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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings



Sesame Street is now brought to you by the letter P and the letter C - for political correctness, that is.

The fun police have slapped an "adults only" warning on a new DVD of classic episodes, which featured a world in which children played in the street, a monster gorged on cookies and a bad-tempered puppet lived in a bin.

The episodes, made between 1969 and 1974, have been released in the US with the caution: "These early Sesame Street episodes are intended for grown-ups and may not suit the needs of today's preschool child."




I suppose that shouldn't surprise me, but not only does it, it also disgusts me.


As a note though, since Keri and I are planning on having kids, I should pick up a copy of those years of Sesame Street. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well' date=' the axe does make it more difficult, for real compliance, thermite.[/quote']


A propane torch would probably be adequate, but I admit I don't know the composition of common magnetic storage media, much less their the Curie points. Of course, if the coating will come off the base metal when you heat it (and it might, since the thermal expansion coefficients are likely to be quite different) then it might not matter.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


A propane torch would probably be adequate' date=' but I admit I don't know the composition of common magnetic storage media, much less their the Curie points. Of course, if the coating will come off the base metal when you heat it (and it might, since the thermal expansion coefficients are likely to be quite different) then it might not matter.[/quote']


An awl and a 3 pound hammer will do wonders to render a disk drive unreadable. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I suppose that shouldn't surprise me, but not only does it, it also disgusts me.


As a note though, since Keri and I are planning on having kids, I should pick up a copy of those years of Sesame Street. :)

I thought maybe this was an exaggeration or even completely misleading, but I've checked many articles and done a search, I admit not exhaustive, but I can't easily find the "other side" of the story, if it even exists.


In an NYT article at http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/18/magazine/18wwln-medium-t.html?_r=3&pagewanted=2&oref=slogin there's a funny and probably true quote - "On the first episode, Oscar seems irredeemably miserable — hypersensitive, sarcastic, misanthropic. (Bert, too, is described as grouchy; none of the characters, in fact, is especially sunshiney except maybe Ernie, who also seems slow.)" - and I think this also means something, that this attitude back then is what made Sesame Street "real" to kids, made it enough like the world around them to help them relate. And isn't having all the characters on a show all happy and well-adjusted the sort of thing that creates a disconnect for people who invest too much in TV, that they can't be like these people on TV? As I recall, the greatest innovation of '60s and '70s TV was treating kids with some level of honesty and respect, not sugar-coating everything, and it seems we've gone back to that with a few exceptions.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


For a country that says it is free' date=' we sure do plenty of Censorship.[/quote']


As a note, because a lot of people don't seem to really realize what it means:


cen·sor n.


1 A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.

2 An official, as in the armed forces, who examines personal mail and official dispatches to remove information considered secret or a risk to security.

3 One that condemns or censures.

4 One of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals.

5 Psychology: The agent in the unconscious that is responsible for censorship.


Putting a label on something to indicate that it might not be appropriate for young children doesn't supress the material.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well' date=' the axe does make it more difficult, for real compliance, thermite.[/quote']


Thermite doesn't even qualify for secure disposal. As of 1998 (which was the last time it was my responsibility) the only two options were incineration, and pulverization. To fully comply you had to send the drive via expensive registered courier to an equally expensive company that would do the disposal for you.


I think the most recent recent drives actually come with a built-in secure erase function in the firmware. But I'm pretty sure the standard for now is still incineration. (Or more likely, perpetual storage of old drives; that's what happens at quite a few of the federal installations we deal with.)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thermite doesn't even qualify for secure disposal. As of 1998 (which was the last time it was my responsibility) the only two options were incineration, and pulverization. To fully comply you had to send the drive via expensive registered courier to an equally expensive company that would do the disposal for you.


I think the most recent recent drives actually come with a built-in secure erase function in the firmware. But I'm pretty sure the standard for now is still incineration. (Or more likely, perpetual storage of old drives; that's what happens at quite a few of the federal installations we deal with.)


A friend of mine, when he worked in Army Intelligence, had a shredder that would leave no single peice larger than a 12 point type period. The output of the shredder was bagged and then taken under armed guard to an incinerator.


The really cool thing about it was that it was gas powered and very robust. They fed a computer through it once. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I thought maybe this was an exaggeration or even completely misleading' date=' but I've checked many articles and done a search, I admit not exhaustive, but I can't easily find the "other side" of the story, if it even exists. [/quote']

Yeah, looks like you may be right AFAICT. Tho the "warning" isn't mentioned on the Sesame Street Store website or Amazon listings.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Do we get to find out what you're really going to use it for?


We use an axe to "encrypt" hard drives that are slated for disposal.




Old Man's got it in one - its for smashing the hard drives before we let the recycling folks haul them away.


We need to meet HIPPA compliance, not DoD, so smashing the platters to dust seems sufficient. Its damned theraputic, too :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


OddHat says it starts snowing tomorrow night. Maybe we'll have a white Christmas.


Death or serious injury may occur.


I thought the rule in Random Musings was, you don't respond directly to the last person's post....


Lucius Alexander


Tagline for random palindromedaries

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