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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now I know not to call Old Man for a character reference.


Are you kidding? I'd be an excellent reference. "Lucius can see both sides of any issue. Nothing can sneak up on him. It's hard to tell sometimes if he's coming or going, but he'll get there regardless."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Wow. I didn't know my little post would touch so many people.


Thank you. It's been fun. Especially for Kyra Sedgwick, who like Bazza thinks Sex with Bacon is absolutely great.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks that's hilarious given that Sedgwick is Jewish

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've sworn off psychotic women. For good. And I mean it this time!


Problem: No sane woman will go out with me.


That means your simple solution won't work. You must solve a more difficult problem: making an effective taxonomic system for psychotic women. By "effective" I mean: having a slot for identifying women who are psychotic enough to go out with you, yet not so psychotic that you suffer from incompatible psychoses, AND a means to identify those efficiently. Note that "efficiently" means that you detect one of those approximately 100% of the time you actually find one, and have false (i.e., incorrect) identifications in approximately 0% of those times when you come across one who doesn't belong in the bin. Though the latter is intrinsically the more difficult task, you are likely to have many more trials testing it out, so you will have ample means to improve that part of your taxonomy. The more important task, detection of truly properly psychotic women, may come about with a very low frequency ... that was the case for me ... so you don't get as many trials to refine that part of your procedure.


This sounds complicated and depressing, but rest assured that all those incompatible psychotic women are doing the same thing as you, reflected around the gender axis.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That means your simple solution won't work. You must solve a more difficult problem: making an effective taxonomic system for psychotic women. By "effective" I mean: having a slot for identifying women who are psychotic enough to go out with you, yet not so psychotic that you suffer from incompatible psychoses, AND a means to identify those efficiently. Note that "efficiently" means that you detect one of those approximately 100% of the time you actually find one, and have false (i.e., incorrect) identifications in approximately 0% of those times when you come across one who doesn't belong in the bin. Though the latter is intrinsically the more difficult task, you are likely to have many more trials testing it out, so you will have ample means to improve that part of your taxonomy. The more important task, detection of truly properly psychotic women, may come about with a very low frequency ... that was the case for me ... so you don't get as many trials to refine that part of your procedure.


This sounds complicated and depressing, but rest assured that all those incompatible psychotic women are doing the same thing as you, reflected around the gender axis.


Thanks, but I'm way ahead of you there.


Considering I've been working on that "taxonomy" thing for quite a few years now, I know exactly how complicated and depressing it is. Trust me! But I'm not at all sure the "incompatible psychotic women" were doing the same -- most of the time I couldn't tell WTF they were trying to do, and neither could anyone else. Nothing so rational, as far as I could see.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Part of your particular psychosis' date=' clearly, is that you have this obsession about being rational. That's enough to disqualify you from people who want to be[i'] free [/i]of rationality.


I'm not obsessed with being rational. I just want to find one rational woman. Is that too much to ask?


(Okay, okay. I know the answer to that one....)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was tempted to say something unkind. But, really, what would be gained?


Given I'm not even the one dealing with it, others with more patience are, why should I even feel frustrated - why would I feel anything about something that doesn't concern me? This is, after all, exactly what I have criticized others for often enough.


Let me keep my mouth shut until I have something constructive to say.


Lucius Alexander


I have bigger palindromedaries to fry.


I just keep reminding myself....


Lucius Alexander


I really do have bigger palindromedaries to fry

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