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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sometimes I DO believe God might be telling me to cool my jets. I've been furious for a week at a punk who 'jokingly' threatened a loved one's life. That loved one just swears I don't understand the guy. I have no evidence so cops are out. In short, there's not a darn thing I can do.


And being helpless and powerless against this guy really gnawed at me. And it has for over a week.


Then, I drive by a church sign that says "He who angers you... controls you"


Probably just a coincidence coupled with subconcious relization , but then again, maybe the good lord is trying to tell me to check myself a bit.


He works in mysterious ways. it was a sign I tell ya. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


In this case' date=' literally ;)[/quote']


Something that I'm sure you'll find happy. While watching the THOR trailer from Comic-con again (cause it is awesome) just before the minute mark and for 4 seconds there is a shield that drops to the ground. This shield looks like the one Cap has in his first issue when he is punching Hitler.


It just struck me as something...odd...to have in a Thor trailer.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Since I was a space geek years before I started reading Marvel comics, the first association I usually have with "Thor" is the IRBM that the US and UK deployed in the late 1950s/early 1960s and the family of rockets that were derived from it.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Something that I'm sure you'll find happy. While watching the THOR trailer from Comic-con again (cause it is awesome) just before the minute mark and for 4 seconds there is a shield that drops to the ground. This shield looks like the one Cap has in his first issue when he is punching Hitler.


It just struck me as something...odd...to have in a Thor trailer.


Every movie should have a snap shot of one of Cap's shields. Even porn


*Bomchicka bomchicka*

"Oh, thank you for checking out my sink, mister hunky plumber man"

"No problem...any other pipes you want me to put my cleaner in??"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Sexy body language and...

Zoom over to Kitchen counter where there's one of Cap's shields before going back


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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We've had several cats who snored. Sometimes you could hear Siegfried snore from across the room.


Our cat Zane snorkilates. He's fine for a few hours just doing a light snore but invariably during the night he'll wake up and decide he needs to clean himself. At which point he gets very loud, and frequently will sneeze. And he projectile sneezes.

We usually have him sleep in a bed in the bathroom. Everyone sleeps much better then.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Just needed to jot down some thoughts and have been away from here for a bit. Doing a lot of traveling starting next week. Driving to Austin, visiting friends, then on to New Orleans to take part in the five year Katrina reunion. Then doing a meandering drive up to Grand Junction Co, and then back home for a week. Then another drive up to Portland Oregon, spend a week, then down to Breitenbush for another round of hot springs and photography.


Couple days ago I hiked the Zion Narrows with a couple friends. A really cool scenic hike.



Zion Narrows by lemming552, on Flickr


As an odd coincidence my dad lives in Grand Junction. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Every movie should have a snap shot of one of Cap's shields. Even porn


*Bomchicka bomchicka*

"Oh, thank you for checking out my sink, mister hunky plumber man"

"No problem...any other pipes you want me to put my cleaner in??"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Sexy body language and...

Zoom over to Kitchen counter where there's one of Cap's shields before going back




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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Every movie should have a snap shot of one of Cap's shields. Even porn
what about werewolf films? :whistle:




Could be a new game: The Captain America's Shield Movie Easter Egg Game

*Bomchicka bomchicka*

"Oh, thank you for checking out my sink, mister hunky plumber man"

"No problem...any other pipes you want me to put my cleaner in??"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Sexy body language and...

Zoom over to Kitchen counter where there's one of Cap's shields before going back



Aragorn: [to the corsair ships] You may go no further! You will not enter Gondor.

Captain: Who are you to deny us passage?

Aragorn: Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear.

Gimli: Mind your aim!

[Legolas aims; Gimli knocks the bow as he shoots and the arrow kills the bosun]

Gimli: Oh! That's it, right! We warned you! Prepare to be boarded!

[the corsairs laugh]

Captain: Boarded! By you and whose army?

Aragorn: *This* army.

[the army of the dead charges through him and onto the ships

One of the dead is a Marvel Zombie wearing Caps round shield...


...Frodo and Sam move towards Mordor, long camera shot show Cap's shield on the back of Frodo...


Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Every movie should have a snap shot of one of Cap's shields. Even porn


*Bomchicka bomchicka*

"Oh, thank you for checking out my sink, mister hunky plumber man"

"No problem...any other pipes you want me to put my cleaner in??"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Sexy body language and...

Zoom over to Kitchen counter where there's one of Cap's shields before going back



I think I've seen that one... :think:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I think I've seen that one... :think:


There was a not-as-terrible-as-it-sounds 1960s era Batman porn parody out recently, and I remember a few other Batman and Spiderman themed porns. Even a couple of Supergirl porn films, and endless live action Japanese Superhero porns (some of them absurdly close to the source material, right down to using almost exactly the same sets, plots and costumes). The Sexvengers, when it comes out, might be pretty interesting.

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