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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Worldmaker and Lemming' date=' congratulations, great to hear! (I already "did" lemming, but what the heck, he's good for a double... uh... :nonp: )[/quote']

We need you in Mightybec's Double Entendre thread, Zorn.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Hey... not all southern boys are anti-Jew. Give 'em a break, and tell all your neighbors they're rednecks.


Teresa, though, sounds too cool for school. :D



MY Theresa is not into dressing cowboy, but otherwise, she is a one in a million!


I mean, SHE bought ME Firefly as a gift, before either of us had seen it! :)


And she now has 4 guns, one a gift from my dad, two from me, one she bought herself. :)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


MY Theresa is not into dressing cowboy, but otherwise, she is a one in a million!


I mean, SHE bought ME Firefly as a gift, before either of us had seen it! :)


And she now has 4 guns, one a gift from my dad, two from me, one she bought herself. :)

Theresa is a good name. I used it... but I might find more uses for it.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


ICE CREAM. It helped last night, maybe it will help tonight!!!




just a wee bit stressed.



And don't forget the touching yourself. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Congrats at least for getting this far' date=' and good luck. It is odd, though. I've had mixed feelings about the whole drug test for hire thing, especially for jobs that seem to have no bearing, though many times this is driven by a company having contracts for the gov't.[/quote']


Most companies seem to be handling contracts for the government these days....



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I called in sick today because I just didn't feel like going to work. I hardly ever do that' date=' but I've done it more in the last year than probably the last five. That can't be a good sign.[/quote']

Mental Health days are important, but yea it's either a sign that you're sick of your work or something else is going on at work you'd like to avoid.


With me, I had a heck of a time getting motivated when I noticed my work didn't matter beyond pushing a few buttons.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thanks. ...sure going to miss the noise' date=' and the warmth at night. The dog snored. ...I'm really going to miss my dog. :([/quote']

I been there, man. For me, it was like losing a sister. Not only that, but I held her and hugged her and sang to her as they injected her.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


I been there' date=' man. For me, it was like losing a sister. Not only that, but I held her and hugged her and sang to her as they injected her.[/quote']

Okay... I read your "miss my dog" post before I read the other.






And forgive my stupidity... :idjit:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I increasingly regard the arguments on these boards not as arguments about specific issues' date=' but as a recurrent and insoluble argument between Foundationalism (predominantly Rationalism and Empiricism) and Scepticism, which includes Coherentism. What consitutes knowledge and justification between these two conflicting modes of epistemology is so fundamentally different that discourse becomes essentially impossible. A Foundationalist and Sceptic, though they may both form their arguments in English, are speaking in alien tongues. Hero Boards, meet Tower of Intellectual Babel.[/quote']


It must be Babel, because I can't make out half of what you just said. :idjit:



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It must be Babel, because I can't make out half of what you just said. :idjit:




/broad brush strokes alert


Foundationalists hold some beliefs are noninferential, while Sceptics maintain all beliefs must be inferential.


Another way of putting it:


Foundationalists hold there are some objective truths that can be known by reason (rationalism) or sensation (empricism), and do not require justification; Sceptics hold there are no propositions that do not need to be justified.


Foundationalisms criticism of Scepticism is that it Scepticism leads to infinate regression - an endless chain of the question "why?" - which leads to the conclusion that we can ultimately know or believe absolutely nothing.


The answer of Scepticism is generally Coherentism, which is the belief that we can know something insofar as it is completely internally coherent within its own system or paradigm; hence one can question all conclusions and still know something.


Foundationalisms criticism of Coherentism is that you can develop an system or paradigm that has no relation to objective reality. The Coherentist will answer that if part of their paradigm is proven incongruent with objective reality the rest of the paradigm is not disproven and can be adjusted to fit objective reality. The Foundationalist will counter that if one piece of the paradigm was proven inconsistent, then it was never actually coherent to begin with.


The answer of Scepticism to this is generally Relatavism, which suggests that even if there are objective truths that can be inferred from reason or the senses, they cannot be trusted because we view them through the lens of subjective perspective.


Foundationalism's criticism of Relatavism is that it concedes there are objective truths to start from in the first place. The debate on this continues, almost violently, in contemporary times.


I am a rational foundationalist who considers empiricism a useful tool for testing the conclusions we infer from noninferential truths. As a result, when I discuss epistomological issues with a sceptic, its all basically lost in translation.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Anyone else do this as a child. Take a fully white dandelion with a full head. Make a wish. Blow all the down off in one breath. If you can do this' date=' your wish is supposed to come true.[/quote']

Yep! But I haven't done that in YEARS.


Ah, memories . . .

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