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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Location 13 is the VITALS.


Not the crotch. And no, "vitals" is not some kind of euphemism for crotch either.


I admit it can be amusing to pretend that, but it can also be frustrating to deal with the misapprehension of people who don't get it.


Lucius Alexander


Creating a hit location chart for a palindromedary



Hey, *I* consider that area to be pretty damn vital.


It's also easy to eviscerate someone from that angle too.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was talking about Stargate: Universe and a topic related to my thoughts about the Lovecraft Mythos for my (hopefully actually upcoming) Post Apoc steam-punk game sparked a thought.


Godhood is sign one has moved up the Kardashev scale.


The ability to conceptualize something like the Kardashev scale is the first step towards recognizing that higher beings may not, in fact, be gods.


The Elder Race were probably a K1.X civilization in decline.

The Great Old Ones vary, but range from K1-K2

The Elder Gods are pretty much up in the K3-K4 range, as are the elusive "Outer Gods"

Wikipedia says the scale is specifically technological, and it is interesting that you are applying it to discovering/recognizing the existence of higher beings. However, to me it doesn't factor in the increase of consciousness associated higher beings. eg, the Ancients in Stargate have consciously evolved past needing the advanced technology they built. For arguments sake we could say that the Ancients have '4th dimensional' consciousness. :)


Hope this gives you something to think about. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


When I was four and living in Corpus Kristi (spelling?), Texas, my uncle came for a visit and took me fishing. There were pelicans there and he wanted a picture with me and the bird...since it had no fear of people. Certainly none of me.


Mild chaos ensued.


When I went to preschool the following week (after being calmed down and given time to heal) we were asked to share what we'd done. According to my mom (the teacher tearfully recited it for her when she came to pick me up - I have no recollection) this was my show and tell:


"I went fishing with my unca Pete and a pelican pecked my penis."




Thank you.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I really really really wish there were a way to check a record of what I've reputized recently....


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary doesn't keep track


Best way to keep track...


Find a Hermit post.


Try to Rep Hermit post.

Did the system allow you to Rep Hermit?

If yes, then it is working as intended and you have fallen behind in your Hermit repping procedures.

If no, then you have repped him recently. Find someone else and rep them. Then try to rep Hermit again.

Repeat as necessary.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


According to my mom (the teacher tearfully recited it for her when she came to pick me up - I have no recollection)


Were they tears of "I cannot believe Chad did this in my classroom!" horror, or tears from laughing so hard she could barely breathe?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


so...after a summer in which July was mostly cloudy and rainy and August was in the 70's ....we hit September and it's supposed to be 95+ all week.

I used to know the weather here...


Our weather and forecasts up here have been/are cooler than that by five to ten degrees. Summer arrived about a month late. We'll see when autumn arrives.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Just heard this today on my birthday present.

I post it in honor of my friend Hermit. Even if he might not feel the same way :)


The Fence

By Tim Minchin


Somewhere in your wardrobe I'd be willing to bet

There's a t-shirt probably bearing the silhouette of Che Guevara


He was revolutionary, yeah, he wore a cool hat

But behind the design I think you might find it's not quite as simple as that


Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe

Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe



This is my song in defence of the fence

A little sing along, a tribute to ambivalence

The more you know the harder you will find it

To make up your mind it doesn't really matter if you find

You can't see which grass is greener

Chances are it's neither and either way it's easier

To see the difference when you're sitting on the fence


Somewhere in your house I'd be willing to bet

There's a picture of that grinning hippy from Tibet - the Dalai Llama


He's a lovely, funny fella, he does good stuff galore

But let's not forget that back in Tibet those funky monks used to **** the poor yeah


And the bullsh*t line about future lives is the perfect way to stop the powerless rising up

And he tells the poor they will live again, cos he's rich now so it's easy for him to say



I'm taking a stand in defence of the fence

I got a little band playing anthems to ambivalence

We divide the world into terrorists and heroes

Into normal folk and weirdos, into good people and pedos

Into things that give you cancer and the things that cu-ure cancer

And the things that don't cause cancer, but there's a chance they will cause cancer in the future

We divide the world to stop us feeling frightened

Into wrong and into right and into black and into white and

Into real men and fairies, into status quo and scary

Yeah we want the world binary, binary, but it's not that simple.

And your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive

Yea your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive

And your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive

Well so does your baby, maybe you oughta trade HIM in for a Prius




I'm taking a stand in defence of the fence

I got a little band playing tributes to ambivalence

We divide the world into liberals and gun-freaks

Into atheists and fundies, into tee-tot'lers and junkies

Into chemical and natural, into fictional and factual

Into science and supernatural, but it's actually naturally not that white and black


You'll be

Dividing us into terrorists and heroes

Into normal folk and weirdos, into good people and paedos

Into things that give you cancer and the things that cu-ure cancer

And things that don't cause cancer, but there's a chance that in the future

We divide the world to stop us feeling frightened

Into wrong and into right and into black and into white and

Into real men and fairies, into status quo and scary

Yeah we want the world binary, binary, 00 11 - 01!

The more you know the harder you will find it

To make up your mind it doesn't really matter if you find

You can't see which grass is greener

Chances are it's neither and either way it's easier

To see the difference when you're sitting on the fence

Cause it's not that simple.


I was going to reputize this. Then I thought about it again, and I can't make up my mind to do it.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is ambivalent about the matter

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I just left a rep commending someone's "acute observation". Acute? Really? I thought my fever was done with' date=' why am I mixing up acute and astute?[/quote']

Still works.


4. sharp or penetrating in intellect, insight, or perception: an acute observer.

5. extremely sensitive even to slight details or impressions: acute eyesight.

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