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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle



The Knight of the Ring floated along the roof of the building, a flaming trail marking his path. His green tunic and cloak draped around the green plates of his armor. Fiery pinpoints glowed behind the visor.


The Knight leaped from the edge of the roof. He glided over the street on his trail of flame to the next roof. He landed on a splash of flame, turned to the roof access. A gauntleted hand pulled on the door handle. Naturally it was locked.


Green flame leaped from the visor's eye opening. The door sprang open with a loud alarm to announce his presence. He slid down the staircase, heading for the bottom floor. Hopefully his loud entrance would scare the thieves away before he reached them.


The Knight of the Ring hated violence. He preferred to be summoned for things like fires, rescues, something that was heroic without having to hit someone. Thieves were beneath his notice unless they were a special danger to the populace.


The Knight pushed open the door to the lobby of the building. His hopes for the night were dashed by the human rat glaring at him behind a jewelry display case. The blank metal helmet hid his disappointment. He gestured a flaming sword to life in his hand as he opened the door to the jewelry store.


"Hold varlet," the Knight said, letting the glass door swing shut behind him. "Put back yon spoils and depart hastily."


The Brown Rat scurried away from the case, bag clutched in its talons. It hissed as it ran, naked tail flapping behind it as it headed for the employee door. It rammed through the wooden barrier without stopping.


"He's departing hastily at least," said the Knight, following at his casual pace. "That's expected from villainous rats, I suppose."


The Knight glided on his flaming bridge, pushing aside the remains of the wooden door with his free hand. The Rat clawed at the metal door leading out to an alley behind the building. It turned at the sight of the glowing paladin. It growled at him.


"Surrender," said the Knight. "I don't want to hurt you."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while since I'd checked in here, although I see csyphrett is keeping things up.


I've got a villain I thought I'd share, but if I put it in my campaign thread, my players might see him too soon. Plus, he fits in well with the New Circle idea. He was originally intended to be a Freddy- or Jason-type, but turned out to have some of The Corinthian in there as well... (warning: icky)


The Monster


Alternate ID: Marsyas


Val Char Cost

25 STR 15

23 DEX 39

30 CON 30

18 BODY 16

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

25/45 PRE 15

10 COM 0


20 PD 9

12 ED 1

5 SPD 17

10 REC 0

50 END 0

30 STUN -14


8" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

5" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 147


Cost Power

5 Immortal Godling: Life Support , Longevity: Immortal

3 Immortal Ichor: Healing 1 BODY (10 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

4 Goat's Legs: +2" Running (8" total)

6 Goat's Ears: Enhanced Perception (+3 to PER Rolls for Hearing Sense Group)

5 Goat's Eyes: Nightvision


10 Horrific Visage: Change Environment 2" radius, -1 : OCV, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (22 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2), Requires Line Of Sight (-1/4)

20 Flayed Alive: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 20 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2) (Real Cost: 13) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7)

13 Flayed Visage: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Only To Make Presence Attacks (-1/2)

5 Flayed Nerves: +5 CON (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Only To Resist Stunning (-1/2)

6 Strong-Willed: +3 with EGO Roll

3 Used To Pain: +3 with EGO Skills (9 Active Points); Only For Wounding Rolls (-2)

6 Hard To Kill: Luck 6d6 (30 Active Points); Extra Time 1 Hour (-3), Only To Avoid Certain Death (-1)

15 Cannot Be Found: Invisibility to Sight Group, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Chameleon (-1/2), Requires A Stealth Roll (-1/2)

4 Cannot Be Tracked: 0" Running (8" total), Invisible Power Effects (Smell/Taste Group, Touch Group; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (12 Active Points); Requires A Stealth Roll (-1/2)

12 Vocal Mimicry: Shapeshift (Hearing Group; Imitation), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (22 Active Points); Requires A Mimicry Roll (-1/2), Any Human Voice (-1/4)


8 Athena's Flute: +6 with Flute-related Skills (18 Active Points); OAF (-1), Side Effects (Unluck) (-1/4)

17 Skinning Knife: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 +1 (plus STR) (vs. PD), +1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (35 Active Points); OAF (-1) [Notes: 2d6+1K with STR.]

Powers Cost: 142


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es)

4 Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 3d6 NND

4 Crush: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +6d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab

3 Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +20 STR for holding on

3 Punch: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike

4 Goat's Horns: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6

Martial Arts Cost: 26


Cost Skill

20 +2 Overall

2 Animal Handler (Sheep) 14- (18-)

3 Concealment 12-

3 Disguise 12-

3 Mimicry 12-

3 Oratory 14- (18-)

3 Persuasion 14- (18-)

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 14-

2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 12-

6 PS: Flutist (PRE-based) 17- (21-)

2 KS: Wine 11-

2 AK: Greece 11-

1 Language: Ancient Greek (imitate dialects; Native)

4 Language: Greek (idiomatic)

2 Language: English (fluent conversation)

2 Language: Turkish (fluent conversation)

Skills Cost: 64


Cost Perk

3 Anonymity

Perks Cost: 3


Cost Talent

12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)

3 Lightsleep

3 Perfect Pitch

Talents Cost: 18


Total Character Cost: 400


Pts. Disadvantage

20 Distinctive Features: Flayed Satyr (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Law 14- (Less Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)

15 Hunted: The New Circle 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)

10 Money: Destitute

20 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Very Common; Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Murderous (Common; Strong)

5 Reputation: The Monster 8-

10 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently; Minor)

10 Unluck: 2d6

Disadvantage Points: 125

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 75

Total Experience Available: 75

Experience Unspent: 0


Background: Marsyas was the satyr and shephard who found found the flute that Athena had invented, and then cursed for making her look silly playing it. Marsyas mastered playing the flute, and grew so proud of his music that he challenged Apollo to a contest, flute versus lyre, to be judged by the Muses. Apollo was judged the victor, and by the rules of their contest was allowed to punish the loser however he wished -- and so Marsyas was flayed alive by the god, his skin removed in one wound. Marsyas fled, casting the cursed flute from him into a nearby river, and hid from both mortals and gods, plotting his revenge. He might not be able to avenge himself upon golden Apollo, but takes his vengeance upon the fair-haired youths who remind him of the hated god...


Personality: Marsyas has been horrifically punished, far out of proportion to his "crime". He has lived with constant pain for centuries, and nursed his hatred for all that time. Because he is powerless to strike back at the one who wronged him, his hatred has twisted, and he takes his revenge out upon handsome, fair-haired young men and boys.


Tactics: Marsyas is a movie monster -- lurking, striking by surprise, avoiding confrontation, difficult to defeat, and always returning again. Marsyas will generally select and observe a new victim for some time. He will then contact the victim while keeping himself hidden -- using his persuasion or mimicry to befriend the victim. Finally he will lure his victim away, only to reenact what Apollo had done to him, violating and flaying them to death. He relies on his ability to not be found or tracked to get away, and if necessary takes dangerous chances to escape and relies upon luck to survive.


If forced into combat, Marsyas will attempt to isolate himself and one of his antagonists, whom he will attempt to wholly incapacitate. Otherwise, he will attempt to flee, even if doing so requires suicidal risk. In battle, Marsyas relies on Presence Attacks and the edge his horrific visage gives him. He is able to absorb quite a bit of damage, but is vulnerable to attacks that bypass standard defenses (e.g., AVLD, NND, Ego Attack, etc.).


Campaign Use: If your campaign is more four-colored, play down Marsyas' more horrible traits -- describe him as 'scarred' instead of raw and bloody, reduce his malevolence to more general murder or stalking. However if your players are used to horrible crimes, play up not only how twisted Marsyas' crimes are, but how they are ultimately linked to what Apollo had done to Marsyas; once understood, Marsyas should be an object of pity as well as horror.


Marsyas makes a good nemesis for a player character who is fair-haired and handsome, or who is in some way connected to the Greek mythos. If Marsyas is underpowered for your campaign, increase his STUN and BODY.


Plot Seed: The police are stymied by a serial killer recently active in the campaign city. Blond young men and boys have been found, dead and horribly mutilated. Cloven footprints and bloody handprints that match no known blood type have led to the player characters being called in for help. However, none of the other details match what the player characters are expecting -- no demonic traces, no black magic paraphernalia, no signs of DEMON or the Sylvestris or other usual suspects being involved. Even stranger are the reports of eerie flute music haunting the crime scenes, and analysis from criminal psychologists that say the murderer is acting out some personal trauma in posing his victims...


Plot Seed: After being stopped and defeated by the player characters, Marsyas fixates upon one of the heroes -- one who reminds him of his hated enemy, Apollo. Instead of going after the hero, though, Marsyas begins striking at everything the hero cherishes -- associates, friends, family. Marsyas will systematically destroy the hero's life unless stopped, and only once the hero has lost everything will Marsyas confront him once more, skinning knife in hand...


Plot Seed: Marsyas recalls that Athena is owed some measure of his hate as well -- after all, it was her curse upon the flute that caused his downfall. He finds a skilled young flutist, not yet famous, and becomes her secret muse. She is excited by the 'romantic' relationship, but the heroes need to find her and convince her of the danger before Marsyas kills her, or worse -- recreates her in his own immage as yet another monstrous victim...


Plot Seed: If the player characters take it upon themselves to ensure Marsyas stays dead, once and for all, they find their reprieve only temporary. The immortal godling and ancient murderer finds himself in Hell, where rather than being punished for his sins, is recruited into the infernal hierarchy. Now Marsyas is unleashed once more, only greatly more powerful and dangerous...


Quote: "Why do you tear me from myself? Oh, I repent! Oh, a flute is not worth such a price!"


Appearance: Horrific monster, man-like with the legs, tail, ears, and horns of a goat -- but with his skin flayed off, and the wound still raw and bloody after all these centuries.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


2Character Name: Knight of the Ring

Real Name: Harold Jardaine

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Brown

Place of Birth: Vibora Bay

Date of Birth: 2/4/86

Height/Mass: 5'9", 155 lb.


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

21 DEX 17

10 CON 15

10 BODY 15

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

1 COM 12

PD 4

ED 3

20 SPD 4


END 30



OCV: 5 DCV: 5 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Knight's Green Armor- 20 pd/20 ed Armor 60 pts, visible (-1/4), IIF ring (-1/4) 40 pts

Knight's Protection- Total Life Support 45 pts, linked to armor (-1/2), IIF (-1/4) 25 pts


Powers of the Ring 120 pt Multipower IIF-ring (-1/4) 96 pts

4u Sword of Justice-4D6 HKA 60 pts, IIF (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Knight's Javelin-12D6 EB 60 pts, IFF (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Knight's Stride-30" Flight 60 pts, only along surfaces (-1/4), IIF (-1/4) 40 pts

4u Knight's Stride II- 60" Flight 120 pts, non combat only(-1/4), Can only change direction after landing (-1), IIF (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Knight's Shield I- 12 pd/12 ed Force Wall 60 pts, IFF (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Knight's Shield II- 24 pd/24 ed Force Wall 120 pts, IFF (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Knight's Hand- 40 str Telekinesis 60 pts, IFF (-1/4) 48 pts


Mental Defense 10 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: History 12-

3 PS: History 12-

3 AK: Historical places of the world 12-

3 Traveler

3 Linguist

12 Languages: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew

3 Paramedics 12-

2 TF:Wheeled vehicles

3 Navigation 12-

6 Survival: mountains, temperate, desert. 12-

3 Climbing 12-


Points Disadvantages

30 Hunted By Demon 14-

25 Watched by the Elders of the Ring 14-

15 Secret Identity

15 Reputation: Paladin for Justice 14-

20 Code of Honor

20 Subject to orders

10 DF: Mystic Aura

15 DNPC: Carlie Irons, Girlfriend, unaware normal with useful contacts, 11-


CHA Cost = 107

Total Powers Cost = 199

Total Skills Cost = 44

Total Cost =355


Background Information: Harry Jardaine is an assistant in a small university history department. Typically his role is to fill in for teachers who have taken a sabbatical, extra body on an expedition, a gofer. He works hard at maintaining that cover identity since he was granted the Ring of Light.


Harry had been in a small group exploring several mounds left over from prehistorical times. The original builders had vanished with no clue. He stumbled on a secret room, a skeleton in a stone chair dominating the thing. The green ring on the bony remnant's finger gleamed in the assistant's lantern light.


Harry tried the ring on, knowing that he was violating the unwritten rule of touching an artifact without documenting its significance. His mind filled with knowledge of the ring's history, that he had volunteered for a sacred duty, and that he must uphold the right and protect his civilization from extinction.


Harry has learned of a council that watches the world, and its ringbearers. Occasionally they call on him to stop something before it gets out of hand. He has also become affiliated with the Rovers after several shared cases with Shadow Streak.


Quote: "Face the light of justice."


Personality: Harry comes across as a stuffed shirt, in both identities. His refusal to compromise and act less than his standard sometimes makes him hard to get along with. On the other hand, he has earned his reputation as a stalwart defender against menaces far and wide.


Appearance: Harry is average looking, preferring outdoor clothing at the best of times. No one can say when the last time he wore a suit to a campus function. His other self is a green knight in full armor. The summoned helmet protects his identity from discovery.


Powers: The Knight of the Ring shapes energy to create an armor, speed across the ground or leap vast distances, project walls to protect others, and summon a sword to cut through any barrier. Additionally he can use this energy to move objects at a distance from his body.


Plot Hook 1) There are many such Knights. Eventually one of them goes rogue.


Plot Hook 2) Harry is asked to take care of something for the Council of the Ring. Realizing he doesn't have enough personal power to do it, he turns to the player characters to handle it.


Plot Hook 3) Harry is mortally wounded. He gives the ring to a replacement. The characters begin to have dealings with this new Knight, who comes across as a hot dogging glory hound more interested in looking good than taking care of his responsibilities. Can the characters straighten him out?

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle




Tim Timmson stood by the fireplace, elbow on the mantle, hat pulled low, trench coat hanging open to reveal the cheap brown suit he wore. He looked at his captive audience, smiling slightly. This was the wrap up where he sent someone to jail.


"Everybody here thinks they have a perfect alibi for the murder," the detective said. "I would too. Everyone is at the dinner table talking when they hear what sounds like a gun shot. Everyone rushes to the scene of the crime, break in the door, find the body together. Everyone sees everyone together.


"The opened window was a red herring to throw us off. It made it look like a burglar had broken in, killed the old man, then jumped out of the room and ran away.


"It's a classic pulled by many mystery writers since Agatha Christie," said Timmson, looking at the four men and two women with piercing eyes. Policemen stood by the doors to the room to prevent a break. "Once you know what the trick is, you have to go back to who needed to kill the victim the most."


Timmson searched the faces of his six suspects. This is where he bluffed. Some cracked, some didn't. Still he had a seventy percent chance.


"I know you killed Macreedy for the money, Edward," said Timmson, settling on the personal assistant. "How long were you going to take to kill the rest of the family, then establish yourself as the next in line? One a month, twice a month? A phony vendetta would have led right to you. Framing your girlfriend might have worked on the dimmest detective, but not on anyone smart enough to find out you were Macreedy's long lost illegitimate son."


Edward jumped to his feet, reaching under his suit jacket. The detective was on him like a cat on a mouse, swinging with both hands. A revolver dropped to the floor of the den, thumping quietly on the thick rug.


"The game's over," said Timmson, hefting the man up by his collar. "You're going to jail for what you have done."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Tim Timmson

Real Name: Timmoshak Timmsonogolic

Nationality: Atlantean

Hair/Eye Color: Variable

Place of Birth: Alantis

Date of Birth: Prehistory

Height/Mass: Variable/185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

60 STR 60

42 DEX 24

40 CON 30

40 BODY 30

15 INT 25

40 EGO 30

8 PRE 18

0 COM 10

PD 12

ED 6

30 SPD 6

REC 18

END 60



OCV: 8, DCV: 8, OECV: 10, DECV: 10.

Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

80 pt Mental Powers Multipower

8 Telepathy 16d6

8 Mind scan 16d6

8 Clairsentience: sight and hearing (30 pts) 1024" range (50 pts)


20 Mental defense


80 Magical Body Multipower

2 Shape shift (humanoid forms only, sight and touch) (23 pts)

3 Invisibility to sight group, no fringe (30 pts)

4 Desolidification (40 pts)

4 Stretching 8" (40 pts)


flight 40" (40 pts)

Tough Skin: Armor 15pd/5ed (30 pts)

Resilency: Damage reduction 50% physical (30 pts)


Cost Skills:

20 Universal Translator 15-

5 Eidetic Memory

3 KS: Alantean Age 15-

3 KS: History 15-

3 Deduction 15-

2 Local Police Powers

3 AK: Ancient Atlantis 15-

3 AK: Big Town 15-

3 KS: The Underworld 15-

3 KS: Law Enforcement 15-

3 WF: Small Arms

3 Criminology 15-

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Security Systems 15-

3 Combat Driving 13-

2 TF: Wheeled vehicles

3 Bureaucratics 15-

3 KS: Famous Puzzles 15-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Interrogation 15-



150 Points Disadvantages

20 Psych Lim: Wants to solve mysteries

15 Psych Lim: Looking for a way back to the past.

10 Rivalry: Other Detectives

30 Hunted: Rogues Gallery 14-

15 Secret: Refugee from the past

10 DF: Mystic Aura

10 Reputation: Mystery Hound 11-

20 Subject to orders

20 Public Identity

exp 72


CHA Cost = 275

Total Powers Cost = 317

Total Skills Cost = 80

Total Cost = 672


Background Information: Timmoshak Timmsonogolic became Tim Timmson the day he was yanked from a past so distant, only the Empryeans and Lemurians remember it.


Tim had been riding along in his flying sailboat just off the coast of Atlantis. The city had gleamed under the sun as he coasted along over the water. A vortex ripped open the sky in front of him. The Atlantean tried to evade the pulsing light. The wormhole sucked him off the deck of his small craft and deposited him just outside of Big Town./


Tim used his natural telepathy to secure clothes, a place to live, even establish an identity so that he could earn his keep. Being a policeman gave him a chance to learn about the human condition, while becoming part of the existing infrastructure of this new world.


The ride through the wormhole also changed his body in unexpected ways that made his deception easier to carry out. He was stronger, tougher, able to mold his body in various ways, and gifted with the ability to fly.


Tim has worked his way up to detective status, using his telepathy and other powers to make arrests. Other policemen feel that he will do anything to solve a mystery. They aren't far wrong.


Tim also has covert links to the Rovers and Champions, assisting secretly when their paths cross.


Quote: "The jig is up, Mulvaney."


Personality: Tim Timmson acts very much like a driven detective from the forties movies. He's always looking for the next piece of the puzzle, or even a new puzzle. Occasionally he can be found searching the books in the local libraries for a solution to his time travel problem.

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Re: The New Circle


Appearance: Tim dresses normally in suits, a trenchcoat, and a hat. Every now and then, he attends some function. That is when he breaks out a tuxedo and top hat. Naturally everything looks twenty to forty years out of date.


He adopts disguises when he has to perform surveillance on a suspect. It's not enough to know someone is guilty, he still has to provide concrete proof for a conviction in court. Of course he has become very skilled in gathering a confession from his suspect almost before the perpetrator knows what's happening.


Powers: Tim's original power was the ability to see unguarded surface thoughts. His trip through time from the past has allowed him to read minds at will, as well as see and hear vast distances.


His body has become tougher, and malleable to his will, allowing him to change his appearance, walk through substances, become invisible, and stretch outlandishly. This heightening of his body has extended to his mental and physical ability as well.


Plot Hook 1) A murder has been committed in a locked room during a police convention. The characters and Tim Timmson are among those who are suspects. Can they solve the crime without arousing his suspicion?


Plot Hook 2) The heroes have been given hints to some scheme by a street person they have met. He seems to know a lot about secret doings and has even pointed them at a possible mastermind. Can he be trusted, and why is he interested in the promise of time travel proposed by the villain?


Plot Hook 3) Tim Timmson has vanished. No one has seen him for days. Signs of a struggle at his apartment point to a kidnaping. Why would anyone want to kidnap a police detective? Then some important people start receiving demands. Blackmail evidence is sent to prove the threat is a real one. Are the two things connected, and how did a detective learn about these skeletons hidden in the closet? It's up to the players to find out.


While Tim Timmson possesses powers and abilities beyond normal men, he hides them as much as possible. His contribution to the Rovers has mostly been as a brain and secret source of information. When he does has to pull out some of the stops, he frequently copies a hero with similar physical powers as his and uses that as a disguise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




The team known as the Sidekicks were founded by the hero known as the Plumber. He gathered them together to defeat a menace in another reality. Once the dust had settled, he decided to stay on as the resident champion and consort to the Princess Pink Daisy, and his former assistants had decided to return to their reality. The Sidekicks decided to stay together as a team, helping to protect the town of Toad Castle where they now live.


The membership includes Coop Copper, Boomette, Lackland, Ribbon Lady, Toona, Air Male, Barry O, and Shock. They have divided Toad Castle up and patrol as individuals mostly, but in cases of emergency they band together to help out. They use the Plumber's old base below the town as headquarters and living space.


Lou, the Plumber's brother, keeps the base in good shape as well as impersonating his brother when he has too. The Sidekicks have tried to get him to come out under his own name. Lou has refused, saying that he's not ready for that type of responsibility yet. The most he has done is repaint the Plumber's armor he wears to green and blue instead of its usual red and blue the original wore.


The Sidekicks work well together, with Lou, and with others. They have maintained good relations with Toad Castle's City Hall, and police department as well as the nearest federal authorities. The town is too small for local offices but agents from the nearby bigger city know about these minor heroes.


The Sidekicks have worked with members of the Rovers, The Champions, and others. Mixed feelings have resulted from these teamups since some of the more famous heroes have expressed a concern over whether or not the defenders of Toad Castle are worthy of working as masked champions.


Naturally the Sidekicks have made enemies of organizations such as Viper, and Demon. Ba'Zar, the lizard king that they joined the Plumber to battle, also hatches schemes in their town so that he can stop them from helping when he attacks the Plumber and Princess Pink Daisy.


The Sidekicks enjoy being small fish in a small pond. They also love the challenge of taking on the big leagues and stomping the villain down.

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Re: The New Circle




The team known as the Sidekicks were founded by the hero known as the Plumber. He gathered them together to defeat a menace in another reality. Once the dust had settled, he decided to stay on as the resident champion and consort to the Princess Pink Daisy, and his former assistants had decided to return to their reality. The Sidekicks decided to stay together as a team, helping to protect the town of Toad Castle where they now live.


The membership includes Coop Copper, Boomette, Lackland, Ribbon Lady, Toona, Air Male, Barry O, and Shock. They have divided Toad Castle up and patrol as individuals mostly, but in cases of emergency they band together to help out. They use the Plumber's old base below the town as headquarters and living space.


Lou, the Plumber's brother, keeps the base in good shape as well as impersonating his brother when he has too. The Sidekicks have tried to get him to come out under his own name. Lou has refused, saying that he's not ready for that type of responsibility yet. The most he has done is repaint the Plumber's armor he wears to green and blue instead of its usual red and blue the original wore.


The Sidekicks work well together, with Lou, and with others. They have maintained good relations with Toad Castle's City Hall, and police department as well as the nearest federal authorities. The town is too small for local offices but agents from the nearby bigger city know about these minor heroes.


The Sidekicks have worked with members of the Rovers, The Champions, and others. Mixed feelings have resulted from these teamups since some of the more famous heroes have expressed a concern over whether or not the defenders of Toad Castle are worthy of working as masked champions.


Naturally the Sidekicks have made enemies of organizations such as Viper, and Demon. Ba'Zar, the lizard king that they joined the Plumber to battle, also hatches schemes in their town so that he can stop them from helping when he attacks the Plumber and Princess Pink Daisy.


The Sidekicks enjoy being small fish in a small pond. They also love the challenge of taking on the big leagues and stomping the villain down.

I'm not sure, but honor may dictate that I need to destroy you after reading this...:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Sidekicks 2

Background Information: Barry O grew up in the rural land around Toad Castle. The farm supported him, his sister, parents, and grandparents. Most of his time not working was devoted to comic books, and any hero that captured the public eye. The Plumber, being a local, filled more than one scrapbook with his adventures.


Barry finally met his hero when the adventurer crashed near his home after one particular battle with Ba'zar. The boy enthusiastically help locate some missing pieces from the Plumber's armor, and forced himself into the hero's crusade despite what his parents thought.


Barry has become a valuable ally, and the heart of the Sidekicks, pointing them where they need to go to stop the villains of Toad Castle.


Quote: "He's got a glass jaw. One hit will take him out like left over Toad Burgers."


Personality: Barry is young and ready to throw himself into the thick of things. He's always on the look out for hero and villain stories to add to his collection. He can also be found bailing his sister out of trouble more often than not.


Appearance: Barry dresses in jeans, t-shirt of a favorite hero, and a jacket. He always has a blue cap with an O on the front, and red shoes.


Powers: Barry has two almost power-like skills he has acquired through training himself on his farm.


The first is an encyclopedic knowledge of heroes, villains, known monsters, and all of their strengths and weaknesses. That helps the team out when they need to know a weak point in a hurry.


The other is a move called the flying head butt. Barry is able to leap across the room, and head butt an enemy with precision. He can't do much damage, but it is a distraction when more powerful fighters are waiting their turn to attack.


Character Name: Barry O

Real Name: Barrett Orwell

Nationality: AmericanHair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Toad Castle

Date of Birth: 5/1/98

Height/Mass: 4'10", 95 pounds.


Cost Characteristic Value

STR 10

15 DEX 15

10 CON 15

4 BODY 12

7 INT 17

10 EGO 15

2 PRE 12

COM 10

PD 2

ED 3

10 SPD 2


END 30



OCV: 5 DCV: 5 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 6,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Flying Head Butt: 10" leaping, forward motion only-1, (5 pts) plus hand to hand attack + 3d6 (15 pts), hand to hand attack -1/2, only when leaping -1 (6 pts) 11 pts


Detect Weaknesses: Detect vulnerabilities (Int Roll), (sight group), discriminatory 10 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: The Superworld 12-

3 KS: History of the superworld 12-

3 AK: Toad Castle and environs 12-

3 AK: Princess Daisy Pink's kingdom 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Stealth 12-

3 survival: urban 12-


50 Points Disadvantages

15 Soc Lim: minor

20 DNPC: sister Bertha 11-

15 Watched by Sidekicks 11-


CHA Cost = 58

Total Powers Cost = 21

Total Skills Cost = 21

Total Cost = 100


Plot Hook 1) The Sidekicks think things in Toad Castle are too hot for Barry to keep operating as one of them for a while. They want him to take a vacation. Naturally Barry decides to work with the local heroes and see what's going on in their town.


Plot Hook 2) Ravenswood Academy asks the players to locate and talk to Barry about joining their special program. The primary problem is his guardians.


Plot Hook 3) Kid heroes have started flocking to Toad Castle in hopes of being taken serious and joining the Sidekicks or any other group. How do the players handle it when such a group tries to join them as an auxiliary branch?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


OddHat' date=' been meaning to ask, who would you consider the real life fameous American mystics? I got Tituba, Marie Laveau, and Wovoka, beyond that I'm stumped.[/quote']


I'll think about it and get back to you, but there are quite a few depending on period and where you draw the line. Jose SIlva claimed all sorts of magic powers, and so do people like Sylvia Browne, John Edwards and Deepak Chopra.


Self help is full of magicians.

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Re: The New Circle


For McCoy and anyone else interested in real world American mystic weirdness, I'd highly recommend Jon Ronson's The Men Who Stare at Goats. Ronson (UK Doccumentary film maker and humorist) explores the very strange history of the US Military's various psychic soldier projects and First Earth Batallion, including those who claimed to be psychic soldiers. No one source is creditable, but the story as Ronson puts it together is bizzare and fascinating stuff, perfect for Champions and Dark Champions games.

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Re: The New Circle


While on the subject' date=' Architects of the Underworld is also a good book along somewhat similar but much more broad and raving conspiracy lines.[/quote']


Thanks, looks interesting.


I've often thought that most professional conspiracy theorists were either frustrated sc-fi writers or gamers who finally found a way to make a living from their hobby.

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Re: The New Circle


Thanks, looks interesting.


I've often thought that most professional conspiracy theorists were either frustrated sc-fi writers or gamers who finally found a way to make a living from their hobby.

Interesting point, I would well imagine so, at least for some if not most. I think a lot of it, too, though is related to being socially marginal/disconnected, and the conspiracy world is like the RPG one in that it provides a home for disaffected sorts of a like mind but in addition, to cater to fragile minds, provides a very secure, easily-understood worldview - it's always "their" fault, it's someone's doing, one's problems can always be explained by external, explicable forces.


Anyway, very much to your point, I have long considered writing in the conspiracy/cryptozoology field (fusing the two, there's not enough crossover there), insisting I'm serious but not really being so. Someday this post will come back to haunt me... (or am I covering so that they don't get me....)

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Re: The New Circle



Anyway, very much to your point, I have long considered writing in the conspiracy/cryptozoology field (fusing the two, there's not enough crossover there), insisting I'm serious but not really being so. Someday this post will come back to haunt me... (or am I covering so that they don't get me....)


I've sometimes considered a career as a cult leader myself. Unfortunately, my wife objects to the followers crashing in the den.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


sidekicks 3

Background Information: Coop Copper dreamed of being an archaeologist when he was just Cooper Coppersmith. He dreamed of following in his uncle's footsteps and finding out things about the past that no one else had learned. He had been attending TCU when he had to give up his dream after discovering a secret from the past like he dreamed of doing since he was a boy.


Coppersmith had joined a dig under Toad Castle, exploring the sewer system for artifacts. It was supposed to be a training exercise for the class. Coop found a black metal door off to one side of the main tunnels. He used a shovel to pry it open so he could learn what was behind it.


Coop descended into the bowels of the earth under the city. The tunnels were older than anything he had ever thought of examining on his own. Then he discovered Lord Ba-Zar's turtle army.


Worse they discovered him and decided to fit him with a new body.


Coop suffered a total reconstruction of his body, the addition of a hard shell across his torso, the reduction of his facial features, the loss of his hair. Most people lost their ability to think by this time, reduced to a catatonia by the pain of the operation. The student held on, looking for a chance to escape.


He found it when the adventurer known as the Plumber showed up to face Lord Ba-Zar, and stop his impending invasion. The two battled their way to Ba-Zar's field headquarters and sent him packing back to his home dimension.


Coop's contacts in the student and teacher community of TCU became invaluable after he decided to stay on as one of the Plumber's Sidekicks.


Quote: "Time to rev up."


Personality: Coop has retained some of his inquisitiveness and interest in ancient history. He also tends to be brash and more outgoing than he used to be. He tries not to dwell on the extreme makeover he suffered through, but does sometimes take time to be alone.


Appearance: Coop resembles a humanoid turtle. He wears a variety of t-shirts and shorts over his shell, and goggles on his head.


Powers: Coop has an extra tough shell, and scaly skin for protection. He is able to pull his limbs and head in and spin across the ground like a hockey puck. He uses this to move fast, batter enemies, sometimes even cause a fiery discharge with his spin when touches something as he goes by.


While Coop may look like a turtle, he has not been gifted with any notable ability to move in water like one.


Character Name: Coop Copper

Real Name: Cooper CoppersmithNationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: bald/brown

Place of Birth: Toad Castle

Date of Birth: 6/4/89

Height/Mass: 5'8"/300 lbs.


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

30 BODY 25

8 INT 19

10 EGO 15

0 PRE 10

-2 COM 6

PD 4

ED 4

10 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Turtle Body: Armor (10 pd/10ed) 30 pts


Whirling Speed: + 12 running 24 pts


Whirling Leap: 12" leaping (12 pts), forward motion only (-1), must make half move with running first (-½). 5 pts


Whirling Speed 50 pt multipower:

3u Whirling Move: HA + 5d6, AOE (20" line, +1 1/4), Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), must make half move with running first (-½). 28 pts

5u Sparkling Whirling Move: HKA + 3d6, AOE (20" line, +1 1/4), Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), must make half move with running first (-½). 50 pts

3u Dizzy Spell: Drain Dex 4d6 (40 pts), must make half move with running first (-½). 32 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: History 12-

3 KS: Toad Castle history 12-

3 KS: Archaeology 12-

3 KS: Geology 12-

3 KS: Caverns 12-

3 Survival: Caverns 12-

3 Survival: Deserts 12-

3 Research 12-

5 Eidetic Memory

7 Contact: Dr Henry Jones

3 AK: Toad Castle 12-

3 AK: Princess Daisy Pink's Kingdom 12-

3 systems operations 12-

3 computer operation 12-

3 Forensics 12-


/100 Points Disadvantages

20 DF: Turtle Man

20 Hunted by Ba-Zar

15 Reputation: Sidekick 14-

15 Phy Lim: Can't move if on back

15 Psych Lim: Loves studying history

15 Psych Lim: Protective of Barry O


CHA Cost = 129

Total Powers Cost = 120

Total Skills Cost = 51

Total Cost = 300


Plot Hook 1) A flood of turtle men erupt from the sewers of the campaign city, taking over several key areas for their ruler, Lord Ba-Zar.


Plot Hook 2) A mask of an unknown mummy has been discovered by the local museum. The curator would like the heroes to ascertain if there is a connection between the mask and the freakish Coop Copper.


Plot Hook 3) Several heroes who look like animals have gone missing. Is a player character next? Only if he's half beast.

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