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Would you allow this in your campaign?


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I'd like some input from any of you willing to provide it. Is the following use of "triple knockback" reasonable? Fifth ed. correctly recommends against allowing anyone to purchase "double knockback" more than once for a given power. The kicker here is that it's for knockdown only. As such, the cost for this advantage has been reduced from the regular "+3/4" to "+1/2" per use. Think the classic Incredible Hulk manuver where he hits the ground and everybody in a given area around him falls down...


•5D6 EB

“Seismic Slamâ€

Explosion + .5

Triple Knockdown +1

Knockdown only – no KB

Personal Immunity + .25

Extra time - Full Phase - .5

Only targets on surface - .5

No Range - .5

Requires both hands - .5


I feel that Double knockdown for this is reasonable - but what about triple knockdown? How would you feel about allowing this into your Champions campaign?


I have not had a chance to check out the Ultimate Brick, so for all I know, this is described there.

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Re: Would you allow this in your campaign?


First off, I'd probably pay full price for double (or triple) KB and give the power a -2 limitation for "only does knockdown - no STUN, BOD, KB, tec.".


If you're only going to allow double knockback, it will need more dice to be effective. An average of 10" less 2d6 will likely leave a lot of people standing (what with KB resistance, density incresase, growth, clinging, etc.).


It would be cheaper as 5d6 Dispel Knockback Resistance, rather than 5d6 EB.


As to the actual question, I'd allow the concept of an attack which knocks down all characters in the area, as this one does. The limitations all seem reasonable. This version costs 23 points, which is not wholly unreasonable. For the same cost, I could have a 11 1/2d6 Hand Attack, full phase, requires both hands (which I equate to 2 handed gestures), which would probably be more useful in many situations.


That said, the impact of moving all the martial artists to "prone" should be considered - this power can become a major DCV buster. But then, so would


3 1/2D6 Entangle

“Sticky Messâ€

Explosion + .5

Personal Immunity + .25

Only Target takes damage + .5

1/2 END +.25

Extra time - Full Phase - .5

No Range - .5

Requires both hands - .5

No DEF - 1.5


for one less point.

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Re: Would you allow this in your campaign?


This seems reasonable to me. Average KB will be 24" - 2d6. You really could ditch the Double KB unless KB Resistance, DI or Growth are a regular occurance in your campaign. Besides you would never see this tactic work against the Thing when he fights the Hulk for the exact reason that he is bulky and stable on his feet (ie, KB Resistant).


Seismic Slam: Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective (up to 6" Radius; +3/4), Double Knockback (+3/4); Limited Power: Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (Causes ONLY KB - No STUN or BODY damage; -2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) for up to 60 Active Points of STR (30 Active Points)

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