gun Knight is taken with them. When the heroes receive an urgent message from the missing Q-champion, could it be the real thing?


GM's note: Gun Knight and his comrades are based on the SD Gundam Force.

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Re: The New Circle


Ken Gordo

Ken Gordo slammed his last bullet into the chamber of his revolver. This was his third shoot out in as many days. Demon had shifted into overtime to carry out their latest scheme. His friends had taken on other operations that were someone connected to the thing he had stumbled over and started trailing from one place to the next.


He had six shots. How could he make them count? He needed to stop whatever they were doing with what he had left.


Ken grinned. This kind of showdown was what he was born to do.


The kid gunslinger jumped from cover and charged forward. He took aim at the central figure. That guy was spouting the gibberish. The rest were watchdogs, and followers. He could only shoot six of them so the one leading the parade had to be number one.


Ken sent his first bullet blasting. He aimed for the man's hands to disrupt the spell. One of the followers jumped in the way of the bullet. She went down with blood bursting out of her chest.


Ken shook his head. He sent the next bullet as he leaped forward. He had to stop the ceremony.


One of the other followers stepped forward. He went down with a bullet in the leg. He fell out of the circle.


Ken concentrated. He needed to punch through that line. He only had four bullets to do it. Maybe it was time to get fancy.


Ken fired the last four bullets as he charged. He pulled the trigger as fast as he could so that it resembled one long shot.


The first three bullets were a distraction. They were meant to cause the demon cultists to move where he wanted them. The last bullet ricocheted inside the circle until it struck the speaker in the chin. The chanting stopped as he dropped out of the scene.


Ken paused. The energy brought forth by the cult dissipated into the air. The gunslinger thought he heard a door slamming shut somewhere. He had saved the world.


The sky fractured into shards that rained down as the earth split into waves of pudding. Ken jumped for more solid ground. He looked around.


The planet was changing before his eyes. Ground raised up in columns of floating rocks. Clouds took on faces. Birds shrieked with the voices of babies being tortured.


Ken dumped out his empty shells. The only thing his gun was good for now was as a club. At least the members of DEMON had gone up in flames while he tried to figure out what to do.


Where was Wil and Cocette? Had they been killed in the eruption? Were they still human? What was making that grinding noise?


Ken started toward where Cocette was supposed to take care of her cultists. She was fast, and deadly with the knives she used. Was she fast enough to stop the operation?


Ken wanted to believe the things appearing in the ripped sky didn't have anything to do with what he had stopped. His friends had to be alive. They had promised him they were going to be careful.


He found Cocette in a sprawl of bodies. Someone had twisted her head around. He fought back tears. He turned away.


Wil had to be alive. He had to make sure. Both of his friends gone like that would be unbearable.


Ken headed for where his friend should have taken on his share of the work. They would have to move on without burying Cocette. The area was full of shapes of things not meant to be on Earth.


He found Wil laying against a pillar. Part of his flesh had run like water into a puddle around him. The whip master closed his one good eye when he saw Ken.


"I screwed up, Ken." Wil could barely do more than whisper. "You need to get out of here before you wind up like me."


"Cocette is dead, Wil." Ken's fists worked. "I can't leave you behind."


"You're going to have to." Wil's one hand flapped around. "The change isn't over. You're not going to be able to carry me out of here."


Ken turned his face as his friend flowed away in rivulets.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Ken Gordo

Real Name: Ken Gordo

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Kansas City, Kansas

Date of Birth: 3/31/92

Height/Mass: 5'5", 100 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

60 DEX 30

40 CON 30

20 BODY 20

5 INT 15

10 EGO 15

5 PRE 15

1 COM 12

PD 3

ED 6

10 SPD 5


END 60



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Firearm 90 point Multipower (OAF -1,Weapons of Opportunity) 45 points

5u Ranged Killing Attack 6d6 90 points (OAF -1,Weapons of Opportunity) 45 points

3u Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, 45 points (indirect +1/2) 68 points (OAF -1, Weapons of Opportunity) 34 points

3u Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, 45 points (armor piercing +1/2) 68 points (OAF -1, Weapons of Opportunity) 34 points

3u Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, 45 points (autofire +1/2) 68 points (OAF -1, Weapons of Opportunity) 34 points

5u Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, 45 points (area of effect + 1) 90 points, (OAF -1, Weapons of Opportunity) 45 points


Find Weakness 14- with multipower 35 points


Gordo Running 60 point Multipower

6u Running + 30' 60 points

6u Leaping + 60' 60 points


Cost Skills

3 Tactics 12-

12 +8 Lightning Reflexes

3 Fast Draw 15-

10 Two Weapon Fighting

15 Combat Sense 12-

2 Navigation 12-

2 Survival 12-

3 Stealth 15-

6 WF: Small Arms, Common Missile Weapons, Whips, Rope

2 Animal Handler 12-

4 TF: Riding Animals, Rafts, Small Rowed Boats

3 Tracking 12-

25 +5 DCV

15 + 5 Combat Skill Levels with multipower

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Climbing 15-

3 Lockpicking 15-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Riding 15-

3 KS: Old West 12-


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Gunslinger Mentality

20 Code of Honor

15 Overconfident

15 Minor

35 Hunted by Demon 14-

15 Watched by the NRA 11-

5 Rivalry with other gunslingers

10 Reputation: Kid Gunslinger 11-

5: DF: Cowboy gear.


CHA Cost = 156

Total Powers Cost = 171

Total Skills Cost = 123

Total Cost = ____450_____________

Background Information: Ken Gordo lived in a quiet section of Kansas City dreaming of a day when he could go west. He loved the old legends like Wild Bill cleaning up Dodge City, and the gunfight at the O.K. Corral. He yearned to do such things himself.


Those feelings started him on the road to his training.


Ken started by racing cars on the road in front of his house. He would wait for one to pass, then try to beat it to the next corner. He did this for hours building up his legs, improving his running speed for the day he would head west.


A gunfighter had to be fast.


Ken pestered his mom for a bee bee gun. He practiced with that when he wasn't chasing cars. Soon he could hit the head of a nail at fifty yards.


Ken joined a local shooter's club. He began working his way up the ranks of the contestants. Soon he was winning fast draws right and left. He liked winning but felt it was a poor substitute for the lawless west.


This was when Ken decided to start his vigilante career. His skills were almost good enough. If he practiced on live targets, he could achieve some kind of excellence. He could keep working on his shooting until he could deal with anything that moved.


It was during this time that he met his friends, Wil Byrnes and Cocette Charming. They formed a friendship while trying to protect the city from criminals they ran into on their patrols. This was helped by a compass Wil had liberated that pointed them toward the right place to be.


The three heroes began running into DEMON at this time. They earned the enmity of the local morbane with their constant interference. Eventually, the showdown came on the eve of DEMON's triumph and the release of the Kings of Edom. Kansas City was destroyed in the resulting conflagration.


Ken walked away with all the ammo he could carry and the will to use it on anyone who tried to take advantage of the situation to hurt any survivors he came across.


Eventually he encountered the wandering Q-Champions and joined their ranks. Ordinary bullets don't injure some of the monsters released by the touch of the Kings, but for those they do hurt, the kid gunfighter has done everything he could to revenge his comrades against the extradimensional menaces.


Quote: "Don't worry. I have bullets for all of you."


Personality: Ken believes in the code of the west. He tries to live up to the high standards that color the legends of the great lawman such as Wyatt Earp. He is also not afraid to draw against anyone who challenges him to a shoot out.


Appearance: Ken wears the big hat, double breasted shirt, chaps and blue jeans, and boots that one sees any movie cowboy wear at a show. Sometimes he is expected to wear a formal suit. When that happens, he adopts the kind of suit Wyatt Earp was known for.


Powers: Most of Ken's powers revolve around the use of pistols to put holes in targets. He has been known to bounce bullets, fill the air with lead, and punch holes in armor.


Ken's other power comes from days of racing cars. He is unnaturally fast and able to leap great distances thanks to the build up of his leg muscles from running.


Plot Hook 1) A new gunman is in town. He leaves messages calling out anyone who wants to have a showdown while inflicting collateral damage on stores and shops he has chosen for his targets. Ken Gordo arrives to take up the challenge. Can the heroes keep these two apart, or move them together to see if they can stop the violence?


Plot Hook 2) A shooting competition is set up in the heroes' home city. Gunslingers from all over the world start arriving. Several of the contestants wind up dead, apparently shot in duels outside of the competition. Do the heroes shut everything down, or try to use one of the contestants as bait? Who would want that role?


Plot Hook 3) Masters of weapons are being killed one by one. Information points to something from DEMON looking for the right target. Can the heroes stop the killings by locating the real target? Who is the real target?


GM's Note: Ken Gordo is based on Sho from Guns Blaze West, a short manga written by the creator of Ruroni Kenshin, and Buso Renkin.

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Re: The New Circle


Number Fifteen

The surge through the afterlife summoned spirit fighters to the borders between life and death. Number Fifteen pulled his sword as he waited for whatever was about to happen. The ether of the astral plane shivered under some bizarre impact.


The spirit fighters around Fifteen charged their auras as they waited. Some drew their own weapons. He didn't blame any who decided to run. He was on the verge of doing that himself.


Tentacles appeared in the spiritual fog. The suckers held mouths with clacking teeth. The grotesque appendages reached for the waiting guardians.


Fifteen unleashed his most devastating attack as colleagues on all sides were lost to the greedy limbs. Beams of every type joined his. The fog cleared to reveal an eye of blood and malevolence. The energy attacks struck shreds of sky loose as the fighters fought to repel the threat.


Spirits appeared. They added their will to the onslaught. The astral plane shivered. Then the presence was gone. Hundreds of fighters were gone with it.


Fifteen tried to return to his body. He didn't know what was going on in the real world, but if anything happened to his body, he would be stranded as a spirit. He found some kind of interference was holding him in place.


A scream drew his attention across the foggy battleground. One of the other fighters burned like a candle. Another exploded, sending his neighbors to the mental ground. Others started suffering bizarre acts of violence while he watched. He wanted to help them but he didn't have anything he could use.


Finally the barrier to the real world dropped. He fell through the cloud to Earth. Crossing the dimensional lines revealed a wounded planet. He hoped nothing was wrong with his body. All those fighters dying after the battle must have had their bodies damaged in some way while they were out of them.


Number Fifteen paused when he found his apartment building. He found what was left. The building had collapsed into the street. He headed for where his body had settled. His spirit sword cut a tunnel for him so that his body would be able to walk out when he had gotten to it.


He put the thought of the walls bleeding out of his mind as he chopped his way to his trapped shell. He had to get it out of there and moving before something horrible showed up to finish him off.


What had happened to the world?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Number Fifteen

Real Name: Ray Tide

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Red/green

Place of Birth: Death Valley, CA

Date of Birth: 5/3/90

Height/Mass: 5'10", 180 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

30 DEX 20

16 CON 18

16 BODY 18

5 INT 15

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

2 COM 12

PD 3

ED 3



END 36



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Duplicate 50 points, Altered duplicate + 1, Original character is helpless -1, Characters die if they do not recombine (-½) 40

Sense Spiritual Energy 5 points


Cost Skills

1 WF: Swords

3 AK: Death Valley 12-

2 Survival 12-

2 Navigation 12-

4 Disarm

4 Block

4 Strike

4 Dodge

3 Throw

3 Climbing 13-

9 + 6 all actions with Lightning Reflexes

40 + 8 dcv

3 AK: The Land of the Dead 12-

3 KS: Spirits 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

2 KS: History 12-

20 Combat sense 17-


150 + 200 Points Disadvantages

10 DF: Mystic Aura

25 Hunted by Demon 14-

20 Protective of the living

20 Code versus Killing

5 Reputation: messenger of the dead 8-

20 Accidental change in presence of spirits

15 Physical Limitation: Cannot cross wards against spirits

15 Hunted by evil spirits 11-

20 Enraged when confronting casual killers 11-/11-


15 Rivalry with other ghostbusters

30 DNPC: ghosts of the week 14-

20 Has to help ghosts in trouble

35 Watched by other soul reapers 14-


20 Subject to orders

15 Secret Identity

25 Hunted by the Sylvestries 11-

20 Overconfidence

20 Honorable

CHA Cost = 109

Total Powers Cost = 45

Total Skills Cost = 96

Total Cost = _____250_____________




Character Name: Number Fifteen

Real Name: Ray Tide

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Red/green

Place of Birth: Death Valley, CA

Date of Birth: 5/3/90

Height/Mass: 5'10", 180 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

15 STR 25

60 DEX 30

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

5 INT 15

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

2 COM 12

PD 5

ED 4

10 SPD 5


END 40



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Spirit Power 80 point Multipower

3u Spirit Sword: Drain Body 4d6 40 points, armor piercing (+1/2), penetrating (+1/2) hand to hand attack (-½) PD applies (-1) 32 points

8u Spirit Sword: 5d6 Ranged Killing Attack 75 points

4u Regeneration: 4 body 40 points, reduced endurance (0 end, +1/2), persistent (+½), extra time (-1), self only (-½), concentrate (-½) 40 points

1u Flash Step: Teleport 6", 12 points, must cross intervening space (-1/4) 10 points


Invisibility Always on -1/2, not versus spirits -1/2 10 points

Sense Spiritual Energy 5 points


Total Life Support and Immortality 50 points


Cost Skills

1 WF: Swords

3 AK: Death Valley 12-

2 Survival 12-

2 Navigation 12-

4 Disarm

4 Block

4 Strike

4 Dodge

3 Throw

3 Climbing 15-

6 +3 with sword attack

9 + 6 all actions with Lightning Reflexes

40 + 8 dcv

3 AK: The Land of the Dead 12-

3 KS: Spirits 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Shadowing 15-

2 KS: History 12-

20 Combat sense 17-


150 Points Disadvantages

10 DF: Mystic Aura

25 Hunted by Demon 14-

20 Protective of the living

20 Code versus Killing

5 Reputation: messenger of the dead 8-

20 Accidental change in presence of spirits

15 Physical Limitation: Cannot cross wards against spirits

15 Hunted by evil spirits 11-

20 Enraged when confronting casual killers 11-/11-


CHA Cost = 167

Total Powers Cost = 161

Total Skills Cost = 102

Total Cost = _______450___________


Background Information: Ray Tide, an orphan from an early age, has always been able to sense ghosts. He has been bothered by them as they asked for him to return them to the quiet of the grave. He tried to help them as much as he could with his limited ability.


His work brought him into contact with other spirit fighters. He learned that if he wanted to keep fighting for the dead, he had to be able to summon his spirit and project it. His spirit sword came next.


Ray adopted the Number Fifteen as his designation against the other side. As one of the youngest of the champions of the dead, he can't travel to the spirit world, visit the astral plane, or anything else. He depends on others to get around the barriers.


Ray fought his way into the ranks. He had just learned to project energy from his sword when the spirit world learned of the extent of DEMON's plans. He did what he could to drive the Kings of Edom back.


Number Fifteen traveled across the changed world. He finally joined the Q-Champions after a series of adventures. When the plan was hatched to try and change the past, he agreed without having to think about it.


In the new timeline, Number Fifteen has found that the ghosts need a guy like him more than ever. Unfortunately, he is all alone with his battles at the moment. Maybe he can rebuild the spirit realm when more people have awakened to their spirit powers.


He doesn't know if any of his friends are alive in this new universe.


Quote: "The next stop is the hereafter."


Personality: Ray is a determined fighter. He has built up his strength to match his determination to help the spirits that constantly surround him. Unfortunately, whenever such a spirit arises, he is ejected from his living body to fight it.


He is hoping that one day he will be able to walk without having to worry about the next world.


Appearance: Ray is a tall, lanky kid with red hair. He dresses in jeans and t-shirts. His spirit wears a black robe over black shirt and pants.


Powers: Number Fifteen has the power to unleash his spirit on the mortal world. This allows him to cut spirits, cut physical artifacts, and fight monsters. His body is left behind until he can get done with his battle.


Plot Hook 1) The city has seen an uprise in spiritual activity. They all seem to be gathering downtown, scaring people. Someone has to talk to them and figure out what's going on.


Plot Hook 2) One of the heroes has died. They need a guide to the other side. All they can get is a stranger from another timeline.

Plot Hook 3) A gathering of spirit protectors is taking place in the city. On the table of discussion is how to deal with DEMON. DEMON has learned of this meeting and is taking steps to try and stop them.


GM's notes: This hero is based on Bleach's soul reapers.

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Re: The New Circle



Rand looked around the battlefield. Things weren't going as well as he thought they should. They should have driven the soldiers into the sea. He needed to buy time for his friends to regroup.


He hammered his metal fist into the ground. A shockwave reached out from the impact. He waited to see what they would do to the enemy.


The battlefield was an island in the middle of the Pacific. Streaks of light danced across the sky. The DEMON troops were trying to set up their pattern and hold Rand off.


He wasn't making it easy for them.


Tentacles stabbed out of the ground. Rand tried to get out of the way. They wrapped around him. He struggled to get out of their grasp. He had to keep fighting.


The troops set out their equipment. They had a limited amount of time before the alignment was gone. All over the world other DEMON personnel were doing the same.


Rand grabbed the tentacle and squeezed with his iron hand. He ripped at it, trying to pull free. He jerked loose. The morbanes and their lieutenants chanted as he rushed down on them. He had to stop the spell from working.


The sky split above them. Something reached down for him. He jumped out of the way. The island shuddered under the impact. The ground turned to floating globs reaching for the heavens.


Rand fell into the ocean. He shuddered at the touch of the water. It didn't feel like water. It felt like slime.


Something horrible reached down for the world. Everything seemed to be breaking down around the appendage. Then the rift started closing. The limb retreated from the world.


Rand slammed the water that wasn't water as he saw something that looked like an island emerge from the sea. It wasn't the same island as the one where he had lost the fight. He needed to get out of the ocean so any port in the storm would do.


He swam over and climbed up the smooth shore of the island. He took a moment to rest while he tried to figure out his next move. He had to figure out how to get to shore. He couldn't stay on the island if he wanted to find out what had happened to the world.


What had DEMON done?

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Rand

Real Name: Darian Rand

Nationality: Takisan

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Holo City, Takisa

Date of Birth: 6/4/78

Height/Mass: 5'8"/185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

15 STR 25

30 DEX 20

40 CON 30

30 BODY 25

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

1 COM 12

PD 5

ED 6


REC 11

END 60



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Arm Power 90 point multipower

6u 18d6 Hand Attack 90 points, hand to hand attack -1/2 60 points

2u Missile Deflection 20 points

3u 9d6 Drain Body, 90 points, hand to hand attack -1/2, 3 charges -1 1/4 33 points

9u + 90" Leaping 90 points


10 Find Weakness


Iron Arm and Hand: Armor (12ed/12pd) 36 points only covers the arm -1/2 24 points


Cost Skills

3 Climbing 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

3 Combat Piloting 13-

2 Gambling 12-

3 AK: Takasia 12-

3 AK: The Far East 12-

3 AK: Australia 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Stealth 13-

2 Survival 12-

3 Shadowing 13-

6 TF: Small and Large Wheeled Vehicles, Small Planes, Helicopters

3 Demolitions 12-

10 + 5 OCV with super punch

40 +8 DCV

4 choke

4 punch

4 throw


150 Points Disadvantages

10 DF: Iron Hand and Arm

35 Hunted by DEMON 14-

15 Hatred of DEMON

10 Reputation: Master of Collateral Damage 11-

15 Accidental Arm Change When Angry 11-

25 Enraged in Battle 11-/11-

10 Rivalry with other masters of destruction

10 Watched by The Nextrix 8-

10 Physical Lim: No sense of touch in arm

10 Susceptible to Transforms 2d6 damage


CHA Cost = 146

Total Powers Cost = 144

Total Skills Cost = 110

Total Cost = _______400___________


Background Information: Darian Rand was born on an island known as Takisa. The little spit of rock had been ejected from the bottom of the Pacific after an intense earthquake. The tiny key became home to several teams of volcanologists who decided to stay on the new land to study it.


Darian was born a year later to his happy parents.


Darian and other children born to the scientists soon learned the island had a mutating effect on them. They possessed strange talents for assembling machinery from matter around them. His resolved into an iron arm and hand that replaced his natural arm when he needed it.


The governments funding the research pulled the plug on the studies until they could ascertain what the actual effect of the mutating factor could be. The children escaped, afraid of what could happen under a microscope.


Rand worked as a mercenary in the Pacific. His iron hand enabled him to punch through obstacles when necessary. It was during this time he caught wind of DEMON. He put himself on their list when they crossed him during a job.


Their private war waged in that part of the world until Q-Day. After that, the Kings of Edom arrived and destroyed most of the world before they were banished back to their cells. Rand had survived by chance.


Rand wandered for a while, trying to help others until he encountered the forming Q-Champions. He jumped at the chance to reverse what had happened.


Quote: "I can punch through that."


Personality: Rand has an abiding hatred of DEMON and has been known to let that enrage him into taking big risks when he encounters them. He is also prone to being mad in a fight and trying to punch a target down even though he might not stand a chance.


Otherwise, experience as a street rat has taught him the value of coolness under pressure.


Appearance: Rand usually looks normal most of the time. He is prone to wearing sleeveless jackets, shirts, and fatigue pants and combat boots. When he activates his power, his right arm and hand are transformed into metal ones that are a little oversized.


Powers: Rand has the ability to transform his right arm into a metal wrecking ball. In that state, he can punch through armor, block bullets, and release some type of energy to throw him across vast distances. He likes to use find weakness, then super punch (drain body) on inanimate targets.


Plot Hook 1) Rand has long been aware of a being known as the Nextrix. He surmised that the creature caused the explosion that raised Takisa off the ocean floor, and gave the newborns their powers. What he doesn't know is that the energy creature can do the same in the new timeline created by the Q-Champions meddling, and that he is about to release the same power explosion on the world.


Plot Hook 2) Several heroes and villains that seem to use the same ability as Rand to create artifacts have shown on the super scene. They have fought in several battles before disappearing. Then Rand shows up with the story that he recognizes one of the new heroes. She's also supposed to be dead.


Plot Hook 3) Rand vanishes during a team up into a mad scientist's experiments with reality. Then he reappears with an armor to match his arm. He also seems to be intent on wrecking the city with his expanded power. Can the heroes reverse what happened to him before it's too late?


GM's Note- Rand is based on Kazuma from S-cry-d.

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Re: The New Circle



The gunman settled into his perch on time. He had cased his target for several days, using technology to mark any weak spots. He loaded the silver bullet he had made in his bullet press for this one target.


He raised the rifle on target. He checked windage and distance with the scope on the top of the muzzle. He only had one shot and he had to make it count. His target was important enough for an army of bodyguards that would swarm his position if he missed.


He waited as the target crossed his field of view several times. The duck seemed to be dancing. He didn't care. All he wanted was the perfect silhouette.


The man came out on his balcony and raised his hands. He seemed to be imploring the sky. Clouds began to swirl above.


The assassin fired.


The silver bullet leapt from the hunting rifle's barrel. It crossed the space in a second. The target's head came apart. The sky cleared above the scene.


The assassin took the rifle apart and put it in a case. He headed for the stairs, slinging the equipment carrier over his shoulder. He wanted to be gone before they knew to look for him.


Roaring screamed through the air as he headed down. They had pinpointed his last position faster than he had thought they would. He should have expected that. They were a group of big terrorists.


He dumped the rifle in a garbage chute. It wouldn't do him any good at close range. He pulled his pistol and headed down the stairs. He had to keep moving.


He reached the lobby of the building. He had rented an office to gain access. Now that the job was done, he could just vanish. He paused when he spotted the masked men outside the revolving doors to the street.


The glass front exploded. He shook his head as he headed toward the back entrance. He assassinated people. He didn't engage in gunfights in a crowded lobby. Too many people would act as shields for his enemies.


He paused when he saw the back door start to open. Apparently the masked men had covered the back too. He stepped inside a supply closet. He could wait for his chance.


He rigged the door with a boobytrap before taking cover behind a shelf. It wasn't much. He hadn't armed himself for a full out firefight. He should have.


The door smashed open. The explosives rigged to a tripwire blew up. Smoke and a terrible chemical smell filled the air. Masked men coughed and vomited as they staggered around.


The assassin shot each of the masked men once as he held a small respirator over his face. He reloaded and shot his enemies again to make sure before he stepped out in the hall and walked to the back door. The police would think it was a gang war. That should give him some cover as he left the area for his next target.


Smith made sure to get rid of the gun as he headed for the airport. Hopefully DEMON would forget this ever happened and go back to business as usual.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle



Character Name: Smith

Real Name: Josiah Jones

Nationality: Australian

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia

Date of Birth: 7/6/75

Height/Mass: 5'8"/130 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

15 STR 25

33 DEX 21

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

14 INT 24

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

COM 10

PD 5

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

90 point Assassin Gun Multipower

7u The Weapon: 3d6 Ranged killing attack 45 pts (OAF: weapon of opportunity -1), +1 Variable advantage (+2) 68

1u Supreme Balance: Flight 6" 12 points, only along solid surfaces (-½) 8 pts

2u No Security: Invisibility to sight 20, only versus mechanical devices (-½) 13 pts

3u No Locks: 13d6 Dispel locks 39 pts (IIF -1/4) 31 pts


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Climbing 14-

3 Combat Driving 14-

3 Combat Piloting 14-

3 Fast Draw

3 Lockpicking 14-

3 Riding 14-

3 Sleight of Hand 14-

3 Stealth 14-

10 Two weapon fighting

16 Weapon Familiarity: common melee weapons, uncommon melee weapons, common martial arts weapons, common missile weapons, small arms, flamethrowers, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, shoulder fired weapons, mortars, recoilless rifles.

19 Transport Familiarity: Equines, muscle powered ground vehicles, carts, common motorized ground vehicles, two wheel motorized vehicles, tracked military vehicles, wheeled military vehicles, small planes, large planes, combat aircraft, helicopters, snowmobiles, small row boats, small wind powered boats, small motorized boats, basic and advance parachuting, scuba.

4 Choke Hold

4 Killing Strike

3 Leg sweep

4 Block

3 Grab

3 Throw

20 +5 damage classes

24 + 12 ocv with weapon

3 Bugging 13-

3 Analyze security 13-

3 Concealment 14-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Demolitions 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Lipreading 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

2 Navigation 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Shadowing 14-

2 Survival 13-

3 Tactics 13-

3 Tracking 13-

6 Weaponsmith: muscle-powered HTH, muscle-powered ranged, firearms, missiles and rockets, incendiary weapons

3 Acting 13-

3 Interrogation 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 AK: The world 13-

3 KS: The underworld 13-

3 KS: Architecture 13-

3 KS: Military History 13-

3 KS: Terrorist groups 13-

21 Languages: German, Spanish, French, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese. 13-

2 Forgery 13-

6 Ambidexterity

15 Combat sense

6 Lightning Reflexes + 4 with all actions


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Code of Honor

10 Reputation: Master Marksman 11-

20 Psych Lim: Cold and Aloof

30 Hunted by Demon 14-

30 Hunted by Viper 14-

10 Watched by Police 8-

10 Rivalry with other marksmen

20 Secret Identity


CHA Cost = 132

Total Powers Cost = 103

Total Skills Cost = 265

Total Cost = ________500__________


Background Information: Smith started life as Josiah Jones. He grew up in a quiet neighborhood in Sydney. He became interested in a legendary bushranger named Josiah Smith. The historical Smith was known for the fancy shooting he could do with the rifle he had stolen from an armory. He could punch holes in playing cards from yards away with the weapon.


Jones decided he wanted to be able to do the same thing.


He trained himself in various things his predecessor was good at in various places around Sydney. Some of this training was done with unsavory characters in the underworld. That was where he started using the name Smith.


Eventually Smith moved into assassinations. He had learned how to get pass security and locks if he needed to get inside a building, but preferred to sit in a spot a mile away and shoot the target. It was less dangerous that way.


The romantic outlaw idea had been lost somewhere along the way in his training.


After the destruction of the world, Smith moved through the world, helping the survivors as best that he could. He joined up with Q-Champions and helped them travel back in time.


Smith doesn't possess his old contacts, or access to the funds that he once had. On the other hand, he brings the one thing that has helped him survive and uses it to good effect for the team.


Somehow he has become a hero and left his villainous past behind. He sometimes wonders how that happened.


Quote: "I have a bullet with your name on it."


Personality: Smith has trained himself to look at things from a pragmatic point of view. Everything he does is to accomplish his goal. The only exception to this is the code of honor he has built to keep him on the straight and narrow and keep jobs moving his way.


Appearance: Smith tries to look average in every way. This helps him move through crowds without being noticed. He dresses in second hand clothes when he gets ready to go into combat as support for his team.


Powers: Smith has no real powers. He is an exceptional shot with any firearm he touches, can get past human surveillance, and break any locked door. He has taught himself to climb heights, use tightropes, and secure any handhold.


All of this is from hard work and training to be all he can be.


Plot Hook 1) A criminal assassin has decided to issue a challenge to anyone who wants to take him on. Several weapon masters are rumored to be in town. Can the heroes stop the impending bloodbath?


Plot Hook 2) The Q-Champions come from a timeline that ceased to be. All evidence points to them never existing. Then how did a young Josiah Jones avoid a shark attack off the Great Barrier Reef? What will Smith do about this? Does this endanger the heroes' timeline?


Plot Hook3) An epidemic of Smiths spreads around the world. The marksmen target anyone who gets in their way. Is this some kind of master plan of a master villain, or a scheme that has gone awry before it was even properly launched? It's time for the heroes to stop the mayhem.


GM's Note: This character was based on Golgo 13.

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Re: The New Circle


Ghost Boy

Ghost Boy kicked down the door in front of him. His sense of energy was giving him a headache from what was going on. The first guard who tried to stop him went down from his signature kick below the belt.


He looked the room over as he pushed the man out of the way. DEMON again. He thought they had learned their lesson after the last drubbing he had given them.


"Don't let him stop the ceremony." The cry came from someone on the edge of the proceedings. Apparently he was the head of security for the shindig.


Ghost Boy decided he should let them know who was the boss. Once he had stopped whatever was going on, he would have to dig deeper into the whole DEMON thing.


He pointed his finger at the center of the crowd. A ball of blue light crossed the room. He didn't try for a full charge. He just wanted to clear the area, knock them over. The energy projectile blew up. Metal decorations on the floor blew apart like shrapnel.


"Stop him!" The chief summoner shouted at his underlings with the waving of his hands. "He's wrecking everything."


Ghost Boy closed with the nearest DEMON worshipers. He punched and kicked with the blinding speed that was his primary weapon. Bones broke, blood flew, teeth embedded the walls and ceiling. The very few spells cast by the cultists hit the walls and floor, but not their target.


"Too late." The morbanes vanished into a column of light heading into the ceiling.


The walls started to warp around the hero as the light spread. He didn't know what it meant, but it could only be trouble. He had to get out of there so he had room to fight.


He leaped through the open door. He turned and pointed at the spreading light. He charged up his weapon. The fireball boomed from his finger. It hit the light and exploded. That warped the column for a moment.


Ghost Boy frowned. His main attack was no good against the thing. It seemed to be reaching across some dimensional veil. What could he do?


He had one shot left. Where could he use it for the best effect? Maybe he could do something to whatever was at the other end of the column.


He pointed up at the sky. He called on his remaining energy to fuel the blast he was going to unleash. When he was almost exhausted from holding it in, he released his last shot. The blue lightning vanished with a boom.


The column fragmented from the top down. The shards warped whatever they touched into unrecognizable shapes. He dodged the transforming petals as the ground sprouted things best left to imagination.


Ghost Boy could only watch in horror as the landscape changed around him. He didn't have the power to rip things up. The best he could do was back out of the region and recharge. Then he could come back and exterminate what he saw.


He didn't see any other option. DEMON had screwed the world with whatever they were trying to do.


Tentacles reached for him from a tree. He dodged, swinging his hand down on the appendages. The boneless things tried to wrapped around his arm. He grabbed and pulled them from their altered body.


Suddenly the sky cleared. Things still looked bad, but something had happened. The world had taken a step back from the brink.


Ghost Boy looked at the altered landscape. He wondered how much had been changed. The civilians would be in danger if this had spread beyond where he stood.


He started away from the destroyed house. He needed to protect anybody caught in this. He needed to find someone from DEMON who knew what had happened. He couldn't do either of those things from where he was.


There had to be some way to reverse this catastrophe. If there was, DEMON would know how.


How many people had been turned into monsters because he wasn't quick enough?

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Ghost Boy

Real Name: Duane Dedmon

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Brown

Place of Birth: Meshi, Kansas

Date of Birth: 8/7/1995

Height/Mass: 5'4"/120 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

15 STR 25

60 DEX 30

20 CON 20

40 BODY 30

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

1 COM 12

PD 5

ED 4

20 SPD 6


END 40



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Spirit Body 80 point multipower

4u Pointing the finger: Ranged Killing Attack 5d6 75 pts 3 charges (-1 1/4) 33 pts

8u Knockdown punch: Energy Blast 8d6, 40 pts area effect (+1) 80 pts

1u Quick on his feet: Teleport 6" 12 pts, not through solid objects (-1/4), must cross space between (-1/4) 8 pts

4u The Chainsaw: hand attack 8d6, 40 pts, auto fire (5 hits, + 1/2) hand to hand attack (-½) 40 pts

5u It's All in the Reflexes: Missile deflection and reflection 50 points

4u Werewolf Healing: Regeneration 4d6 40 pts, reduced endurance (0 end +1/2)), Persistent (+1/2), Extra time (1 turn -1), Self only (-½) 32 pts


Will power: 3d6 Aid to multipower 30 pts

Tough body: Armor (10pd/10ed) 30 pts

Sense mystic energy 5 pts

Life Support: immortal 5 pts


Cost Skills

3 Stealth 15-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Lockpicking 15-

3 Streetwise 15-

3 KS: The mystic world 12-

3 KS: The underworld 12-

3 KS: Mystic Masters 12-

3 KS: Martial Arts World 12-

3 Analyze style 12-

3 Climbing 15-

9 Lightning Reflexes + 6

40 Combat skill levels + 5 with all combat skills

2 Navigation 12-

2 Survival 12-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Likes a good fight

20 Keeps his word

30 Hunted by Demon 14-

30 Hunted by the Scarlet Moon 14-

15 Watched by the Spirit World 14-

10 DF: Mystic Aura

15 Enraged if bystanders are attacked during a fight 11-/14-

15 Soc Lim: Minor


CHA Cost = 191

Total Powers Cost = 176

Total Skills Cost = 83

Total Cost = _________450_________


Background Information: Duane Dedmon grew up on the streets of Meshi, street fighting and watching movies from Hong Kong. His quick temper and fast hands allowed him to develop his own fighting style revolving around punching the other guy in the head as hard as he could.


Dedmon was killed when he threw himself in front of a family caught between two warring gangs. He died from gunshot wounds as the family escaped from the war zone. That should have been the end.


The family Duane died to protect remembered him and asked for justice on his behalf. Their prayers were answered when he broke out of his grave. Brimming with unnatural energy, he wandered the town, protecting it to the best of his ability from things he came across that were similar to himself.


The attack by DEMON was more than he could take by himself. He kept on trying to protect people against the things roaming the land. Joining the Q-Champions was a last ditch effort to save the remains of humanity.


He hasn't regretted his decision.


Quote: "I'm giving you the finger."


Personality: Duane used to have a hair trigger temper, and was quick to fight anyone anywhere anytime. Since his resurrection, he is prone to taking a more laidback approach to life. Only the most direst of situations can make him begin to lose his temper, and try to destroy an enemy like he used to do.


Appearance: Ghost Boy is a typical looking kid with brown hair, and brown eyes. He favors jeans and T-shirts for the Yankees. People who don't know him don't consider him much of a threat.


Powers: Ghost Boy has powers linked to his ability to control his internal spirit power. Mostly he prefers to punch someone with his enhanced power until they go down. Against a large group, he uses the area effect push. If he gets desperate, he will unleash all of his energy in the form of a blue fireball.


He is naturally tough and more resilient because of his harnessing of inner power.


Plot Hook 1) Ghost Boy is among the suspects when dead heroes and villains start coming back to life. That is generally regarded as his origin so he must be involved. Is he? What is really going on?


Plot Hook 2) Duane Dedmon turned up dead. Ghost Boy shows up, asking questions of the local underworld. Can the heroes stop what could be a growing escalation of trouble?


Plot Hook 3) Heroes of the reborn persuasion are being drafted into a DEMON army. A distress call has gotten out. The heroes have to invade a wretched hive to help their colleagues.


GM's Note- Ghost Boy was based on the hero from Yu Yu Hakosho. Yusuke Urameshi is run down by a car before he was slated to die. In a move resembling Mr. Jordan, and Heaven Can Wait, he's given a chance to come back to Earth by the Underworld Authorities if he will become a spirit detective and protect the Earth from renegade demons loose on the planet.

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Re: The New Circle



Buford Rank stood at the edge of an army. He looked around at the array of weapons and their wielders. None of them seemed too confident at the outcome of what they were about to do.


He hoped they were wrong.


"We have reports that DEMON is starting some massive spell." General Armstrong indicated a map on the meeting hall wall behind him. "We are ordered to stop them no matter what."


He looked around the silent room.


"You will all form into groups with at least one flier to carry their partners into trouble." Armstrong gazed at his fellow soldiers. "This may be our best chance to stop them one and for all. Let's move out."


Rank joined Val and Bob the bubble boy. They both looked like they were about to undertake serious business. He couldn't blame them.


"Let's go." Val waved her hand at their transporter. "We should be there to warn of any dangers."


"The Bubble Express is leaving then." Bob blew out through his gas mask. A transparent sphere surrounded them. They lifted off like an escaping balloon.


The bubble sailed through the clouds with deceptive speed. It still wasn't fast enough. The other teams whipped by on their way to the assault zone.


"Can't you go any faster?" Val watched the battlefield as the army started their raid. "They'll need us."


Rank pointed at the sky above the remote island. He readied his spear. A streak of light reached up into a miasma. Lightning and thunder preceded the sound of a giant heartbeat.


"We have to get down there and stop that." Val looked at Bob. "Hurry it up, slowpoke."


Rank pointed his spear. The end fired a beam as he plunged out of the bubble. He headed down on a stream of fire.


Bob struggled to produce another bubble to carry Val and himself down to the ground. The falling threw off his concentration.


Finally he caught them both in mid-air. An explosion marked where Rank impacted the ground.


"Damn it, Rank." Val shook her head. "Get us down there."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Rank

Real Name: Buford Rank

Nationality: Australian

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Place of Birth: Perth

Date of Birth: 8/20/1989

Height/Mass: 5'9", 190 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

20 STR 30

60 DEX 30

40 CON 30

40 BODY 30

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

- 1 COM 8

PD 6

ED 6


REC 12

END 60



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Spear of the Heart 60 point Multipower

6u Blade Slice: Hand Killing Attack 4d6 60 points

4u Spear Throw: Flight 20" 40 points

6u Deadly Spear Throw: Ranged Killing Attack 4d6 60 points

6u Spear Butt to the Face: Energy Blast 12d6 60 points

2u Spinning Missile: Deflection 20 points


Spear reach: Stretching 2" 10 points linked to Hand Killing Attack (-½) Always direct (-1/4) No noncombat stretching (-1/4) only to cause damage (-½) No velocity damage (-1/4) 4 points


No Longer Human: Regeneration Healing 3d6 30 points Reduced Endurance (0 end +1/2), persistent (+1/2), self only (-1/2), extra time (-1) 24 points

No Longer Human: Longevity 2 points

Tough as Nails: Physical 50% damage reduction resistant 30 points

Tough as Nails: Energy 50% damage reduction resistant 30 points


Cost Skills

3 AK: Australia 12-

3 AK: Perth 12-

3 KS: Local Animals 12-

2 Survival 12-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Paramedic 12-

3 KS: The Army of Engines 12-

3 KS: The Monster League 12-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Shadowing 15-

1 WF: Spears

3 Lightning Reflexes + 2 with all actions

15 Combat Sense 12-

40 + 8 Skill levels with Spear


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Mute

10 Mystic Aura

5 Large scar over his heart

30 Hunted by Demon 14-

25 Hunted by The Scarlet Moon 11-

15 DNPC: Valerie Creed 11-

15 Overconfident

10 2d6 unluck

20 Honorable


CHA Cost = 189

Total Powers Cost = 174

Total Skills Cost = 87

Total Cost = _______450___________


Background Information: Buford Rank should have had a normal existence. He was on track for bush training, only had a few years of prep school left, and had what he considered a bright future ahead.


Buford had begun wandering the local parks to help with his ranger training. He spotted a woman wandering around in the dark. He thought she looked suspicious. He decided to follow her to see what was going on.


Someone stabbed him from behind. He woke up the next day with a vague memory. He found that he had a scar over his heart.


Rank found that he couldn't remember anything but the girl. He couldn't concentrate on his studies. He wandered around the city. Everything was wrong.


He spotted the girl again. He decided to ask her what had happened to him. That was when he discovered he couldn't talk.


The girl introduced herself. She told him about the secret war between her organization, and the Monster League. She also asked him to retreat from the battle.


Rank decided to fight as one of the Army of Engines after what had happened to him.


This led to the Army of Engines attacking Demon at their main summoning site for the Kings of Edom. The pitched battle killed many on both sides. Rank survived after being blown into an ocean of fleeing butterflies. It appeared the Army's sacrifice caused the leak from the other side to close up.


Rank made his way back to civilization and joined the Q-Champions to protect what was left of humanity.


Quote: Rank can't talk.


Personality: Rank is a confident hero who typically attacks at what he perceives is a weak link of an enemy. Sometimes he is right, sometimes not. Of course he also believes he can get clear of anything he can't handle also.


Appearance: Rank is a thin, young man who tries to dress casual. He has several scars. One of the worst is where his heart was replaced by the engine that gives him his spear.


Powers: Rank's power is deprived from the engine that replaced his heart. It makes him tougher, a little faster, and allows him to summon a spear he can use to cut and fly with when he holds it.


The spear can be momentarily taken away, but he can instantly summon it again any time he wants.


Plot Hook 1) Rank has discovered a Valerie Creed that is almost the same as his trainer from the Army of Engines. He has taken a protective stance since she reminds him so much of his old friend. What happens when he discovers she is working for the other side?


Plot Hook 2) The Monster League has formed and struck in the open. Rank wondered who could make his old enemies in this alternate timeline and decided to engage them. As the damage escalates, it's up to the heroes to stop the battles and figure out what's going on.


Plot Hook 3) Rank's Spear of the Heart has appeared in the center of the town. People who have dealt with him have identified it. Where is Rank?


GM's Note: Rank is based on Kazuki Moto, the hero of Busou Renkin. The hero is killed by a monster and given an artificial heart that allows him to create a giant spear that allowed him to fly. His artificial heart was damaged causing it to mutate him into an energy draining menace.


He eventually causes a truce between monsters and alchemists and his opposite number is allowed to relocate to the moon, while the alchemists retired.

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Re: The New Circle


Yuma and Cairn

Yuma stretched his arms. His spirit familiar covered his form with its essence. He could reshape it, use it for power, channel its energy into something horrible. He preferred to just talk with it when he wanted.


His opponent glared at him.


"Are you ready to start this duel?" A set of scales appeared around the other medium. "I don't have all day for this."


"We have as long as it takes." Yuma smiled as he twisted one way, then the other. "The rules of the duel means we don't start until we're both ready. I'm not ready."


"Enough screwing around." The other man raised claw hands. "Let's go."


Magical energy washed over the pair, knocking them to the ground.


"It looks like we're going to have to postpone this." Yuma smiled. "See you later."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Yuma

Real Name: Yuma Zona

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Yuma, Arizona

Date of Birth: 9/13/2000

Height/Mass: 5'4,80 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

0 STR 10

30 DEX 20

20 CON 20

10 BODY 15

8 INT 18

30 EGO 25

15 PRE 25

1 COM 12

PD 2

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Ghost Buster 90 point Multipower

4u Talk to the unquiet dead: Telepathy 12d6,60 points, only versus ghosts (-1/2), communication only (-1/4) 34 points

2u Go back to the other side: Extradimensional movement to the other side: 20 points. only versus ghosts (-1), based on Ego (+1) 20 points

1u Detect ghosts 5 points

3u Astral projection: Clairvoyance, x 16' range (2400") 45 points, Blackout (-½) 30 points

2u Haunting: Clairvoyance Retrocognition only (-1) 40 points, blackout (-½) 16 points

6u Your ectoplasm is putty: Transform 3d6 45 points, only versus ghosts (-½), based on Ego (+1) 60 points


Mental Defense: 20 points


Merged with Cairn 60 point multipower

6u Energy blast 9d6, 45 points, indirect (+1/4) 56 points

6u Ranged killing attack 3d6 45 points, indirect (+1/4) 56 points

5u Dispel body 15d6 45 points

5u missile deflection and reflection 50 points

5u Super leap 50" 50 points

5u Gliding 50" 50 points


Ghost aura: armor (10ed/10pd) 15 points linked (-½) to second multipower 10 points


Possessing a ghost 30 + 15 Variable power pool 45 points


Longevity 5 points


Cost Skills

Analyze ghosts/spirits 12-

3 KS: Ghosts 12-

3 KS: The other side 12-

3 AK: The other side 12-

3 AK: Arizona 12-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Conversation 14-

3 Interrogation 14-

3 Deduction 12-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Streetwise 14-

3 Stealth 13-

2 Survival 12-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Paramedics 12-


40 + 8 Combat Skill levels with Ghost powers

Follower: Cairn the 120 point ghost assistant 24 points


150 Points Disadvantages

10 mystic aura

30 Hunted by Demon 14-

15 Ghosts need to be helped

20 Laid back

10 Reputation: Ghost Buster 11-

15 Minor

15 Vulnerable to Physical killing attacks 1 ½ x stun

20 Susceptible to iron 1d6 phase

15 DNPC: Unlucky ghosts who want to move on. 14-


CHA Cost = 114

Total Powers Cost = 280

Total Skills Cost = 106

Total Cost = _______500___________


Background Information: Yuma Zona grew up on his own. Ever since he was young, he could see ghosts. They helped with basic needs as he helped them move on to the other side. He gained a protector in the ghost of an old cowboy named Cairn. The two had some slight advantages against the unquiet dead, but when they joined forces, they could also affect the living neither could alone.


Yuma didn't actively oppose any of the other living forces except those that challenged his shamanship. He was caught unprepared by the massive killing stroke performed by DEMON.


Yuma spent a great deal of his time trying to settle the newly dead while fending off monsters unleashed by the Kings of Edom. He eventually came across the other Q-Champions and joined their crusade to change the timeline.


Quote: "Ignore me. I'm only here to talk to the ghost."


Personality: Yuma barely puts forth an effort. He moves when the group moves, protects others when he is present, but likes to take it easy. Most people don't realize the ghost warrior that shoots lightning and the little kid who likes to fish for hours on end are one in the same.


Sometimes it gives him an edge since a turtle moves faster than he does usually. When he gets serious, he more than capable of going for any weak spot he perceives.


Appearance: Yuma is a kid prone to wearing the latest rock band T-shirt and jeans. Cairn is an old cowboy that looks like an even more grizzled John Wayne. When they merge, the ghost looks almost alive while boy looks like he is wearing a suit of semi-transparent stuff.


Powers: Yuma's primary power is the ability to communicate with ghosts and banish them to the other side. He can also possess a ghost. This gives him additional powers that he uses for his own protection. Other ghosts that he uses this way will probably give him different powers from the ones he has when merged with Cairn.


Plot Hook 1) Some extradimensional force is sending ghosts into businesses to scare the workers. Poltergeists and other violent spirits fling things with murderous force at anyone who try to gain access. The heroes need someone who can talk to them in the dead language.


Plot Hook 2) Mistress Ocular has earned a reputation as a psychic who can speak to the dead. She comes to the heroes to tell them a ghost wants to speak with them at a haunted house. Is it a trick, or the genuine article? Another psychic who speaks to the dead might be able to sort out what's really going on.


Plot Hook 3) A gate opens in the basement of the heroes' base. Things explode from it, fleeing all over the city. The local government and other heroes try to help out but nothing seems to be working. Someone needs to go into the gate and try to find out what's going on. They might need back up that speaks the native language.


GM's Note- Yuma and Cairn are based on the Shaman King. I had a hard time trying to decide how to do these characters. I finally said that Yuma has the spirit powers, so he was the essential cog. The ghost would be his follower.

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