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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Heh. My niece came visiting with her (then) boyfriend from Australia. When we wnet out to eat, he ordered a lemonade to drink.

When the waitress brought the drinks, he took a sip, and frowned.

We asked if the lemonade was to bitter or if they had gotten the wrong drink. He said no, but he wanted a Sprite.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've begun the process of passing the right info to my landlord before I leave the property for the final time. Gas bill, electric (on a key meter) and water plus proof I am paying my council tax. Then I had to get keys cut for them as they have mislaid their copy. Ho hum.


I now have a working mobile phone.


finally in the next month I am going to be able to go out and enjoy myself. The Spirit of Christmas show on Friday, The Wine Show the following Saturday, another expo the following Friday followed by a visit to friends in Reading on the Saturday and Dragonmeet the Saturday after.


Is the tribble moving out of him home? To another place in London (I hope)?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well' date=' the actual abbot of Shaolin temple has given me his opinion of Chinese medicine based on his lifetime of study and experience, and you've given me yours based on what the guy at the health food store told you.[/quote']


So what was the abbot's opinion?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Perhaps I should get published. Then I wouldn't have to worry about Christmas shopping. I'd just give everyone one of my books each year. Autographed' date=' of course.[/quote']

As someone who's been there, the only people who like that are your parents and grandparents. Everyone else thinks you're showing off.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The short of it is: There was a raccoon in my garage last night.


The longer story: There's this neighborhood cat who likes to jump up on our porch and look through our window. It drives our cats friggin' nuts, because they want to defend their turf, but they can't get to it outside. So they end up fighting each other. :stupid: Anyway, whenever I see that cat in our yard, I chase it off.


So last night, I go outside to the garage to put something in my car. I've left the garage door open, because it was such a pleasant day. I see this container of birdseed I keep in the garage scattered all over the floor, and I hear a noise on my workbench. "That damned cat came into the garage and knocked over my birdseed," I say to myself. So I shout at it, "Get out of my garage!"


It jumped from my workbench to the hood of my car, and I see that it's not the cat. It's a big-ole-ass raccoon, and it hisses at me.


OK, for those of you who don't live in agrarian climes, Disney lied to you. Raccoons are not cuddly, precious little animals. They are not cute. They are not lap-dogs with bandit masks. They are wild animals. They are big, and they are mean, and they are aggressive, and a lot of them carry diseases that you do not want to catch.


So there I am, five feet away from this hissing monster. My options are severely limited. So... I yell at it again. "Get the F*** out of my garage!" I scream at the top of my lungs. To add gravitas to my statement, I stomp my boots hard against the floor, kicking up a lot of racket. "GET OUT!!!"


Apparently, I'm scarier than a 'coon, because it jumped off the hood of the car and ran under it. So I kicked the side of the car, again and again, still yelling. I heard it scurry away, out of the garage. Cautiously, I picked up a broom handle and followed, peering out. I see it lurking just outside of the garage, so I shouted again and it took off running.


So, the lesson here is: No more leaving the garage door open, even if it's nice outside. Apparently, raccoons like birdseed, and they will come inside to get it.


[Racoon]So I was in one of those garages yesterday, eating some of that awesome stuff you sometimes find in boxes on trees, when this huge rabbit starts stomping around the place. I jump up on one of those metal things (the kind that sometimes move fast) and try to scare him off. Make myself big, you know? When he starts roaring and spitting and his eyes start to glow! So I hide under the metal thing, hoping he'll get the hint and go away, and he starts trying to move it to get at me! I was scared out of my mind! Those big rabbits may look all cute and fluffy, but you don't want to get bit by one! I run outside of the garage, figure I'll wait for the rabbit to leave, but he comes out chasing me and I have to run! All that great food, lost. I hate rabbits.[/Racoon]

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Raccoons breed in my neighborhood. I see them fairly often, mostly young ones, sometimes with mom. I think the big ones must move out into parks and woodlots, because I don't see the really big ones that I've seen up in the mountains, only the little ones.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I don't care about that. I just want to save myself the hassle of Christmas shopping.


Do what I do: ignore Christmas as much as possible.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary doesn't care about Christmas, but gets excited about New Years

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Do what I do: ignore Christmas as much as possible.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary doesn't care about Christmas, but gets excited about New Years


Trust me, I do, but the family will only allow me to ignore it so much. If I had my way, I'd cancel the entire holiday season.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


[Racoon]So I was in one of those garages yesterday' date=' eating some of that awesome stuff you sometimes find in boxes on trees, when this huge rabbit starts stomping around the place. I jump up on one of those metal things (the kind that sometimes move fast) and try to scare him off. Make myself big, you know? When he starts roaring and spitting and his eyes start to glow! So I hide under the metal thing, hoping he'll get the hint and go away, and he starts trying to move it to get at me! I was scared out of my mind! Those big rabbits may look all cute and fluffy, but you don't want to get bit by one! I run outside of the garage, figure I'll wait for the rabbit to leave, but he comes out chasing me and I have to run! All that great food, lost. I hate rabbits.[/Racoon']


Oh, sure, make it sound like I'm the bad guy.... oh, wait. I guess I am a bad guy. :eg:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I need a shot of courage and confidence' date=' but the wizard has done moved out of Oz[/quote']

I can't offer you that, but if you stop by my house I can offer you a shot of anything I have in the liquor cabinet. I recommend the Knappogue Castle if you're at all partial to whiskey.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I can't offer you that' date=' but if you stop by my house I can offer you a shot of anything I have in the liquor cabinet. I recommend the Knappogue Castle if you're at all partial to whiskey.[/quote']


You're too kind. I won't be able to drop by, but the thought is appreciated

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