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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There's three things in Walla Walla: onions' date=' a couple wineries, and the State Penitentiary. And Whitman College, but there's more people in the penitentiary than in the college.[/quote']


And the site of the 1847 Whitman massacre that sparked the Cyuse War.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


And then I get reputized for THIS


I can't believe I got reputized for posting a write up of a Keebler Elf.


Maybe I can tie them in with the Chocolate Orcs and the Ginger-Bred Men....


Or maybe I should start writing up the Geico Gecko, Tony the Tiger, the Frito Bandito, Kool Aid Man, Snap Crackle and Pop.....


Lucius Alexander


More likely I'll forget about it and go back to composing palindromedary taglines


What, do people really want me to write up Mr. Clean and the Trix Silly Rabbit and Chester Cheetah and stuff like that????:nonp:


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks that would be better than some things I spend time on, but not as good as others.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


What' date=' do people really [i']want[/i] me to write up Mr. Clean and the Trix Silly Rabbit and Chester Cheetah and stuff like that????:nonp:


Well, the Marshmallow dude from the end of Ghostbusters would be something to see....

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Last night, my uncle passed away. He was in hospice surrounded by his wife, daughter, son, and two of his remaining brothers. I'm not always proud to be associated with my paternal family, particularly that generation, but Uncle Dave was a good man who did more to keep his somewhat screwy family running smoothly than they and I appreciate. I know I owe him a debt of gratitude and I will miss him.


I only hope that my generation has grown out of the stupid sh...tuff.


My condolences, E84. I never know what to say in these circumstances, so delayed saying anything, then realized that probably anything was better than nothing.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My condolences' date=' E84. I never know what to say in these circumstances, so delayed saying anything, then realized that probably anything was better than nothing.[/quote']


Thanks. As you could see I'm on the cusp of ambivalence there.

In other family news my niece Nova had to have glaucoma surgery on her eye. At age six. but things went well.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I saw someone on FB say they thought it would be neat to be in a tornado. Idjit!


IF you want to know what it is like in a tornado: Stand in the middle of a wind tunnel witht he fan cranked to 150 to 200mph winds. have someone spray a garden hose of water into the fan so it blows on you while other people toss broken glass, rocks, and broken lumber into the fan as well.


And if you survive that, there is always the rare and lethal fungal infection that follows.


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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I think our printer is possessed. It refused to print tonight's lesson. It tried and stopped in the middle. We restarted the computer and unplugged and replugged the printer, but no dice. Finally OddHat had to leave and use old lessons. I tried to switch the printer off, but it wouldn't so I unplugged it again, replugged it and switched it off. After about five minutes, give or take, it switched itself on and printed the lesson, both copies.


Just let me know if I need the Exorcist.


No, just an Excel-orcist.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet flank venison chicken turkey short ribs, strip steak ground round salami shoulder ribeye shankle tail sausage. Bresaola jowl t-bone meatloaf shank fatback flank beef ribs. Ground round hamburger pork tri-tip, drumstick beef ribs shankle meatball sausage jerky chicken. Strip steak sirloin pork chicken jerky, shoulder pastrami. Pork beef ribs pork loin strip steak salami ball tip. Short loin drumstick cow beef. Pastrami tongue meatball, beef pork loin biltong short loin rump spare ribs venison.


Corned beef cow drumstick ground round chicken. Tenderloin ham salami spare ribs short loin pancetta corned beef chuck. Shank spare ribs meatball beef ribs bresaola. Beef ribs chicken pastrami, hamburger cow drumstick bresaola ham short ribs venison tongue ball tip. Beef bacon fatback ball tip hamburger tri-tip, turkey tail spare ribs ground round cow pastrami pancetta rump biltong. Salami jowl rump, ball tip spare ribs biltong corned beef t-bone. Cow bresaola ribeye tri-tip ham hock spare ribs, turkey ball tip shoulder strip steak.


Tongue pork loin swine sausage beef pancetta. Fatback hamburger sausage, tail pork shank meatloaf flank beef. Venison shankle chicken fatback corned beef hamburger pork tail. Jowl tail pork belly swine, shank bacon pork short loin pork chop cow pancetta. Tongue meatball chicken, t-bone ribeye ham pork belly short ribs drumstick ground round bresaola biltong. Beef ribs short ribs tenderloin, pork belly fatback tail venison shankle jerky meatball turkey pastrami hamburger swine tongue. Salami flank sausage ham hock strip steak, beef ribs jerky.


Aw, Chitterlings.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Just found out that someone has been permanently banned from Deviant Art.

What do you have to do to get banned there ?

They'd done lineart that someone else coloured so that is how I know.


You get perma banned for, porn, art theft, or harassment I think

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Does anyone have any ideas for a weekend getaway? I don't need anything fancy' date=' just a place to get away from it all.[/quote']


Wine Country, Calistoga has a lot of good places to eat & relax. Anderson Valley may still be cheaper than Napa and has some very good wineries. Coastal Marin & Sonoma are nice.

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