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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I completely missed the Super Bowl yesterday. Yet even though it was (from what everyone says) a really good game' date=' I don't regret not watching it.[/quote']


My only regret is having learned the names of the teams playing. I managed not to do so until the very day, when I chanced to see them in a newspaper.


Lucius Alexander


the palindromedary says no doubt he'll soon forget

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Re: Musings on Random Musings




To me, this implies that we should just give said vacant homes to those without one. Availability on one side doesn't imply capability on the other.


The Numbers:

Rough Population of America: 300,000,000.

One in 402 of those are homeless = 746,268.

24 empty houses for each homeless American = 17,910,432.


Which is saying that, even if we *did* give away homes to everybody, there would still be a glut of over 17 million homes that never had anybody to live there? [[Citation Needed, Please]]

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Supposedly Lucas is mulling what the macguffin should be for the next IJ movie. Leaving aside our visceral hatred for the man' date=' what are some likely subjects for Indy's next quest? The Spear of Longinus? El Dorado? The other sock in the pair?[/quote']


After the Holy Grail, everything else seems like a bit of a let down. I like the Spear idea, though. El Dorado would be a bit much to find, even if the story could be very cool.


I vote for the Sphinx's nose.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Supposedly Lucas is mulling what the macguffin should be for the next IJ movie. Leaving aside our visceral hatred for the man' date=' what are some likely subjects for Indy's next quest? The Spear of Longinus? El Dorado? The other sock in the pair?[/quote']


The other sock can't be missing. I wore it. I put it in the laundry basket. I put it in the washer and the dryer, and there's nothing there now.

It can't be missing.

But it is. How can this be? How can it fracking be? It's my favourite! And I don't want to go buy socks. It's a pain.

That's it. I'm going to look for it again.


Also, the Spear isn't missing. It's miraculously multiplied, not missing. The spear is at Vienna. Also, the Vatican, and a cathedral in Armenia. The alleged point of the lance, formerly one of the relics of Notre Dame, has been missing since the French Revolution, though.

Also, there's a conspiracy theorist who says that the one in Vienna is a fake and that the original was hidden away in Antarctica, although a Hitler Youth conspiracy got it back. Also, it might be Odin's spear, not the Spear of Longinus.


You can't make this stuff up. Although I am citing Wikipedia, so maybe someone made it up.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The other sock can't be missing. I wore it. I put it in the laundry basket. I put it in the washer and the dryer, and there's nothing there now.

It can't be missing.

But it is. How can this be? How can it fracking be? It's my favourite! And I don't want to go buy socks. It's a pain.

That's it. I'm going to look for it again.


Also, the Spear isn't missing. It's miraculously multiplied, not missing. The spear is at Vienna. Also, the Vatican, and a cathedral in Armenia. The alleged point of the lance, formerly one of the relics of Notre Dame, has been missing since the French Revolution, though.

Also, there's a conspiracy theorist who says that the one in Vienna is a fake and that the original was hidden away in Antarctica, although a Hitler Youth conspiracy got it back. Also, it might be Odin's spear, not the Spear of Longinus.


You can't make this stuff up. Although I am citing Wikipedia, so maybe someone made it up.

you forgot that it was also the Spear of Lugh -- one of the 4 treasures of Ireland.
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Actually' date=' the comic book had a good one for a new quest item: the lost city of Atlantis.[/quote']

Lost continent of Lemuria might be better -- Atlantis is a bit cliche, Indy needs to search for something that is rarely searched for IMO.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


you forgot that it was also the Spear of Lugh -- one of the 4 treasures of Ireland.


Lost continent of Lemuria might be better -- Atlantis is a bit cliche' date=' Indy needs to search for something that is rarely searched for IMO.[/quote']


The Four Cities of Tir Nan Og, sunk beneath the waves, where the Four Treasures were reclaimed by the last of the DeDannans, could work as well.

Heck it's pretty easy to link Lemurian and DeDannan myths anyway, go for both!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thought of this on the way to work this morning



McGuffins previously used in major franchises:


  • Indiana Jones: the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, a/the Crystal Skull
  • Lara Croft: Atlantis triangle, Pandora's Box (ie Fountain of Youth)
  • Librarian: the Spear of Destiny, King Solomon's Mines, the "Judas Chalice"

So none of those, and rules out Spear of Destiny.


Indy and the Golden Fleece

points in favour:

  • rarely seen in movies
  • global in scope - like crystal skull is linked to South Americas
  • has tie-in to Joseph Campbell's POV of mythology
  • has sense of Lucas' naiveté style of filmmaking
  • a good adventure story - a modern version of the Greek myth (just as Last Crusade was a modern Grail quest genre story)

And who doesn't want to see Indy versus a dragon?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The other sock can't be missing. I wore it. I put it in the laundry basket. I put it in the washer and the dryer, and there's nothing there now.

It can't be missing.

But it is. How can this be? How can it fracking be? It's my favourite! And I don't want to go buy socks. It's a pain.

That's it. I'm going to look for it again.


Also, the Spear isn't missing. It's miraculously multiplied, not missing. The spear is at Vienna. Also, the Vatican, and a cathedral in Armenia. The alleged point of the lance, formerly one of the relics of Notre Dame, has been missing since the French Revolution, though.

Also, there's a conspiracy theorist who says that the one in Vienna is a fake and that the original was hidden away in Antarctica, although a Hitler Youth conspiracy got it back. Also, it might be Odin's spear, not the Spear of Longinus.


You can't make this stuff up. Although I am citing Wikipedia, so maybe someone made it up.


There are also several chalices that are claimed to be the Holy Grail, so you may still do a story arc on the Spear of Longinus. Hollywood tends to play fast and loose with these things.

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