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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Two years ago five out of my seven siblings (me included) were unemployed. As of today, I'm the only one, and I'm a full time student. Things are looking up.


I think my younger brother was trying to kill himself before getting the job of a lifetime, he's recently started a new diet and exercise program to avoid the diabetes I've been diagnosed with.


So in my own little neck of the woods the unemployment problem is lessening.

Good news, then. Although the middle sentence contains worrisome.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


He was in a very bad place. He was working 7 days a week and making no money - and he had to work at night because he was the care provider for his daughter while his wife worked. They have been having money troubles (they own 2 houses because they moved back to Oregon to be closer to family for the pregnancy but the sale of their house fell through)


He was sure everyone hated him (despite being an excellent stay at home dad) and he couldn't do anything about it...so...he kind of acted out by gaining a bunch of weight...eating unhealthy and drinkin lots of sodas (which didn't help their money problems by the way)


And he no longer had time to work out.


But that's changing. He works for a company he adores and though the next six weeks will be rough (He's in a hotel 4 hours from his family) and they're gonna be moving AGAIN...it's a very good job, his wife will be able to go per diem and stay home with the 1 year old (something she really wants to do...she was feeling that she missed out on so much). The distance will suck for a bit but in the long run, I can't see it being anything but positive.


oh, let me pimp him.


Here's his first add:



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I wonder what would happen if you were at the airport, about to go through Security, and you stripped down to your skivvies to walk through the checkpoint.


You'd have to be wearing something really simple -- t-shirt, slip-on pants (no belt, no buttons, no zipper), sandals with no socks. Something you could just peel off in 30 seconds and toss into the little plastic containers. Just walk through the scanner in your tighty-whities.


I'm sure they'd find some pretense to arrest you for it, but really -- isn't that basically the point they're trying to get to anyway? I honestly wonder what would happen (especially if a bunch of people started doing it)... :think:


Wear bathing suits. Hmm, next swim team that is flying somewhere, maybe we can get them to do it? :think:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


What is the longest possible wavelength of a photon' date=' and is that wavelength bigger than the observable universe?[/quote']

I dunno - Any physicists around?

Will the ever-increasing rate of the expansion of space ever be able to overcome the gravity of black holes and pull them "open"?

By current theories, they won't be pulled apart; they'll just reach a point where there's less incoming energy than outgoing Hawking radiation and shrink, then dissipate.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


What is the longest possible wavelength of a photon' date=' and is that wavelength bigger than the observable universe?[/quote']

There's no theoretical maximum, but (1) emitting photons gets increasingly difficult as the wavelength gets much larger than the thing doing the radiating, and (2) you would have a very hard time telling such a photon from a constant ("DC") nonzero electric field in any accessible part of space.


Will the ever-increasing rate of the expansion of space ever be able to overcome the gravity of black holes and pull them "open"?

I've heard that question addressed before, and the final answer is, that depends on physics we do not yet know.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There's no theoretical maximum' date=' but (1) emitting photons gets increasingly difficult as the wavelength gets much larger than the thing doing the radiating, and (2) you would have a very hard time telling such a photon from a constant ("DC") nonzero electric field in any accessible part of space.[/quote']


Hmm, okay. Some more questions:


As an emitted photon propagates though expanding space (getting redshifted), it looses energy (since lower wavelength photons have less energy than higher wavelength ones)... Where does the energy go, since it can't be destroyed?


Can a photon travel far enough (and get redshifted enough) to loose *all* of its energy?


I've heard that question addressed before' date=' and the final answer is, that depends on physics we do not yet know.[/quote']


Drats! I thought it an interesting thought experiment. Like "If every location in space is expanding away from every other location at greater than the speed of light, what effect would that have on the event horizon of a black hole?"

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Drats! I thought it an interesting thought experiment. Like "If every location in space is expanding away from every other location at greater than the speed of light, what effect would that have on the event horizon of a black hole?"


If space is nonlocal as per Aspect's experiment (hope I got his name right, to lazy to look it up) then every part is interconnected with every other part.


I also recall that Bruno theorized that the universe is acentric, in which case movement is relative, as ther is no absolute centre, only something you designate as being "the centre".

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