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The New Circle


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Ladies and Gentlemen, he's not directly an homage, but he is my blend of Green Lantern and Shazam!'s Captain Marvel.


Renamed. New Costume. Same old weird-handed flying brick/energy projector.




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Re: The New Circle

Idol, the Star-Child


Val Char Cost
15/25 STR 5
17/27 DEX 21
15/25 CON 10
11 BODY 2
13 INT 3
15 EGO 10
15/30 PRE 5
16 COM 3
5/20 PD 2
5/20 ED 2
3/6 SPD 3
6/10 REC 0
30/50 END 0
30/40 STUN 3
6" RUN 0
2" SWIM 0
3"/5" LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 69

Cost Power END
48 Idol Worship: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
2u 1) C'mon and Love Me: Mind Control 8d6 (Human class of minds) (40 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict One Emotional State (-1), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Makes the target fall for him.] 4
1u 2) Empathic Healing: Healing 4d6 (40 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-1), Others Only (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4
5u 3) I'm gonna Bang Bang You: Ego Attack 6d6 (Human class of minds) (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6
3u 4) You wanted the Best, You Got the Best!: Aid Any Emotion-related Characteristic 3d6, One Power At A Time (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2) (52 Active Points); Others Only (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0
Larger than Life, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
12 1) Idol of Millions: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
8 2) Larger Than Life: +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
16 3) Mr Speed: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
24 4) Super Star Athlete: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
16 5) The Show Must go On: +10 CON (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
The Child of the Stars, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
31 1) Durable and Strong: Armor (13 PD/13 ED) (39 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0
7 2) Rise to the Occasion: Flight 6" (12 Active Points); Levitation (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
Powers Cost: 173

Cost Skill
16 +2 with All Combat
3 Acrobatics 12- (14-)
3 Breakfall 12- (14-)
3 Climbing 12- (14-)
3 Contortionist 12- (14-)
3 Conversation 12- (15-)
3 High Society 12- (15-)
3 Jack of All Trades
3 1) PS: Musician: Guitarist (4 Active Points) 13-
2 2) PS: Musician: Vocalist (3 Active Points) 12- (15-)
2 3) PS: Rock Star (3 Active Points) 12- (15-)
1 4) PS: Song Writer (2 Active Points) 11-
3 Oratory 12- (15-)
3 Persuasion 12- (15-)
3 Scholar
1 1) KS: Arcane And Occult Lore (2 Active Points) 11-
1 2) KS: Dance & Choreography (2 Active Points) 11-
1 3) KS: Legends And Lore (2 Active Points) 11-
1 4) KS: Music Industry (2 Active Points) 11-
1 5) KS: Theater (2 Active Points) 11-
3 Seduction 12- (15-)
3 Sleight Of Hand 12- (14-)
Skills Cost: 65

Cost Perk
7 Money: Wealthy
3 Reputation: Rock Star (A large group) 14-, +1/+1d6
Perks Cost: 10

Cost Talent
30 Danger Sense (self only, any danger, Analyze, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 12-
3 Perfect Pitch
Talents Cost: 33

Val Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features: Grease Painted Dandy Boy (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
20 Enraged: At acts of Brutality (Common), go 11-, recover 11-
20 Hunted: The Circle of the Scarlet Moon 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
20 Hunted: The Phantom Patriarch 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
15 Psychological Limitation: Disdain for those who would abuse or keep down others (Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Needs to be the Center of attention (Common, Moderate)
15 Psychological Limitation: Self absorbed and enthralled by his own mystique (Very Common, Moderate)
20 Psychological Limitation: Showman; must act flamboyant and "perform" for any "audience" (Very Common, Strong)
10 Rivalry: Professional (Current, Hot Popstar; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) [Notes: Idol burns with jealousy over someone who has stolen his spotlight. Nevermind he has a 20+ year career and legions of fans. He yearns for the days that his band was on the cover of magazines and billboards everywhere.]
10 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Minor)
Disadvantage Points: 150
Cost Summary:Base Points:200Disadvantage Points: 150Total Experience Available: 0Total Character Cost: 350Height: 1.88 mHair: BlackWeight: 75.00 kgEyes: BlueAppearance: Tends towards the most flamboyant outfits of the Four. Black, tight, leather, with silver accents and blousy purple shirts (often openned to his navel). Idol is the sex symbol of the team but, he's occasionally called on his over done self image and that at his age he needs to move on.Personality: Idol wanted to be a star. He felt in his bones that he was super star material. He's achieved all the success he's ever wanted but now that the spotlight is starting to fade, he's getting a little desparate. He exudes charm and charisma, but his self adoration is also quite apparent. While far from at peace with his place in the public eye; Idol has begun to take his "other" career more seriously in recent years. He knows that his days as a rock superstar are numbered but he won't go quietly.Quote:"I was made for loving you, baby."

Background: Idol knew he was destined to be a star. He knew it. When the Four entered their ritual pact, he was at first more interested in what the powers could do for his career. However, he's always had a strong sense of right and wrong. He feels that the meek need to be protected from the strong; the fact that he expects the meek to adore him might have a little to do with it. As one of the founders of the group, the main "frontman" and occasional moral compass, Idol has enjoyed his stardom. He grates a bit on other more "serious" defenders of Realm of Earth, but when push comes to shove, Idol can be counted on to do all he can for the greater good.

Powers/Tactics: Idol's main powers center around his emotional manipulation. He can make people view him favorably, fan emotions to allow allies to new heights of success, overload your senses with his "Bang", and heal others at the cost of his own self. Aside from this he is stronger, faster, and more durable than the average person, can sense daner on many levels and even analyze and discern the type of danger. He has limited flight abilities (Levitation) and is a passable "agent" level hand to hand combatant.Campaign Use: Aging Rock star superheroes!kiss_paulstanley09.jpg
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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Didn't he have a laser-beam eye in Phantom of the Amusement Park?


O, Lord, the shame of knowing that...

I remember that too...


and was going to ask too...

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Re: The New Circle


Didn't he have a laser-beam eye in Phantom of the Amusement Park?


O, Lord, the shame of knowing that...



Could be worse. You could have the movie poster tucked away in the closet with the rest of the "I can't believe that used to be on my wall" paraphernalia.


Not that I do, mind you. I'm just sayin'.... :whistle:




EDIT: Forgot to add how much I've enjoyed catching up on this thread. Well done, all!

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Re: The New Circle


I very much enjoyed the origin of the Master. I thought it was very well done, but of all the characters you wrote this one seems the least connected with the Champions Universe. My understanding is that magic was quite weak in the CU before 1938. I would expect an early Master to have 10-20 points of mystic power. It would have been interesting to see how the Master reacted to the sudden surge of power unleashed by the Nazis. It would also have been interesting to see how the Master interacts with Iron Father.


Overall an interesting character but a little too generic for my tastes when compared to the members of the New Circle.

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Re: The New Circle


I very much enjoyed the origin of the Master. I thought it was very well done, but of all the characters you wrote this one seems the least connected with the Champions Universe. My understanding is that magic was quite weak in the CU before 1938. I would expect an early Master to have 10-20 points of mystic power. It would have been interesting to see how the Master reacted to the sudden surge of power unleashed by the Nazis. It would also have been interesting to see how the Master interacts with Iron Father.


Overall an interesting character but a little too generic for my tastes when compared to the members of the New Circle.


I'll think about revising his back story. I think the Master probably had around a 60-80 point VPP before the return of Magic to the CU, but that his spells required at least -2 in limits. Based on what has been written in Demon, pre-return of magic mages were able to create the Tunguska blast from across the world; that would be something like 300 or more active points. However, that spell had crippling side effects, a long casting time, required a ritual (a group of casters in Hero terms), and may have had other limits as well.


Based on published CU material, which is full of imortals and mages doing some fairly impressive stuff in the no-magic years,I think that the pre-return CU had more of a problem with rarity of magic than raw power. The rest of the Maru group was probably very low powered before 1938. Still, even 20 active point spells could be very impressive in a world where magic was rare.


He does need a line or two on how he felt about Magic's return. As always, thanks for the feedback. :)

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Re: The New Circle


I'll think about revising his back story. I think the Master probably had around a 60-80 point VPP before the return of Magic to the CU, but that his spells required at least -2 in limits. Based on what has been written in Demon, pre-return of magic mages were able to create the Tunguska blast from across the world; that would be something like 300 or more active points. However, that spell had crippling side effects, a long casting time, required a ritual (a group of casters in Hero terms), and may have had other limits as well.


Based on published CU material, which is full of imortals and mages doing some fairly impressive stuff in the no-magic years,I think that the pre-return CU had more of a problem with rarity of magic than raw power. The rest of the Maru group was probably very low powered before 1938. Still, even 20 active point spells could be very impressive in a world where magic was rare.


He does need a line or two on how he felt about Magic's return. As always, thanks for the feedback. :)


Thinking about this more, her was probably a 150 point character when he left home to join the war effort in 1894, with about a 30 point VPP and -2 or more in limits on all spells. By the time his superiors gave him recognition for his powers in 1904, he was probably a 250+ point character with a 50+ point VPP. By the time he was sent to Manchuria in 1931, he was probably somewhere around 400+ points once contacts and followers were factored in, with a load of "free" military equipment as well. He was probably over 500 points already when Magic "returned"; that's probably when his VPP went cosmic and he was able to start building flashier, more direct spells without massive limits. He was probably over 1000 points by the end of WWII.


Something to think about, but I'm not sure I'll write up the intermediate steps. ;)

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Re: The New Circle


My understanding from the CU information in DEMON and The Mystic World, and a few other places, is that multi-person ritual magic is what was used, and still is used by the members of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon and Trismegistus Council. It was the combined effort of all those 10-20 active point mages which causes the Tunguska event. It's possible that there were super-mystics before the event. I just assumed that prior to the event only the Archmage had any real power. In any event the character is fine. It just didn't sit with my, possibly flawed, understanding of the CU.

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Re: The New Circle


My understanding from the CU information in DEMON and The Mystic World' date=' and a few other places, is that multi-person ritual magic is what was used, and still is used by the members of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon and Trismegistus Council. It was the combined effort of all those 10-20 active point mages which causes the Tunguska event. It's possible that there were super-mystics before the event. I just assumed that prior to the event only the Archmage had any real power. In any event the character is fine. It just didn't sit with my, possibly flawed, understanding of the CU.[/quote']


Your key point is correct; I should have included a reaction to the "return" of magic. So, no worries. :) Still, in 1896 Luthor Black is pulling off what looks to me like at least a 40 active point spell (walking backwards in time, Demon, p.6-7) with no assistance, and there are other examples as well. This is an area open enough to interpretation that I don't see any of the described effects used by the Master pre-1938 as excessive by CU standards. YMMV.

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Re: The New Circle


Your key point is correct; I should have included a reaction to the "return" of magic. So' date=' no worries. :) Still, in 1896 Luthor Black is pulling off what looks to me like at least a 40 active point spell (walking backwards in time, Demon, p.6-7) with no assistance, and there are other examples as well. This is an area open enough to interpretation that I don't see any of the described effects used by the Master pre-1938 as excessive by CU standards. YMMV.[/quote']

My understanding is that Luthor Black's walking through time is due to the fact that he found an access point to the crossroads. The ability to walk is not his. It is a discovered portal. Again, I could be wrong.

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Re: The New Circle


Didn't he have a laser-beam eye in Phantom of the Amusement Park?


O, Lord, the shame of knowing that...

Knowing that? I have the frickin movie. :D

And he did, but that was merely a poor attempt at 1976 Hollywood trying to simulate his powers. ;)

I was going to use "Insufficient Data at the moment Starchild" quote for the Celestial.

I decided to simulate the most recent comics first rather than my beloved "KISS meets the Phantom of the Park."

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Re: The New Circle


My understanding is that Luthor Black's walking through time is due to the fact that he found an access point to the crossroads. The ability to walk is not his. It is a discovered portal. Again' date=' I could be wrong.[/quote']


This is a game mechanics question; how do you represent a character who has access to the crossroads? Personally, I'd represent it as a 40-60+ active point spell, with limits to reflect how, when and were it must be cast. I would not assign it as a freebie or low point value perk. However, if you see the mechanics differently, that is your call in your campaign. There's aways a problem when you take a story element ("He can walk through time") and assign a game value to it.

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Re: The New Circle


This is a game mechanics question; how do you represent a character who has access to the crossroads? Personally' date=' I'd represent it as a 40-60+ active point spell, with limits to reflect how, when and were it must be cast. I would not assign it as a freebie or low point value perk. However, if you see the mechanics differently, that is your call in your campaign. There's aways a problem when you take a story element ("He can walk through time") and assign a game value to it.[/quote']

I see it as an independent power on a location, like all mystical portals are. If Stonehenge is an access point to the realm of fairy then the extra-dimensional travel power to use it is built into Stonehenge. It might be purchased with a requires Magic Skill so that only mages can access the portal but it's not a power of the mage himself.


In DEMON Black discovered the Crossroads and then guards the secret of how to enter it so other can't use it, but he has created an object called Hecate's Key that will allow others to enter the portal one time.

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Re: The New Circle


I see it as an independent power on a location, like all mystical portals are. If Stonehenge is an access point to the realm of fairy then the extra-dimensional travel power to use it is built into Stonehenge. It might be purchased with a requires Magic Skill so that only mages can access the portal but it's not a power of the mage himself.


In DEMON Black discovered the Crossroads and then guards the secret of how to enter it so other can't use it, but he has created an object called Hecate's Key that will allow others to enter the portal one time.


According to Demon, page 35, Hectate's key is a 48 active point power (Compound power with 31 active points of EDM and 17 points of Detect Location). It's part of Black's VPP, and he had it before the release of Magic in WWII; to me this looks like he had a minimum 48 point VPP in 1896. Again, YMMV.

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This is a game mechanics question; how do you represent a character who has access to the crossroads?

Why not just use the Access Perk? It doesn't really need to be statted out if it's only there as a plot device.


I decided to simulate the most recent comics first rather than my beloved "KISS meets the Phantom of the Park."

Most recent KISS comics? Recent KISS comics?


[VOICE=Ed McMahon] I did not know that. [/VOICE]

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Re: The New Circle


According to Demon' date=' page 35, Hectate's key is a 48 active point power (Compound power with 31 active points of EDM and 17 points of Detect Location). It's part of Black's VPP, and he had it before the release of Magic in WWII; to me this looks like he had a minimum 48 point VPP in 1896. Again, YMMV.[/quote']

MMDV. :)

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Re: The New Circle


Why not just use the Access Perk? It doesn't really need to be statted out if it's only there as a plot device.



Most recent KISS comics? Recent KISS comics?


[VOICE=Ed McMahon] I did not know that. [/VOICE]

Well there was Psycho Circus series around 2000, lasted 20+ issues I think I had most of them. Kind of a Horror/Adventure title.

And as recently as 2003 maybe even last year, they did a "straight" superhero title with other heroes named Mr. Speed and Christine 16.

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Re: The New Circle


Why not just use the Access Perk? It doesn't really need to be statted out if it's only there as a plot device.



Most recent KISS comics? Recent KISS comics?


[VOICE=Ed McMahon] I did not know that. [/VOICE]

That's a great point. Just let the location have the power and give the character Access to it. I like that. Access makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

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Re: The New Circle


That's a great point. Just let the location have the power and give the character Access to it. I like that. Access makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


I started another thread for this, as I don't want to debate rules too much in this thread. It's meant to be about characters. :)

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Re: The New Circle


I started another thread for this' date=' as I don't want to debate rules too much in this thread. It's meant to be about characters. :)[/quote']


OK, I can't help it. ;)


The Crossroads were first conciously entered by Black in 1950, long after the return of magic (Demon, p.29). He does not have to go back to the place where he first used the power to use it again; he has a slot in his VPP for getting himself or others into the Corssroads (Demon, p.35, Hectates Key). The Access perk is, imo, completely inapropriate. When he went for his time walk in 1896, he was no where near the entrance to the Crossroads he used in 1950; from the text, the power may then have had some level of NCC and/or other limits (Demon, p.6-7). Yes, a GM can hand-waive all of this (a GM can hand waive anything), but what would be the point? Why not just let a powerful mage have his 48 point VPP with limits appropriate to the CU as it was then assigned to the spells, in exactly the way that it was done in Digital Hero with the witch member of the time travelling Super Team (I'll look for the issue # and page ref). I haven't seen this 10-20 active point limit stuff in any of the official material, and it does not match what is in official material. Respectfully, I think this is a case of applying a house rule to the CU.


Rant over. ;)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Knowing that? I have the frickin movie. :D

And he did, but that was merely a poor attempt at 1976 Hollywood trying to simulate his powers. ;)

I was going to use "Insufficient Data at the moment Starchild" quote for the Celestial.

I decided to simulate the most recent comics first rather than my beloved "KISS meets the Phantom of the Park."


But... don't forget KISS Save Santa Claus!


"Everyone knows that Pterodactyls are repulsed by the sound of a blistering guitar solo."

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