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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Who said I was being philosophical?.. :D


Speaking of which...


Because I was bored. :P


An Illustrated Look At Some Of Literature's Near Brushes With Death

Last week, JK Rowling announced that, midway through writing the Harry Potter series, she nearly killed off Ron Weasley "out of spite." Ron isn't the first supporting character to narrowly avoid death in an author's rough draft. Here we look at some other close calls—and how those deaths would have affected the culture at large.


Potter What-if Illustration

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


:o Encyclopedias were what I read over my morning bowl of breakfast cereal every day, from about as early as I can remember up into age 12 or so. By then I'd more or less memorized everything in the ones we had at home, and I started reading the morning paper (the Stars and Stripes, since this was while we were in Europe) as the breakfast read.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The religious people I knew wouldn't let their kids read the Potter books because of the dealing with magic. But saw no disconnect about owning every Disney princess movie ever. Or Veggie Tails...which is about talking vegetables.


Well, they likely already believe in the existence of a talking snake... ;)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Really? Hmmm.

Ok Raise your hands everyone who was a nerd in high school and liked to read.


*raises hand*


Ditto. As a kid, I read and re-read my parent's set of encyclopedias. Mainly to combat the boredom. And not just any run-of-the-mill boredom, I'm talking about teeth-gnashing, hair-pulling, O.M.G. I-might-go-insane-just-to-get-away-from-the-boredom boredom. Only 5 channels on TV, no books, no magazines, no newspapers, no internet/bbs, no *computer* even, and no similarly-aged kids nearby to play games with.


And people wonder why I tend to be an introvert now. :doi:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ditto. As a kid, I read and re-read my parent's set of encyclopedias. Mainly to combat the boredom. And not just any run-of-the-mill boredom, I'm talking about teeth-gnashing, hair-pulling, O.M.G. I-might-go-insane-just-to-get-away-from-the-boredom boredom. Only 5 channels on TV, no books, no magazines, no newspapers, no internet/bbs, no *computer* even, and no similarly-aged kids nearby to play games with.


And people wonder why I tend to be an introvert now. :doi:


I had most of that but I'm still an introvert. It's not all environmental, I believe.

I don't revel in my bachelorhood, I miss coming home to someone in the evening (or having them come home to me since I'm still a jobless scumbag) but I always liked my alone time and when I go to my beloved family events I get my fill of crowds pretty quickly, even if I'm loving it.


Online communities are great in that I can be alone and still talk to others :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I think I need a specific example here of a tech point you think is being inadequately explained ... and if you can use one of my posts as that example' date=' so much the better. Otherwise it sounds like you're calling people with special expertise lazy, worthless, stuck-up, or devoid of commonplace communication skills, because they won't or can't or can't be bothered to explain in 30 minutes or less the expertise it took them four or six or eight [u']years[/u] to earn.

As I explained in PM, I was thinking, not of you or any particular poster, but mostly of Wikipedia, on which many articles are no longer clear or easy to read.


Also, having to explain this twice is not making my day any cheerier.

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