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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So today, I went to the Unemployment office to show my id and get my benefits lined up now that I'm no longer in school.

Due to budget cuts it was closed today. So I came home and called the toll free number.


Now due to costs I only have a cell phone, and I get 450 minutes a month which I almost never pass but don't get roll over with my cheap-ass plan. Anyhooo...I call, get the menu, press my choice and get disconnected (33seconds). Again. Again. And once more. So I go to the website. No way to contact them via email. Get a second number. I am placed on hold. After 10 minutes, I am sent to an eerily familiar menu and disconnected.


So the next time I play it totally safe. Rather than choosing an option, I stay on the line as if I have a rotary phone (which they tell me to stay on the line) after 33 minutes I'm disconnected.


So Monday before I head to Eugene for a job fair (staying with my brother and his family) I'm running down to the unemployment office, showing my ID and hopefully getting my claim taken care of before my bus to Eugene leaves.


It's amusing in its frustration.


Y'know, when the office in charge of getting YOU a job is closed due to budget cuts, that's NOT a good sign.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Y'know, when the office in charge of getting YOU a job is closed due to budget cuts, that's NOT a good sign.




That's exactly what my brother and my friend told me when I regaled them with my story.

The phone thing was frustrating until my friend brought up the fact that it probably wasn't just my local unemployment office that was closed for the day. (and it was posted as Friday, Sept 16- so I don't think it was a permanent deal) Apparently in honor of my wedding anniversary and they haven't gotten the memo that I've been divorced for 6 years.


However the website didn't mention it that I saw.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Our weather and forecasts up here have been/are cooler than that by five to ten degrees. Summer arrived about a month late. We'll see when autumn arrives.


I don't know about Seattle, but just up the road in Vancouver, I've been sitting in front of an open window doing a blog posting. I hit "publish," came back down to Earth, and I think I'm going to turn the heat on....

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sorry to hear that. Probably a stupid question' date=' but might as well ask - Do you have a hobby?[/quote']


Besides posting here? The occasional game of Shadowfist. Most of my extracurricular activities went out the window when the kids were born, and the rest fell victim to the economy and the resulting long hours and pay cuts.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Besides posting here? The occasional game of Shadowfist. Most of my extracurricular activities went out the window when the kids were born' date=' and the rest fell victim to the economy and the resulting long hours and pay cuts.[/quote']


No gaming? That's a crime. Ever make it out to Sunny Colorado, let me know. I'm sure we can open up a seat at our table for ya.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


No gaming? That's a crime. Ever make it out to Sunny Colorado' date=' let me know. I'm sure we can open up a seat at our table for ya.[/quote']

Guilty here, too. Mon-Fri, midnight to 9:00am work schedule. Don't have the time/energy to run one right now (as much as I want to), and thanks to the schedule, my weekends all feel like they're one day long. Would be cool to find a game to play on Saturdays, but no such luck so far. Been chatting with LapsedGamer about getting something going, but so far it looks like just the two of us. Maybe Samuraiko (my wife), too.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Two of the best games I ever had the pleasure to play in only had 3 players (including the GM). If you do it right, it makes for a really intense role-playing experience. Really in-depth characters and story, since you have a ton of one-on-one time with the GM. Avoid too much dice rolling and combat (it's pretty easy for 2-3 PCs to get squished in a fight), is my advice. And good luck!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


If Dallas beat Washington tonight it truely will mean the end of the world next year.


Well, from what I remember it was only in the Theismann days that the "storied rivalry" really counted as such. Most of the time Dallas has just outclassed Washington in every way. Fortunately, the Cowboys are now just as mediocre as the Redskins, so there should actually be a competition. :D



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ok I'm a bit bitter tonight. And tomorrow it may all be corrected. But I'm not holding my breath (cause holding my breath for 15 hours is impossible)


My brother, when he's trying to prop up my rapidly failing self-esteem, likes to call me a rock star. If that is true. I'm the guy who left the band before they got big. The one who people talk about in 'where are they now' shows.


My single greatest talent is screwing up my life.


Hang in there, Chad. Lord knows I feel that way a lot.

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