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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That's something I always seem to hear about that part of the world - you guys have too much wildlife!
We have wildlife, and there is wildlife.


that kind of wildlife if typical around the suburbs (well at least in Darwin). The wildlife you are most probably thinging of is not a typical part of suburban life (kangaroos jumping down the roads etc).

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sorry to hear it, what the heck happened? Don't you work in broadcasting of some sort, but not news? What sort of emergency, absence?


BTW, I just noted that at least by the standard post-per-page count, this thread is at 200 pages!


PS - hey and ths is exactly post 3000 in the thread!

The reason Mightybec was at work until 3:30am was this...


*come closer to the screen*










He was expecting Amused to pick him up from work.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Although I think a MUCH better story on the same topic of redemption' date=' also with Murray, is Groundhog's Day.[/quote']I like that movie a lot too. I also like What about Bob.


I would love to play in a solo RPG scenario simialar to Groundhog day. The skills you could pickup, the fun you would have...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We have wildlife, and there is wildlife.


that kind of wildlife if typical around the suburbs (well at least in Darwin). The wildlife you are most probably thinging of is not a typical part of suburban life (kangaroos jumping down the roads etc).

Even what you described - lizards in your bathroom and such - is more wildlife than one would encounter in most (not all; in the southeast we had problems with snakes) parts of the States. When my wife visited Australia (some time back) she remarked on the abundance of wildlife, particularly (to us) exotic wildlife, right in the suburbs.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


To all of those who have remarked on how calm and placid I appear to be... I've told you that is simply me putting on my best face. My Melvin bashing is Exhibit A for how angry and dark I can get. There is a reason I take such pains to keep my temper in check... it is not a pretty thing to see when I lose it.

Ah... a kindred soul, I see... :straight:


Except that I don't know Melvin.


John T

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Originally posted by Klytus:

There is a reason I take such pains to keep my temper in check... it is not a pretty thing to see when I lose it.


Ah... a kindred soul, I see... :straight:


John T


I can certainly vouch for that. Still completely mystifies me, after seven years of knowing John, that while nearly unflappable when it comes to the big things in life, the smallest irritations have him cursing a blue streak and throwing things.





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Re: Musings on Random Musings


This is lost likely my last for a long while. As some may know, I'm going away on a holiday for two weeks to celebrate Christmas and New Years wit my family. I leave in 20 minutes.


I'll attempt to log into the NGD from tim to time, but will most likely stick to just a few "core" threads. If you would like to contact me in the meantime, PM me.


Have a memorable & perky holiday season, and a happy new cheer.

Have a nice holiday, Baz. Bon voyage!
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Opera people should not EVER sing holiday songs. Go home Gretta.


Generally, opera people don't seem to get the notion of changing vocal styles for different genres. Of course, pop singers to some degree largely don't do this, either, but a good pop singer is more likely to adapt to a setting (witness, say, Elvis Costello) rather than sing so inappropriately. I wonder if this relates to the prima donna aspect of operatic singing and the ingrained notion that operatic singing is "the best" and therefore, "naturally", one should sing in that style period as it is "best" (which is all horse hockey puck - not to deny that operatic singing is almost certainly the most demanding and requires the most technical skill, but it still has clear limitations in appropriateness of delivery in setting).

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well, as of 220 this afternoon. The Missus and I became Homeowners. Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. I might be off boards for a while as moving requires me to box up this computer I am typing on.


See you all next year!

Congratualtions! You will be missed.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ah... a kindred soul, I see... :straight:


Except that I don't know Melvin.

Do a search for a thread called Let's Flame Melvin. Its an idea Hermit cooked up - since there is no one on the boards named "Melvin", if we felt the need to flame, we would just flame Melvin. It sort of took on a life of its own after that. I find it very theraputic.


I can certainly vouch for that. Still completely mystifies me' date=' after seven years of knowing John, that while nearly unflappable when it comes to the big things in life, the smallest irritations have him cursing a blue streak and throwing things.[/quote']

Oh, I don't lose my temper quite that easily. It usually takes a long period of continuous frustration before I pop my cork. Of course, if I am depressed, I'll lose it much more esily.

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