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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


What's wrong? Sorry to hear it in any case.
Nothing too drastic.


On thursday night after 2.5 hours overtime I arrived at my sisters house to give my nephew his birthday present. During my stay I gave my neice (about 18 months) a book and I read it too her. Looking into her face and eyes the meaning of life was elucideated. As I was leaving she started saying "bye-bye barry", reall cute-like. I'm so happy about having a smart neice. :) :)


This morning after just about walking out the door I noticed a bird right up close to the glass sliding doors...dead. On occasions, many times I've wished them dead etc as they are very annoying. I've also seen babies of them walking around the streets. Anyway I give way (yeild)/slow down to them so not to hurt them etc, but still wouldn't mind it if well they disappeared etc. Well seeing it unfortunate position the bird was in. my view changed slightly. I know the world will be poorer place as its "family" will miss it etc. But seeing a lifeless thing and knowing that it was one a living thing, is just sad.


And thirdly, yesterday I went into work to do some stuff, this was Saturday. I know I wasn't going to get paid for doing it (aka I'm a volunteer not an 'employee') but afterwards I surprised myself how good I felt about doing it. Even if the workplace makes me sick, and I dread going there. So you can imagine my surprise.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Nothing too drastic.


On thursday night after 2.5 hours overtime I arrived at my sisters house to give my nephew his birthday present....


This morning after just about walking out the door I noticed a bird right up close to the glass sliding doors...dead. ...


And thirdly, yesterday I went into work to do some stuff, this was Saturday. I know I wasn't going to get paid for doing it (aka I'm a volunteer not an 'employee') but afterwards I surprised myself how good I felt about doing it. Even if the workplace makes me sick, and I dread going there. So you can imagine my surprise.


Quite a variety in a short time. Sounds like the stories you hear about people who form religions!


More seriously, yeah, the middle event can be quite sobering, even if it's just an animal and even one we're not so fond of. Re the third, at least that's a pleasant surprise. Sometimes I enjoy work like that, being in, on my own time, no bother/surprises from others.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That's it?! Your deepest shame is killing a frog?! Geez' date=' I wish I had that problem...[/quote']


No Kidding.


I KNOW I crippled some frogs trying to stun them with near misses from stones so I could catch them. :(


the sparrow that I DIDN'T cleanly kill with my pellet gun...


I can't remember for certain whether I joined in calling the red-headed kid "Rusty Brains"- years later he fell down 3 floors of a stairwell and lived on in a brain damaged state for about 14 years. He had been a VERY talented actor and singer. :(


There are others...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Tooling around the NGD threads in order to calm down for this morning's important job interview is not working. I'm actually more uptight after looking around here, especially at one particularly upsetting thread.


I should know better.




-Wondering when (or if) Ben will step in and intervene...

Its almost as bad as saying, "Oh, let me catch up on the boards real quick" only to find out there are three pages of new stuff, and unless you plow through it ALL in one sitting, you'll lose your spot.


I really wish this board simply remembered which posts you read and didn't read even if you leave the boards with some posts still unread

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Tooling around the NGD threads in order to calm down for this morning's important job interview is not working. I'm actually more uptight after looking around here, especially at one particularly upsetting thread.


I should know better.




-Wondering when (or if) Ben will step in and intervene...

Don't know exactly which thread you are refering to, but I know the feeling. NGD (and even a few threads in the more civilized parts of the board) are not meant for relaxing.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Very interesting. Thanks for the link.


Amazing. I've seen the 'three' comparison before, but the pictures of the hats, flowers, and globe really make you grasp more what it must be like for the color blind.


Thanks for the link. It kind of makes me grateful I'm only near sighted, and I never thought I'd say THAT.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Its almost as bad as saying' date=' "Oh, let me catch up on the boards real quick" only to find out there are three pages of new stuff, and unless you plow through it [b']ALL[/b] in one sitting, you'll lose your spot.


I really wish this board simply remembered which posts you read and didn't read even if you leave the boards with some posts still unread


Seconded! That's one thing I like about the tool that Apple uses to run their Support forums, it keeps track to which messages you've read so you can jump in, read a thread, then come back to look at the rest of the boards later.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You can chose to not recive any email. And you press the show all subscribed threads if you want to catch up on old ones you have posted to' date=' otherwise you would not be able to find anything so many social threads there are here :rolleyes:[/quote']

It still doesn't work, really, as it's easy to lose your place as the board still bases where it "thinks" you are based on purely the timing of your login and how long you sat there, not which posts you actually got to in a particular thread.


To me, the ideal thing would be whether e-mail or User CP to have a link that indicates the last e-mail you read with a POST REFERENCE, that way when you cilck it would take you truly back to that specific post and not where the board "thinks" you are. Of course if you're inbetween (read some posts but not all the way caught up) you end up at the beginning, but that still is easier than getting set halfway later down a thread and figuring out how lost you are.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That is why you get it to show you all subscribed thread's!

On the other hand it would be cool if you got an email everytime someone quoted you in a thread.

In any case they got our email so if they really want you to answer then they can e-mail you.

Yes, but you also get it to show you to the place you left off at.


The problem is, the emails don't do that if you linger too long on a reply or such, it loses your place, and just puts you to a later point in the thread, making it a pain to backtrack. Not insurmountalbe, but a pain.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Okay so you are posting on the endless threads then...

Use the search feature. You can use them for induvidual threads also not just the board and the forums.

Yeah, understood, but the search won't put me back to where I was. Like I said, it's just a nuisance. I can complain endlessly, because that's my nature, but not a big deal, really.

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