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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There's hole in the window sill. A squirrel has moved into this hole. I can hear him scratching away inside the wall. Obviously' date=' I can't let that go on. I need to move him out and repair all the damage. I went outside to scare him away, and he stuck his cute little squirrel head out and stared at me. Awww. I couldn't do it. Dammit, now what?[/quote']


you find a girl squirrel or if a super squirrel an owl for a girlfriend.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You could do what I did with the irresistibly cute mouse I caught in my office a few years ago, which is hit it with a brick a couple times. Cute vermin is still vermin.


Otherwise, I'm sure squirrels of any level are relatively easy to trap.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was thinking about Gilligan's Island (for some strange reason), and a couple of things ocurred to me.


1. If The Professor hadn't been on the boat, the others would likely have been *toast*.


2. Why didn' they build a seperate hut for *all* of the single people? The Professor is the only one two rates having some privacy? And it makes sense to make a 2-person hut for the married Howells, but making the other 4 share two huts? It's not like they were running out of room or natural building materials.


They were lucky to get that many finished, and just gave up on trying to make more.


Gilligan was helping, you see.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is sure Zornwill has write ups on the whole cast

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sometimes I have flashbacks of things. It's only momentary, maybe just a feeling of recognition. But many of them are set off by things I never experienced, like images of events before I was born.


Is it nostalgia? Past life regression? Or have I just been watching too much Highlander?


Maybe a bit of 1 & 2. Not 3. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Is it just me' date=' or are bathroom attendents weird? I mean, seriously, having a guy in the bathroom hand you paper towels after you wash your hands? And then you tip him? It kinda wigs me out, just a little bit.[/quote']


Where did you encounter a washroom attendant? I haven't encountered one in almost fifty years, and that was in Europe. I would be surprised if my teenage kids had ever encountered the concept at all.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Where did you encounter a washroom attendant? I haven't encountered one in almost fifty years' date=' and that was in Europe. I would be surprised if my teenage kids had ever encountered the concept at all.[/quote']


Here they are mostly a nightclub thing. I suppose there might be a couple of private clubs or upscale hotels that employ them too.


I never tip those guys. I can't stand tipping in general, but I can deal with tipping for not wrecking my car or spitting in my food. But tipping a guy for handing me a towel in a bathroom? Come on.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It was at a nightclub. BB King's Blues Club in Orlando. The guy had the whole setup -- a tray of men's colognes on the wash basin, a basket of candy, and if you wanted soap you had to go to him 'cause he had the dispensor in his hand. It was a little disquieting. I don't even personally like using valet parking -- I'm like, "Dude, I know how to park my own muthafluffin' car and I don't mind walking a few extra steps. Just back away from my vehicle."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I don't even personally like using valet parking -- I'm like' date=' "Dude, I know how to park my own muthafluffin' car and I don't mind walking a few extra steps. Just back away from my vehicle."[/quote']


You should not like valet parking. The stories I've heard...


My favorite is when I am for some reason obligated to go to some establishment that has only valet parking, which they enforce by controlling all available parking space.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It was at a nightclub. BB King's Blues Club in Orlando. The guy had the whole setup -- a tray of men's colognes on the wash basin' date=' a basket of candy, and if you wanted soap you had to go to him 'cause he had the dispensor in his hand. It was a little disquieting. I don't even personally like using valet parking -- I'm like, "Dude, I know how to park my own muthafluffin' car and I don't mind walking a few extra steps. Just back away from my vehicle."[/quote']

The last time I had valet parking was on my honeymoon at the hotel with a rental car.


They gave my car to somebody else. :nonp:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I stayed at a fancy Hollywood hotel with valet parking one time. So I'm up in my room, it's like 11:30, and I realize I left something in the car. No problem, I'll just pop down to the parking lot and... aw, crap, I have no friggin' idea where my car even is!


So I call the front desk and ask. They connect me with the valet service. The valet service asks what my license number, make, and model is (yeah, it's a rental, I barely remember what color it is), and what it is that I'm needing out of the car. Twenty or thirty minutes later, one of the valets shows up with my bag (hand out for a tip).


Never again, is all I can say. I want to know where my car is, and I want to be able to zip down there and grab something out of the back seat without worrying about some stranger rooting through my belongings (and taking half an hour for what should be a 3 minute job).

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It's just sugar-inflicted mouth lacerations. You can get the same effect by dipping blackberry brambles (which I spent a couple of hours yesterday evicting from my yard) in cheap syrup and eating them raw.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Here they are mostly a nightclub thing. I suppose there might be a couple of private clubs or upscale hotels that employ them too.


I never tip those guys. I can't stand tipping in general, but I can deal with tipping for not wrecking my car or spitting in my food. But tipping a guy for handing me a towel in a bathroom? Come on.


I can't help but wonder if their true purpose is to make sure the patrons do not engage in non-lavatory activities, and figured that having him be a "washroom attendant" would be considered less intrusive than "bathroom monitor"?

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