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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings



Lots of great Mojo tunes picked, JG and lemming! Some of those I don't know, I'm not as up on Mojo as I should be, it's just amazing out of what I know he hasn't gone further. I saw him way back in ~1984 opening for the Pogues, he was fairly unknown at that point, small audience, we didn't even see much of his show as we got there late. He was whacking the floor with an empty water bottle (the big kind) as a percussive instrument.


On the first Mojo and Skid album, Mojo is credited on "vocals, Guitar, and foot."



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Elvis is everywhere was good.


my favorite was the one about Martha Quinn. ;)



Yeah, quite a while ago, too. :( I heard about it, I shoulda posted at the time.




Well, I think Green Day redeemed themselves with American Idiot, but that's the only album of theirs I want to buy.




Or "Jesus at McDonald's" or "Don Henley Must Die" or "I Ain't Gonna Piss In No Jar" or "Debbie Gibson is Pregnant With My Two Headed Love Child" (substitute Britney or Jessica Simpson and it's good to go)....




Repo Man rules.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Elvis is everywhere was good.


my favorite was the one about Martha Quinn. ;)


I love the line...


"Elvis is in Michael J. Fox.... but he's tryin' to get out!"

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Zornwil is actually responding to being called Godzookie ?


Oh how the mighty have fallen ! Oh the shame, the shame of it all !

He's ignoring it because he knows it's just a ploy for me to be thrown into a dungeon under Jane Badler's tender mercies...



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well I do need to goad him ahead of his imminent defeat at Galveston. Assuming he turns up. I hear his tail maybe moulting and he may be forced to cancel on medical advice.

Well, the other problem is even if I'm medically cleared, make-up on that thing is a KILLER! Seventeen hours of make-up!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I love the line...


"Elvis is in Michael J. Fox.... but he's tryin' to get out!"

Not to nit-pick, but Michael J. Fox is the anti-Elvis, the one and only person who doesn't have Elvis in him.


Joan Rivers has Elvis in her, but he's trying to get out, that's the one you're thinking of.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Awesome! Congratulations :thumbup:


So, when are you going on vacation? :whistle:

I'm ON vacation! It's just an at-home one.


Oh, I get it...


JAGN, do you dare to meddle with me? Only Death Tribble has stood in direct combat, and that's only because I can't find his feet under all that fur.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Just how much damn mucous can the human body produce and hold for Chrissakes!!! :sick::thumbdown



Too bad you're not Zoidberg. When he gets mucus, he makes pretty black pearls. you'd make a mint.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Enforcer84, glad moving in is proceeding. Re your loss, sorry to hear that of course. Someone in our gaming group has been fighting Multiple Myeloma and is doing well, not to jinx it but pretty much out of the woods, knock wood and such, but he's young and underwent extremely aggressive therapy. It is a very tough disease.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We decided that we'd already done everything we could to improve his life. Rather than put him through the discomfort and pain' date=' we let him go. Mage was put to sleep this afternoon.[/quote']

I'm sorry for your loss, but I think you made the right decision. Mage was lucky to have you as guardians.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


After all votes were counted it was found that 100% of all voters prefered the lemming w/dice avatar. We made sure that both the left & the right wing were consulted and represented. After doing so, we have followed the mandate of the people. :D


The Ohio Posters demand a recount!


The Tennesse Posters just don't care ;)


(Truth to tell, I prefer the w/dice too I think)

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