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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I think he's taking too much credit. It [battlefield Earth] still wasn't as bad as say... Plan 9.


Dude, the movie "won" the Razzie Award for worst film of the decade. He isn't "taking" too much credit - he's owning up to the damage he's done.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


True. But I didn't say he was completely faultless, either. There is a bit of difference between a decade and *ever*.


It was bad enough for it to be shown at DragonCon several years ago -- in the MST3K track as an "audience participation" event. :eg:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Have you ever encountered an animal that isn't your pet, yet it is unusually friendly with you? And it seems sad when you leave.


Do you suppose pets are reincarnated?

Pets react to different people differently. Our cat, who is paranoid and people-phobic, has treated two people without the slightest ounce of fear:


A friend of ours who's just a completely inoffensive guy and my bushman uncle, who considers panning for gold "up north" a vacation.


Everyone else, including us at times, is treated like a walking hand grenade - Anything the slightest bit different or worrisome and she's either retreating or vanished.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Have you ever encountered an animal that isn't your pet, yet it is unusually friendly with you? And it seems sad when you leave.


Do you suppose pets are reincarnated?


Well, if Karma and reincarnation are the Real Deal™, then it is assumed as a given that people can come back as animals or pets to work off their bad karma. Makes sense, then, that the soul of any given pet could come back as yet another pet.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well' date=' if Karma and reincarnation are the Real Deal™, then it is assumed as a given that people can come back as animals or pets to work off their bad karma. Makes sense, then, that the soul of any given pet could come back as yet another pet.[/quote']


Or as a person? O.o

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The man responsible for Battlefield Earth has apologized for his actions!



I never saw the film, but I have a hard time believing it was worse than Dungeon Siege In The Name Of The King.


I think he's taking too much credit. It still wasn't as bad as say... Plan 9.


(Moved from ATfRM -- not supposed to reply in that thread. Big No-No.)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


When I was still a child, I once tried to remember the first thing I experienced. It was going into my room one sunny afternoon. Try as I might, I couldn't remember anything I did before that. That could only mean one thing: I popped into existence one day.


A few years later, my mother took me along when she went about her errands. I remember going to the bank and several shops. That night, I remembered all the places we went to, but I just couldn't remember the trip home. I didn't even remember arriving home. This made me wonder if I was the real me, or if the real me had gotten lost, and I popped into existence to take his (my?) place.


Now there's no reason to believe this pattern would simply stop. In fact, it's only logical that it would continue at random intervals. Of course, this is probably the product of a deranged mind, but it would explain why I haven't been feeling quite like myself lately.


Odd that I've been thinking about memory recently as well. Over last weekend I visited with friends from college and a friend that I knew from the 4th grade. I could remember stuff happening from college, but only small bits of memory from before. More feelings than actual memories, and most of those were fragments. With me, I think it's because I actively suppressed a lot of my childhood. Though I suppose I could of been replaced and the memory transfer was incomplete.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Have you ever misplaced something, yet clearly remember where you last had/placed it? Then after searching only to find it someplace else and having no memory of putting it there?


I have a (likely wild) theory that there are multiple copies of this world, each in it's own dimension (timeline?), and each is just a tiny bit different (nothing new with that). But that due to some large-scale "Uncertainty Effect", matter/objects (including a person) can sometimes "jump" (swap places, actually) from one world/timeline to another. So your memory of leaving the keys in the kitchen despite finding them in the bedroom (and living alone) isn't false. Either the keys (or you) "jumped tracks" to a parallel world. One where you *did* leave the keys in the bedroom.


Our existence could be "fuzzy" in a higher-than-3-dimensional-sense and we just don't have the ability or tools to detect this*. Possibly most shifts go completely unnoticed because the change is either so minuscule as to be irrelevant, or one that is outside of one's domain (i.e., doesn't affect us).


*Yes, I realize this makes it hard-to-impossible to test/falsify. I did say it was likely wild. But then so was Special Relativity until it was confirmed. ;)


Too complicated. If we apply Occam's razor, it is far easier to believe that ghosts, sprites and/or other mischievous entities move things when we're not looking to deliberately mess with or minds.


At least... it's easier for me to believe that... ;)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


What on Earth possesses the resident teenager to make her decide' date=' at 1 AM, that this is a keen time to do a load of laundry? And to take a shower?[/quote']


are you asking why she'd want to do those things at that time....or why she didn't consider that it might disturb your sleep?


Lucius Alexander


Washing a palindromedary at 2300 hrs

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Fine to do laundry and other stuff at those times, if they don't bother the people trying to sleep. I used to do laundry at all sorts of times in the Portland house, but the laundry was in the basement, and the bedroom was on the second. Little chance of waking anyone then.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


are you asking why she'd want to do those things at that time....or why she didn't consider that it might disturb your sleep?


Well, it's perfectly understandable. A hard night of smoking, drinking, and partying leaves all kinds of stains, odors, and germs on your clothes that you will want to get rid of without anyone noticing.




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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well, it's perfectly understandable. A hard night of smoking, drinking, and partying leaves all kinds of stains, odors, and germs on your clothes that you will want to get rid of without anyone noticing.





Good point. Whenever I went out to see a band in a smoking venue, I almost always needed a shower to get the smoke out of my hair.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Is it better to dodge a bullet and not know it' date=' or know that you dodged a bullet and find out that your trust was betrayed? [/quote']


The latter. As painful as it is, if I was betrayed, I'd rather know about it than to have it betrayed and never know.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I can't stand it i know you planned it

But i'm gonna set it straight, this watergate

I can't stand rockin' when i'm in here

Because your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear

So while you sit back and wonder why

I got this fuckin' thorn in my sideo

H my, it's a mirage

I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotage

So listen up 'cause you can't say nothin'

You'll shut me down with a push of your button?

But i'm out, and i'm gone

I'll tell you now i keep it on and on

'cause what you see you might not get

And we can't bet so don't you get souped yet

You're scheming on a thing that's a mirage

I'm trying to tell you now it's sabotage


Why; our backs are now against the wall

Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage

Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage

Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage

I can't stand it, i know you planned it

But i'm gonna set it straight this watergate

I can't stand rockin' when i'm in this place

Because I feel disgrace because you're all in my face

But make no mistakes and switch off my channel

I'm buddy rich when I fly off the handle

What could it be, it's a mirage

You're scheming on a thing; that's sabotage

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