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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Was Death Tribble over the top? Of course' date=' that is his online persona. He regularly talks about destroying entire metropolitan areas just to get at someone who annoyed him. :) [/quote'] Online persona?


He took me on a tour of the Tower of London telling me, it was my new living quarters...


And then the time both DT and I saw Divine Gillian walking down a London street and I called Dibs. DT hit me over the head.



(only DT and I know if the stories are true or not)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Was Death Tribble over the top? Of course' date=' that is his online persona. He regularly talks about destroying entire metropolitan areas just to get at someone who annoyed him. :)[/quote']


No-one ever complains about Godzilla destroying an entire metropolitan area just to get at someone who annoyed him.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now I am in New Hampshire. Something is wrong with the trees here. Their leaves are all turning red and yellow and falling off. I think they're diseased.

You are correct, though it's an environmental problem rather than something communicable. Too many New Englanders there, spouting off how They Did Everything First and Only Our Way Is The Right Way. It frosts everything around them, and freezes the leaves off the trees (among other deleterious effects). It happens every year in the time leading up to Election Day, when the self-serving myopic stuffiness gets more intense than the rest of the year.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I genuinely don't understand this: why don't people keep extra toilet paper in the bathroom rather than down the hall?


We do, but the Costco cubic yard of TP doesn't fit in the available storage space in one bathroom. So I tend to carry 4 rolls or so into that bathroom whenever I take any into it.


The cubic yard lives in the other bathroom, on the shelf above the washing machine in the laundry space.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We do, but the Costco cubic yard of TP doesn't fit in the available storage space in one bathroom. So I tend to carry 4 rolls or so into that bathroom whenever I take any into it.


The cubic yard lives in the other bathroom, on the shelf above the washing machine in the laundry space.


Costco TP is the best since it's individually wrapped. We'll get two or three cubic yards at a time and I'll unpack them and let the kids build forts out of the rolls. And then it's Godzilla time!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


King _in_ Prussia! Frederick I paid exactly enough in political favours to be recognised as King _in_ Prussia, not King _of_ Prussia. It changed much later, but as part of the partition of Poland, and are we really endorsing that?


Okay, that is the town's name, and maybe it is time to let it go....

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now I want to know what master plan would require either a certified accountant or lion taming!

"Your becoming a certified accountant fits perfectly into my Master Plan!"

"You really think so, Foxbat?"

"I certainly do. That or lion taming."

Not from Random Musings, but replies in Scenes from a Hat don't really work, either.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now I want to know what master plan would require either a certified accountant or lion taming!


Not from Random Musings, but replies in Scenes from a Hat don't really work, either.


Long ago there was a comment by someone who was a self-appointed critic of pornographic prose, "This one scores an extra point for the use of the word 'mortgage' in an erotic scene."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Long ago there was a comment by someone who was a self-appointed critic of pornographic prose' date=' "This one scores an extra point for the use of the word 'mortgage' in an erotic scene."[/quote']


Which is a much greater degree of difficulty than using a euphamism for "Screwed" in a mortgage scene.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


People have been telling me my haircut looks good lately. I know they mean well' date=' but I haven't had a haircut in over a month. It could be that they're finally noticing my general diminished hairiness as I trimmed about a pound of hair off of the beard a couple weeks ago. Nobody's said anything about that at all.[/quote']


A few years ago, I went from having long hair and full beard and mustache to short hair and clean shaven overnight. One of my co-workers, a guy who saw me on a daily basis for months, looked at me and said, "Something's different about you... did you get contacts?"

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


People have been telling me my haircut looks good lately. I know they mean well' date=' but I haven't had a haircut in over a month. It could be that they're finally noticing my general diminished hairiness as I trimmed about a pound of hair off of the beard a couple weeks ago. Nobody's said anything about that at all.[/quote']


you shouldn't have glued it to your head like that.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


On my way back down to Boston on Thursday I passed this accident scene. I've seen the remnants of fatal traffic accidents before' date=' so I don't know why this one bothered me so much. Maybe it was because the medevac chopper didn't seem to be in any hurry, or because of the tarp over the front of the minivan, or just because I had a two hour drive to think about it. At any rate--those of you reading this, do me a favor and be a little more careful when you drive, okay? I guarantee you this woman had no idea she was going to die on Thursday.[/quote']


More than once, I've gotten grief from a few of my friends for being an overly-cautious driver. Well, there's a reason for that. In the past 15 years, I have been an eyewitness to not one, but two fatal traffic accidents. And I don't mean that I came upon the scene like Old Man is describing: I saw the accidents happen. One moment, everything was all well and good, and the next, someone was killed. Right in front of my eyes.


The first one was an SUV that brushed against an embankment on the side of the road, flipped over, and landed on the roof... which collapsed. A cop was right there, so there was no need to stop and be a witness. He was also in absolutely no hurry to get out of his car to give aid, which told me all I needed to know. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the SUV was clearly part of a caravan of some sort; at least two other cars pulled over, the passengers got out and had looks of horror that could only belong to friends and family of the victim(s). Did I mention the fact that I was on the first 15-minutes of a 6-hour drive? In the winter? And that the last 2 hours of that drive were on slush-covered roads?


The second time was on the Capitol Beltway - a car got sideswiped on the other side highway, came through a gap in the divider perpendicular to oncoming traffic, and was T-boned by a van. This time, I stopped to render aid. The victim was girl, no older than 21. According to a doctor, who was also on-the-scene, she was killed instantly. All I was able to do was give the EMTs a blanket from my trunk to cover the body, and give the police an account of the accident - good thing, too, as the cop who arrived had not noticed the fact that the accident started on the other side of the road.


Yeah, I still go over the speed limit on the highway, but I slow down when turning, even when I have the right-of-way, I don't merge into traffic when I need to "punch it" to make the opening, and things like that. Those few extra moments of "wasted time" are simply not worth risking lives over.

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