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Adapting D&D Worlds

Michael Hopcroft

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Re: Adapting D&D Worlds


I am working on the Kingdoms of Kalamar for my D20 world conversion. I like everything about the campaign, and I definately see it fitting better into Hero than D20. I got the impression from the campaign sourcebook that it is more of a 'low magic' or 'sword & sorcery' world than the usual 'high fantasy' D20 world. Which, is something that D20 does not do well. This has been sort of a work in progress for me. At some point, I am hoping to put up a web page with the necessary info for the players.


I am not really that big of a person for classes of any form. I think that they are a great aid for a player that has not played Hero much, but otherwise are pretty limiting. IMO, they force a linear world, where everyone starts to look the same. I like how you do not need to follow any mold for Hero, and just purchase things that are appropriate for your character's background. Now you can always use the classes as basis if you want...


If you are going to use classes, and convert the prestige classes. I would drop the prereq requirements. That is just a fiatt of the d20 level system anyways. There is no reason if a player wanted to be a knight, that he cannot start out as a knight right from the beginning of the campaign. Being a knight is a matter of nobility. As long as you purchase the correct perks, you should be able to start as one, and not wait to 5th level or some nonsense like that...

Exactly and well said.


Package Deals are only useful when they either a) help a Player or GM tailor a concept or B) establish parameters for campaign specific formal organizations that impose certain requirements in game.


Prestige Classes specifically, while a good idea for a hide bound class & level system like D&D, are absolutely meaningless in a buy whatever you can afford point system like HERO.


Just take the abilities you like, unless the GM wants certain abilities to be exclusive to certain in game groups/organizations.


Package Deals are cool and useful right up to the point that they step over the line and become constricting and stifleing.

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Re: Adapting D&D Worlds


I am working on the Kingdoms of Kalamar for my D20 world conversion. I like everything about the campaign, and I definately see it fitting better into Hero than D20. I got the impression from the campaign sourcebook that it is more of a 'low magic' or 'sword & sorcery' world than the usual 'high fantasy' D20 world. Which, is something that D20 does not do well. This has been sort of a work in progress for me. At some point, I am hoping to put up a web page with the necessary info for the players.


I am not really that big of a person for classes of any form. I think that they are a great aid for a player that has not played Hero much, but otherwise are pretty limiting. IMO, they force a linear world, where everyone starts to look the same. I like how you do not need to follow any mold for Hero, and just purchase things that are appropriate for your character's background. Now you can always use the classes as basis if you want...


If you are going to use classes, and convert the prestige classes. I would drop the prereq requirements. That is just a fiatt of the d20 level system anyways. There is no reason if a player wanted to be a knight, that he cannot start out as a knight right from the beginning of the campaign. Being a knight is a matter of nobility. As long as you purchase the correct perks, you should be able to start as one, and not wait to 5th level or some nonsense like that...


If you've done any formal notes for this effort I would love to read them. I'm a big fan of the Kalamar setting and had started gearing up for a Fantasy Hero game using - but changed my mind at the last minute regarding the setting (went for a setting based on M. Lackey's Valdemar novels instead).

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Re: Adapting D&D Worlds


If you've done any formal notes for this effort I would love to read them. I'm a big fan of the Kalamar setting and had started gearing up for a Fantasy Hero game using - but changed my mind at the last minute regarding the setting (went for a setting based on M. Lackey's Valdemar novels instead).


I don't have much that I would call done in a finished format. I have made some progress with areas that Kalamar did not address, notably the non-humans. I have also made certain changes so that things better fit my vision of the world, but there are still quite a few things that are very Kalamar. With that being said, I have to be carefull with the information that I release in a public format.

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Re: Adapting D&D Worlds


I don't know about Eberron as a setting for any game other than D&D. Admittedly I don't own the book, but it looks like it was a setting designed as an excuse to sell the d20 core rules.


And there have been some d20 setting that seem just plain weird. An Everquest d20 game? That had to have been one of the strangest RPGs I'd ever seen.

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Re: Adapting D&D Worlds


I don't know about Eberron as a setting for any game other than D&D. Admittedly I don't own the book, but it looks like it was a setting designed as an excuse to sell the d20 core rules.


And there have been some d20 setting that seem just plain weird. An Everquest d20 game? That had to have been one of the strangest RPGs I'd ever seen.


Is it set in a country you run right across in a couple of hours? :D


cheers, Mark

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Re: Adapting D&D Worlds


Is it set in a country you run right across in a couple of hours?


You mean Andorra? :)


Actually I like Eberron. Have been doing some work on converting it to Hero recently. Some of the new races become a little unbalanced when you convert. Warforged ended up with 36 points of life support.

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