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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle


Reading between the lines, sounds like an interesting origin story.


His CON, SPD, END and ED seem a little low for "typical" campaigns - is he intended to boost them via his Qliphothic Body Control VPP?


I did an origin story, but the thread carried it away about 300 pages ago. When I get it all done, I'll gather the whole team up in one spot. You're exactly right about the Vpp, but also as enhancers for his regular powers and some shifting such as growth, desolid, and shrinking.



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Re: The New Circle


I don't even know enough of Deathstroke or Starro -- aside from the Teen Titans cartoon and Batman: Beyond cartoon. Teensy bit different, from what I understand.


Darkseid, I guess, would give a chance to actually use that Nega-Beam power from the USPD. :eek: But that's a bit too high-power for me.


I just did a paper writup on Starro. For thoes who are not in the know, Starro is a gigantic space starfish with humungous mind control powers (via smaller "face hugger" starfish). It's real modivation is not acualy known (or even knowable), but it took the entier Justice Leauge to drive it off the planet.


Now, imagion a pan-dimentinal version of it... Imagion a humungous eye which only people with mental awairness can see. Imagion an entier town, working on creating a gigantic object. Imagion the entier town's population always wearing hats to disguise a disturbing third eye only mystics can see. This is my homage...The Great Eye! Comming soon.


As for Deathstroke... the only way I can think about mysticing him up is making him a mercnarie/asasion who specalises in destroying the supernatural, regardless of what side it is on.

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Re: The New Circle


The Great Eye


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

100 STR 90 29- Lift: 25 ktons. 20d6 [10]

8 DEX -2 11- OCV: 3 DCV: 3

100 CON 180 29-

28 BODY 36 15-

36 INT 26 16- PER Roll: 16-

50 EGO 100 19- ECV: 17

40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6

6 COM -2 10-


20 PD 0 Total PD: 20 PD (0 rPD)

20 ED 0 Total ED: 20 ED (0rED)

6 SPD 42 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

40 REC 0

200 END 0

130 STUN 2

Total Charatistic Cost: 502


Movement: Flight: 10"/20", No Turn Mode

FTL Travel: 1 Light Year per Year

Extra Dimentinal Movement: Any Dimention, Requiers A Huge Focus


Cost Powers END

80 Alien Mental Powers... Eyes: Mind Control (human class of mind) 20d6, Physical Manification (floating eyes which atache themselves to the victom's forehead, which can only be seen via mental sences, and can only be driven from the victom by mental powers, which do body for purpses of removing them, - 1/4) 10

67 Alien Mental Powers... Find Eyes: Mind Scan (human class of mind) 20d6, Only Works On Thoes Who Are Controled By It's Own Mind Control Power (- 1/2) 10

67 Alien Mental Powers... Image Send To Eyes: Telepathie (human class of mind) 20d6, Only To Speek In "Symboles" (+ 0), Only Works On Thoes Controled By It's Own Ming Control Power (- 1/2) 10


120 Alien Skin And Nature: Damage Reduction 75%, Physical, Energy, Resistant

25 Alien Mind: Mental Defense (Alien class of mind) 30 points, Harden (+ 1/4)

36 Heavy Body: Knockback Resistant -18"


101 Naturaly Invisable To Non-Mystical/Mentaly Awair Beings: Invisable to Seight, Hearing, Smell/Taist, and Touch Sence Group, Reduced Endurance (0 END, + 1/2), Persistent (+ 1/2), Inherent (+ 1/4), Always On (- 1/2), Does Not Affect Thoes With Mental Awairness (- 1/2)


10 The Dimentinal Iris: Extra-Dimentinal Movement (Any Location, Any Direction), Focus (OIF, Immoble, Extremly Dificult To Replace, - 2 1/2) 4

10 Space Eye: Faster Than Light Travel 1 Light Year per Year

50 Air Eye: Flight 10", Position Shift, No Turn Mode (+ 1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, + 1/2)

-6 No Legs, Just A Giant Eye: Running -6"

-2 Something That Huge Can't Just Float In Water: Swiming -2"

-20 Did We Mention It Has No Legs?: Leaping -20"


47 Mental Seight: Spatial Awairness, Discriminatory, Analyze, 360 Degree Precption, Telescopic, +20 PER to offset Range Modifiers

20 An Eye That Big Can See Realy, REALY Far: Telescopic +40 PER to offset Range Modifiers with seight sence group


50 Alien Life: Life Suport (full)



4 KS: Dimentinal Travel: 18-

4 AK: Dimentions: 18-

5 Navigation (Dimentinal): 18-

5 Power: Alien Mental Powers: 21-

5 Power: Dimentinal Travel: 18-


Total Power Cost: 678

Total Cost: 1180


200+ Disavantages

15 Disnctive Features: Giant Floating Eye (Easily Concealed via powers, Cause Extream Fear, Even Insanity In Some Cases)

20 Hunted by varieous dimentinal beings (As Powerful, NCI, 11-)

25 Physical Limitation: No Manipulating Limbs (All The Time, Fully)

20 Physical Limitation: No Movement Limbs (All The Time, Greatly (offset slightly by movement powers))

20 Physical Limitation: Colossal Size (All The Time, Greatly)

15 Physical Limitation: Unfamiler With The Culture Of Other Sentient Beings (Frequently, Greatly)

20 Psychological Limitation: Wanderlust, Wants To See What The Next Dimention Contains (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident, Rairly Asks For Help From Others... At Least Willing Help (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Pan-Dimentinal Being, With No Legal Rights In This Dimention (Occasionally, Severe)

815 Experence


Background/History: Nobody noticed when it arived in the small midwestern town of Overlook. It was unnoticed by the population. It then started slowly takeing over the minds of the inhadadents, forcing them to work on building a special ark it neded in order to cross the dimentinal divide. Then, a myseterous old oriental man appeared, and with some powerful magical spells, drove what the population had come to call "The Great Eye" off the planet, and saved them from it's control.


It then spent many a year floating in space, wandering from planet to planet, searching for sentients to build the ark it so despertly needed. Now, it is headed back twords Earth.


Quote: None, but it has been known to make some squeeking sounds at times.


Personality/Modivation: The Great Eye realy dosen't mean harm to any sentient. It just wants to go on to the next dimention and see what there is to see over in that other place. To do so, it must control as many of the local sentients as it can, then make them build for it what it needs. Even if someone can comunicate with it, it will refuse the other's help, perfering to do things his way.


Powers/Tactics: Basicly, The Great Eye is a floating mentlist with great mind control powers, and an alien class of mind. It can float in the air, travel in space, is imune to most enviroments, and can see for miles.


Tacticly, it has none. It dosen't fight except for overwhelming the target with mind controled slaves.


Apperance: The Great Eye is basicly a huge white orb with red lines and a black irus which vagly looks like a disembodied eye. Forcently for others, it is natuly invisable.


Campain Use: Basicly, The Great Eye is a one storie charater. It exists as an atagonest who must not be fought, but instead, to be understood, and prehaps helped. It is not ment to be less powerful. Nor should it realy need more power.


The Great Eye does not hunt. All It wants to do is explore other dimentions.


Plot Seeds


The Great Eye Returns: Something wrong is afoot. Eveyone in town is wearing hats. Eveyone is acting strangly, except for a handlful of people. What are thay doing in the middle of the night? Why do thay whisper about a giant eye returning to Earth?


The Evil Eye: A crinimal of the Great Eye's race is sent into this dimention as both prison and punishment for crimes which make sence only to whatever the Great Eye's race is. This being is a huge red eye with the ability to shoot mystical energy, at the cost of it's invisability and mental powers. Can the heros perswade the other Great Eyes to find another dimention to imprision the evil one?


The Path Of Five Eyes: Not one, but five Great Eyes have come to Earth, and The Master has calculated that if all five of them open there dimentinal gates at the same time, the Earth will be destroied. Can the heros convince the eyes of this fact, and would thay cair?

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Re: The New Circle


Theo Cable looked out the open drop door. His scarlet costume reflected the dim light quietly as he took a deep breath. His right hand gripped a stanchion as the plane dodged rods of light with cheerful abandon. Lily Veil grabbed his other arm with both of hers. She looked way calmer than he felt at the moment. Fu and Swithin stood on the other side of the cabin. Swithin was smiling.


Cable shook his head as the "Get Ready" was announced.


The drop ship passed over the turtle shell invader a few moments later. Red flashes told the commandoes how welcome they were as Cap Charlton swerved left and right to keep from being shot down. Theo released the stanchion, flinging himself and Lily free from the plane's exit. He concentrated on hitting the hull as gently as possible as he aimed for the top of the round intruder.


Something from his utility belt should open a door for him.


Otherwise he and Lily would be in a hopeless situation.



Theo Cable had started his own company in Vibora Bay. He specialized in micro machine solutions to out of the ordinary problems. His tiny robots and computer systems led to new ways of doing things, especially in the construction, and electronics industries.


Eventually Theo became a consultant in Dr. Scarab's battle with his brother, and other mystical menaces threatening the Earth. The scientist discovered he possessed a small talent for magic along the way. His ability focused on magic machinery, just as his scientific training had been turned to a narrow field before that.


When Takofanes began his march, killing any who crossed his path, Dr. Scarab was among those who opposed the lich in battle. Theo was there also, trying to come up with a way to stop the living dead creature. He had to watch from the sidelines as his friend and mentor was struck down.


Theo built a small arsenal, underwent training, and adopted the costumed identity of the Scarlet Scarab to honor his friend. He has operated on his own, and as a dimensional commando once he felt he was ready to carry on Dr. Scarab's mission.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


White Eagle


Val Char Cost Roll Notes


20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 [2]


23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8


18 CON 16 13-


12 BODY 4 11-


15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-


15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5


15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6


12 COM 1 11-


10 PD 6 Total: 10 PD (0 rPD)


10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED (0 rED)


5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12


8 REC 0


36 END 0


31 STUN 0


Total Characteristic Cost: 119


Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 10"/20"


Leaping: 4"/8"


Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END


10 Thunderbird's Blessing: Power Defense (10 points)


5 Thunderbird's Blessing: Mental Defense (8 points total)


5 Thunderbird's Warning: Mental Awareness


15 Thunderbird's Protection: Hearing Group Flash Defense (15 points)


13 Rooftop Acrobatic Abilities: Flight 10" (20 Active Points); Must Land At the Ending of Each Phase Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 2


49 Thunderbird's Voice: Multipower, 61-point reserve, (61 Active Points); all slots Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4)


4u 1) Deafening Sonic Blast: (Total: 61 Active Cost, 37 Real Cost) Energy Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 27) plus Hearing Group Flash 7d6 (21 Active Points); Linked (???; -1/2), Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) 6


3u 2) Shriek: Hearing Group Flash 13d6 (39 Active Points); Does Not Work In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 4


2u 3) Deafening The Crowd: Hearing Group Flash 7d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (37 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Does Not Work In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 4


3u 4) Sonic Blast: Energy Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 4


3u 5) Vertigo Blast: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 35 Real Cost) Energy Blast 6d6 (30 Active Points); Does Not Work In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 20) plus Drain DEX 2d6, Ranged (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Linked (Energy Blast; -1/2), Does Not Work In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 15) 6


4u 6) Ultrasonic Blast: Energy Blast 8d6, Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 6


4u 7) Infrasonic Blast: Energy Blast 8d6, Penetrating (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 6


3u 8) Sonic Cone: Energy Blast 6d6, Area Of Effect (7" Cone; +1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 6


3u 9) Sonic Beam: Energy Blast 6d6, Area Of Effect (12" Line; +1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Not In Vacuum (-1/4), Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 6


5u 10) Bowl 'em Over With Volume: Hearing Group Flash 10d6, Does Knockback (+1/4), Double Knockback (+3/4) (60 Active Points); Does Not Work In Vacuum Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 6


Blackfoot Eagle-Style


Maneuver OCV DCV Notes


4 Sheltering Wing +2 +2 Block, Abort


4 Talon Plucks The Spear -1 +1 Disarm; 30 STR to Disarm


4 Wing Takes To Air -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort


5 Eagle Takes His Prey +0 +0 4d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove


5 Eagle Drops His Prey +1 +0 4d6 +v/5; FMove


4 Talons Strike +0 +2 6d6 Strike




5 Contact: BowHuntress (Very Good relationship with Contact) 12-


3 Reputation: Mystical Superhero (A large group) 14-, +1/+1d6


6 Contact: The New Circle, Organization Contact (x3) (6 Active Points) 11-




3 Acrobatics 14-


3 Breakfall 14-


3 Climbing 14-


3 Stealth 14-


10 Elusive Combatant: +2 with DCV


6 +2 with Thunderbird's Voice


5 +1 with HTH Combat


2 KS: History 11-


3 Linguist


1 1) Language: Native Languages (North American) (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)


2 2) Language: Polish (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)


2 3) Language: Russian (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)


3 Scientist


1 1) SS: Archeology 11- (2 Active Points)


1 2) SS: Botany 11- (2 Active Points)


3 3) SS: Sonics 13- (4 Active Points)


3 Criminology 12-


3 KS: Native American Lore 12-


3 Streetwise 12-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 231


Total Cost: 350


200+ Disadvantages


10 Distinctive Features: Avatar Of The Thunderbird (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)


10 Hunted: Howler 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)


15 Hunted: New Circle's Rogue's Gallery 11- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)


15 Hunted: Red Justice (ex-KGB super-agents) 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)


10 Hunted: War Cry 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)


20 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Hero (Common, Total)


15 Psychological Limitation: Does Not Suffer Fools Lightly (Common, Strong)


10 Psychological Limitation: Tries To Live Up To Family's Legacy Of Heroism (Uncommon, Strong)


10 Reputation: Avatar of the Thunderbird, 14- (Known Only To A Small Group)


15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity: Dane Spirowski (Frequently, Major)


20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Lasers and Light-based Attacks (Common)


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/History: Dane Spirowski is the third White Eagle, a Polish superhero legacy that fled the Nazis and Communism for a life in England. His great grandfather, a Polish Archeologist who operated in the American Southwest before WW2, awakened the Thunderbird who granted Spirowski the power of its voice. The Original White Eagle fought valiantly against the Nazis during World War II, but the combined might of the Ubermensch forced him and several other Polish defenders to relocate to England, along with the Polish Air Force. Just as the Polish pilots linked with the Royal Air Force, White Eagle and his allies teamed up with British supers to battle the Nazi menace. After the war, the White Eagle and his son (going by the name War Cry), returned to Poland, but the NKVD assassinated the Polish Champion after a few years. War Cry took up the name White Eagle, and continued to fight crime and against Soviet Sponsored Espionage, Terrorism and metahumans throughout Europe.


Along the way, David Spirowski fell in love with the Russian exile superheroine St. Peter's Star, and together, under threat of KGB assassins, relocated to the United States, in the American Southwest. There, the couple had twins, Dane (the current White Eagle) and Darla (the new St. Peter's Star). Both children grew up surrounded by "uncles" with miraculous powers and the knowledge that their parents had been part of a heroic legend. Today, Dane has entered into the superhuman world. He'd be more inclined to work with the New Circle, except for the fact that Knight Hunter gets on his nerves. He has also fallen in love with the Light's old travelling partner, Bowhuntress, and the two work as a team in Seattle, Washington.


Personality/Motivation: Dane is trying to live up to his family's legacy of heroism. He has a strong sense of history, and has been raised to be a true blue hero.


Quote: "Listen up, twerp..." (followed by ear-splitting sonic cry)


Powers/Tactics: White Eagle is a highly skilled martial artist with a strong dose of sonic energy blasts and "sonic tricks" he can accomplish with his voice. His powers have been granted to him by a mystical entity.


For some reason, he is especially vulnerable to light-based powers, such as his sister Darla's abilities.


Campaign Use: Black Canary... after a sex change... use as needed. :)


Appearance: White Eagle has long black hair (actually a wig), and wears a white jumpsuit with a white leather half-jacket and a black eagle across his chest.

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If no one else want to take them' date=' I'll get a version of Green Arrow and Black Canary up this week.[/quote']

Lightray's maxim: Never too many shooty superheroes or superheroines in fishnets.



... that said, muscled guy in white spandex would seem to be an acceptable male version of the fishnets. But you should probably let him be barechested, too. Good for the goose, good for the gander... ;)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Lightray's maxim: Never too many shooty superheroes or superheroines in fishnets.



... that said, muscled guy in white spandex would seem to be an acceptable male version of the fishnets. But you should probably let him be barechested, too. Good for the goose, good for the gander... ;)

Yeah. I keep envisioning White Eagle as Elvis with LONG hair. And fit. ;)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


I just realized something. In the recent Starman series, they indicated that Black Canary I and Starman had an affair.


And in looking for White Eagle's mom, I picked... St. Peter's STAR (another nice exiled Eastern superhero, pre-FREd).


Damned subconscious.

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Re: The New Circle


The Black Tryangle continues with my tribute to The Chetta, an old villian of Wonder Woman. Welcome The Claw. By the way, I named her after my dearly departed cat, Frankie (he was 18 when we died, and I also used my mother's maiden name for Frankie's last name, just because).


And don't forget...I am a terable speller.


The Claw


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift: 200kg 3d6 [2]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8 DCV: 8

15 CON 10 12-

15 BODY 10 12-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

20 COM 5 13-


5 PD 2 Total PD: 15 PD (10 rPD)

5 ED 2 Total ED: 15 ED (10 rED)

7 SPD 37 Phases: 2,4,6,7,9,11,12

10 REC 8

50 END 10

40 STUN 10


Total Chartistic Cost: 167


Movement: Running: 20"/40"

Leaping: 30"/60"

Swiming: 2"/4"

Teleportation: 10"/20"


Cost Powers END

60 Mystical, Demonic Claws: Multipower 60 points

12m Damage Claw: Killing Attack - Hand-to-Hand 4d6 (5d6 w/STR) 6

9m Shreding Claw: Killing Attack - Hand-to-Had 2d6 (3d6 w/STR), Armore Piercing (+1/2) 5

9m Ripping Claw: Killing Attack - Hand-to-Hand 2d6 (3d6 w/STR). Penatrating (+1/2) 5

12m Great Tearing Claw: Killing Attack - Hand-to-Hand 2d6 (3d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penatrating (+1/2) 6

12m Mystical Range Shreading: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 6

11m Mussel Ripper: Drain STR 3d6, Attack VS Limited Defence (PD, +3/4) 5

11m Dexterity Ripper: Drain DEX 3d6, Attack VS Limited Defence (PD, +3/4) 5

11m Health Ripper: Drain CON 3d6, Attack VS Limited Defence (PD, +3/4) 5

11m Beutie Ripper: Drain COM 3d6, Attack VS Limited Defence (PD, +3/4) 5

11m Skin Ripper 1: Drain PD 3d6, Attack VS Limited Defence (PD, +3/4) 5

11m Skin Ripper 2: Drain ED 3d6, Attack VS Limited Defence (PD, +3/4) 5

6m Space Ripping: Teleportation 10", Position Shift, Safe Blind Teleportation (+1/4) 3


30 Mystress Of Cats: Multipower 60 points, Limited Class Of Minds (Cats Only, -1)

6m Cat Control: Mind Control 12d6 (Animal Class Of Minds), Limited Class Of Minds (Cats Only, -1) 6

6m Cat Comunication: Telepathy 12d6 (Animal Class Of Minds), Limited Class Of Minds (Cats Only, -1) 6

5 Control Of Cat People: Add Multiple Class Of Minds to Mind Control (Human), Limited Class Of Minds (Cat Metamorphs Only, -1) +1

5 Comunication Of Cat People: Add Multiple Cass Of Minds to Telepathy (Human), Limited Class Of Minds (Cat Metamorphs Only, -1) +1


10 Bladed Paw: Killing Attack - Hand-to-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), Only With Multi-Power Attacks (-1/2) 2


20 Cat Twisting: Armor 10PD, 10ED, Restranable (-1/2)


5 Cat's Eyes: Infrared Vision

5 Cat's Eyes: Night Vision

22 Cat's Ears: Discriminatory Hearing, Sence, Targeting

5 Cat's Nose: Targeting Smell


36 Cat Running: Running 20" 4

27 Cat Leaping: Leaping 30" 6



12 +4 w/Mystical, Demonic Claws

6 +2 OECV w/Mystress Of Cats


15 Acrobatics: 21-

6 Animal Handler (Cats): 18-

15 Breakfall: 21-

3 Bureaucratics: 16-

15 Climbing: 21-

9 Computer Programing: 16-

9 Concelment: 16-

9 Contortion: 18-

16 Defensive manuver (full)

8 KS: The Buisness World: 18-

8 PS: Secratarie: 18-

9 Security Systems: 16-

7 Seduction: 18-

9 Shadowing: 16-

9 Stealth: 18-

9 Tracking: 16-

10 Two-Weapion Fighting (Hand-to-Hand)


Total Power Cost: 5446

Total Cost: 713


200+ Disavantages

10 Distinctive Features: Cat's Eyes (Concelable, Noticed And Recognised)

10 Distinctive Features: Souless (Not Concelable, Always Noticed, Only Detectable With Detect Magic or Detect Souls)

20 Hunted by The New Circle (As Powerful, 11-, NCI, Capture/Deposess)

15 Physical Limitation: Colorblind (Att The Time, Slightly)

20 Psychological Limitation: Cairs For Cats Better Than People (Common, Total)

15 Psyclological Limitation: Extreme Hatred Of Insitutions/Individuals Who Help/Hurt Animals (epsecaly cats) (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Killer (and Eater Of Humans) (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Idenity (Franceen "Franky" White, Frequently, Minor)

15 Physical Limitation: Considered An Animal Class Of Mind As Well As A Human Class Of Mind (All The Time, Greatly)

10 Unluck: 2d6

20 Vulnerability: 2X STUN From Good Aligned Magic

20 Vulnerability: 2X BODY From Good Aligned Magic

323 Experence


Background/History: Franceen "Frankie" White was an ordanarie woman just out of colage when she decided to answer a help wanted add for a personal secatarie to Lucifer Morningstar.


"So, how do you feal about cats, Miss White?" Lucifer asked her during the interview.


"Cats? I have a pair at home. Why do you ask?"


"Cause I have one, and as one of your duties, your to take cair of Old Nick. It won't be easy...he can be a devil at times."


"That's alright...I have some experence with disoplening disobedeant cats."


"Can you start soon?"


"As soon as you need me."


"Fine...then just sign on the dotted line."


Frankie did so, and then started to leave. "Excuse me, Miss White, but I beleve you forgoten something..." replied Lucifer. Frankie turned around, and a huge black cat leaped at her...and into her. She fainted, hearing theas words: "You shall be my grestest point in my Black Tryangle. The Master must be countered..."


When Frankie awoke, she felt...difrent. She no longer saw in color. Her fingernails grew sharp. And as she looked into a mirror, she noticed that her eyes were cat-like. "Ah...your awake, Miss White. I have a special treat for you today...a human 'mouse'." Just then, a door opened, and a feble young man was shoved into the room. Then the door closed behind him...then the claws came out as the now changed Frankie White ate her first meal as a half-demon.


Quote: "You look...taistie."


Personality/Modivation: Simply put, Frankie is no longer human. She is almost like a wild cat herself. She is able to kill on a whim, and likes to eat what she kills. Her faveret targets are humain society workers, members of animal liberation orginzaions, scientist who experment on animals, and other people who depend on animals.


She dislikes Lucifer greatly. Given a choice, she would leave The Black Tryangle and live out her days hunting, killing, and eating humans.


Powers/Tactics: The fingernails of The Claw have grown hard and sharp. Ocasenly, green energy can be seen across them. Wih the claws, she can rip apart almost anything, even ripping the space between where she is, and where she wants to be.


The Claw can also comunicate and control cats and cat-based mentmorphs. Also, many of her senses are mmuch more like a cats than like a humans. Being fused with a demon has given her the disavantages of being souless and the fact that good aligned magic hurts her more than normal.


Apperance: Frankie White appears to be a light skined black woman with short cut hair. She hides her green eyes behind sunglases when she is not on the job as The Claw. She also likes to wear nice, but expencive fasions.


As The Claw, she wears a pitch black leotard and a pitch black hood with cat ears on the top. She wears no gloves, perfering to let people see the claw's sharpness when thay are in use.


Cappain Use


To make The Claw more powerful, give her some more sharp claw powers. Prehaps she can summon up any type of cat. Prehaps she could also change normal cats into cat based monsters (like Catawhalls, Rakashas, Mastercores, Gryphons, ect...). To depower her, remove some of her more fantastical claw powers. Leave at least her main rip power, her highten sences, and her Mystress Of Cats powers.


The Claw hunts freely and unafraid. She likes to play cat and mouse with her prey, attacking and disapering, repeating till she gets board and/or hungry, then leaping in for the final kill. She trys to avoid hunting cat based heros (unless thay are of a more gaget and/or martial arts type, which will draw her to hunt them for not being a real cat). She also hunts whoever Lucifer says.


Plot Seeds


The Day Of The Cats: The Black Tryangle found a special and mystical Cat's Eye gem. Using the power of the gem, it alowes The Claw to extend her cat control powers to the entier city. Can the heros stop all thoes cats? Can thay handel the chaos this incident causes, and the people who take advantage of the situation?


Bright Lights, BIG Kittie: Somehow, The Claw has goten mental control over Kaya The Destroyer. Can the heros stop The Claw from using Kaya to destroy? And How would Kaya react when she finds out?


Catfight: The Claw learns about another cat based supervilian, and she can't stand the compution. So, she decides to rip her apart. Can the heros save the targeted villian?

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Re: The New Circle


Next one up is my version of Caption Cold. Yes, I know there is already a version of him. That dosen't mean I can't do my version...by the name of The Cold. Needless to say, he is a member of The Black Tryangle.


The Cold


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift: 75kg. 1 1/2 d6 [1]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8 DCV: 8

30 CON 40 15-

10 BODY 0 11-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

12 COM 1 11-


12 PD 10 Total PD: 12PD (0rPD)

12 ED 6 Total ED: 12ED (0rED)

5 SPD 17 Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

20 REC 24

60 END 0

40 STUN 11

Total Charatistic Cost: 165


Movement: Running: 21"/42"

Leaping: 1 1/2"/3"

Swiming: 2"/4"

Flight: 15"/30"


Cost Powers END

60 Cryomancie: Multipower 60 points

12m Mystic Chill Blast: Energy Blast 6d6 (Energy), No Normal Defence (Life Suport: Extrem Cold; +1) 6

12m Light Chill Blast: Energy Blast 12d6 (Energy) 6

12m Hard Snow Attack: Energy Blast 12d6 (Physical) 6

12m Impailing Ice: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (Physical) 6

12m Frostbite Spray: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (Physical), Area Of Effect (Cone, +1) 6

12m Make Brittle: Drain PD 6d6 6

12m Encase In Ice: Entangle 6d6 BODY, 6 DEF 6

12m Change Living Being Into Ice Statue: Major Transformation (living being into ice statue) 4d6 6

8m Ice Covered Fist: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Hand-To-Hand Limitation (-1/4) 4

12m Remove Heat And Fire: Suppress 4d6, All Heat And Flame powers and Effects (+2) 6

12m Create Ice: Minor Transformation (water to ice) 6d6 6

12m Ice Wall: Force Wall 10PD/10ED, 6" width 6

12m The Chill Of Winter: Change Enviroment 32" radious, Temptures down to -10 F 6

8m A Sheet Of Ice: Change Enviroment 8" radious, -3 DEX and -3 DEX Rolls 4


120 Winter's Touch: Transfer END to END 3d6, Damage Shield (+3/4), Continuous (+1), Presistant (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Always On (-1/2) 0


30 Ice Movements: Multipower 30 points

2u Mystical Ice Slide: Flight 15" 3

3u Ground Skateing Slide: Running 21" 4

2u Walking On Thin Ice Across The Waters: Flight 15", Only Across The Serface Of Water (+1/2) 3


18 Walking Through Ice: Desolidification, Only To Protect Agaist Ice And Cold Powers (-1), Can Also Walk Through Ice (-1/4) 4


2 Imunity To Cold Weather: Life Suport (Intensed Cold)



5 Breakfall: 16-

9 Concealment: 16-

6 KS: The Crinimal World: 16-

4 KS: The Mystical World: 14-

5 Power: Cryomancie: 14-

2 WF: Small Arms


Total Power Cost: 428

Total Cost: 593


200+ Disavantages

15 Distinctive Features: Extremly Cold Body Tempture (Concelable, Always Noticed)

10 Distinctive Features: Souless (Not Concelable, Always Noticed, Detectable by Deatec Magic or/and Detect Soul)

15 Hunted by Always (As Powerful, 11-)

20 Hunted by The New Circle (As Powerful, 11- NCI)

20 Psychological Limitation: Killer (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Powerlust (wants to be more powerful, both physicly and politicaly) (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Vengful (Common, Strong)

20 Vulnerability: X2 STUN from Fire/Heat Powers

20 Vulnerability: X2 BODY from Fire/Heat Powers

228 Experence


Background/History: "I know all about you guys, and I want it." Randell Chill spoke to the room filled with the dark shadows of the mystical crinimals which called themselves The Black Tryangle.


"Your crinimal record is impresive," replied the red haired man, "but are you willing to learn the dark secrets of our magic."


"Shure, but let me tell you about myself first. I use to be a normal carear crinimal before I stolen that Wand Of Winter. With that wand, I became the supercrinimal who called himself The Winter Wizard. That all changed when Allways tracked me down..."


"...and took your wand." The robot looking member finished Randell's sentence for him. Then he added, "That was logical thing to do."


"Mahahahaha...," laffed the man in green. "Reling on such a trinket. Our magic goes beyond such things."


"Do you realy want the power," asked the woman who looks like a living mirror. "Do you realy want the power, no mater what the cost is?"


"Yes I do. Even if it cost me my soul, I must pay Always back for my humiliation."


The red haired man tossed him a packet of papers. "Then sign, Mr. Chill. And within the hour, the magic will be yours, and your soul will be our masters."


"Alright..." He then signed on the dotted line.


Quote: "Your going to catch ME? Ha! You can never catch...The Cold."


Personality/Modivation: Randell, in spite of his great mystical powers over ice, snow, and cold, is still your typical thug. He is vengful, greedy, lusts for power and wealth. He is also a cold blooded killer.


Within the orginzation, he plans on upsuring Lucifer's position someday. Right now, he is quite happy to wait for Lucifer to make a mistake, then make his move for his position.


Powers/Tactics: He has to open a portal to the coldest parts of the hells, and to release a sampel of the bitter cold, ice, and snow from that place. Because this is magic, he dosen't need for there to be a lot of moister in the air for his ice to forme. With the portal, he can sap the heat out of the area, generate ice and snow, even sap the mystical "heat" from the souls of people. He can even change living flesh and bone to ice. When he does this, the victom has untill he melts compleetly before dieing. Only a handfull of ice mystics, and almost none of them living on Earth, know how to reverse the spell and change ice back into flesh.


Another power he poseses is the ability to pass through ice. Nobody aculy knows how he is able to do it, but it is sergested that that is one of the abilities ice demons posess.


Tacticly, The Cold likes to do hit and runn attacks with his vareous attacks. He strikes, runs, then strikes again.


Apperance: The Cold appears to be a middel-aged man in good health, with brown hair and green eyes. His skin is paleish white. In costume, he wears what appears to be a full body snowsuite of the colors white and ice blue with his fingers exposed. When he uses his powers, his hands glow icy blue in color.


Campain Use: To make The Cold more powerful, add the ability to 'summmon' snow and ice monsters. To weaken him, remove some of his more powerful ice, snow, and cold powers. Prehaps he might acualy need moister in the area for his powers to work right.


The Cold freely hunts anyone who defeted him in the past. He likes to harm inosents during the hunt, then blame the injories on the hero, saying "Look what you made me do." He will kill the victom, but likes to torment them first.


Plot Seeds:


An Icy Grave: One day, the hero comes home only to find that his love ones have been turned to ice. Now he has untill the victom melts to find the Cold, and work out the secret to reversing the living being to ice statue spell.


Snow Fight: The Cold becomes jellous of another cold and ice manipulator, and chalanges him to a dule. Can the heros survive the crossfire?


Return Of The Winter Wizard: Always thought he got rid of The Wand Of Winters. But what if someone else rediscovered it, and picked up the name The Winter Wizard? What if The Cold is searching for his old wand also? And what will happen if The Cold regains The Wand Of Winter?

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Re: The New Circle


Great artwork' date=' Megaplayboy. Did you do this artwork, or did someone else did it for you? (And I hope I don't insult you by asking that question).[/quote']

One of my best friends and a longtime gaming buddy did it. I have a few dozen more pics by him, but those are the only ones I scanned in to my old PC.

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Re: The New Circle


Been out for a long time with RL issues. Will probably be scarce and lurking for a while longer.


Characters look good, people.


That is fine. I am wondering...what happened to the ocasinal list with links to the charater which Oddhat use to do on this thread?


I still need to do The Cold's background info. I'll wait till Monday to do the next point in the Black Tryangle: The Corpse (because he is my Soloman Grundy analog). Beyond that, I have The Dark (Sinestro), The Devilfish (Black Manta), The Fear (Scaircrow), The Homoculs (Bizaro), The Mirror (Mirror Master), and The Puppet (Toyman) to write up...then the orgins of Black Tryangle itself.


Then, prehaps I should do the "good guys from an alternet dimention" version of Black Tryangle ("Golden Tryangle"?). But I just want three members to have survived the attack by the evil dimentinal duplicates of The New Circle. The first one is Gabrella Eveningstar, but who should be the other two? That is when eveyone who is reading this comes in. Tell me what other two do you think should have survived such an attack, and I will take it into consideration. You don't have to answer now...it might be beter to wait till I completed the entier rouster first.


Hear is for the future.

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