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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Found a 1943 steel penny in the street today. The heavy rains this past week must have washed it out of hiding. It is worth too much to spend' date=' but too little to bother with selling.[/quote']


Making it perfect for giving to someone. If I had one, I'd probably give it to my grandson.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that the penny is twenty years older than Lucius

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was idly perusing recipes for Glogg' date=' and stumbled across this beautiful quote...[/quote']


Good description. Though I'm not sure if my wife's family recipe is actually mulled. it's beaten to death. Spices, almonds, raisins which had been simmered for about 1 hour. Once that's done add 1 qt brandy, sherry, port, and 1/2 qt vodka for the alcohol. Then light on fire, while burning, pour thru sugar cubes in a metal strainer (1/4 lb?) . Once all the sugar is dissolved, cover pot to extinguish flames. Then serve.



Warnings: You'll lose all arm hair, and one should be sober while prepping...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was a bit bored today. I decided to try to connect major star trek worlds to real stars. When I used DS9 distances-references it kind of worked. Kind of. When I used TNG distances-references... total disaster. TOS was worse... did these people ever looks at a star chart? Never mind. I know the answer. "Quick Mr. Data: Engage the McGuffin Drive! Maximum Guff!"
it is entertainment, not a documentary. ;) ( :D )


Next you will tell me that teleportation doesn't exist. Whattaminute, science experiments have shown that it has worked with 'teleporting' qubits from one atom to another.


Next you will tell me that faster-than-light travel doesn't exist. Whattaminute... ( :D )

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The only thing that messes trek up is logic. ;)
Well Spock can't be held accountable for the illogicalness of green Orion slave girls... :P


Besides, who said that entertainment had to be logical? If that was the case most movies and tv shows wouldn't be produced...and there would be no plot holes. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings



Besides, who said that entertainment had to be logical? If that was the case most movies and tv shows wouldn't be produced...and there would be no plot holes. :)


Its a matter of degree. There is fantasy with verisimilitude. Something that gives you suspension of disbelief. And there is silly as hell. Trek has grown into silly as hell.

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