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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Got a birthday greeting from the ex-wife yesterday. I'm not quite sure how to react. She's been trying to be friends lately. While flattering' date=' it's a bit creepy. After all, I blame the divorce largely on her these days (you know, after the guilt abated and the self loathing was at a normal level). I have no intention of sending her a birthday card on her birthday. Does that make me an jerk?[/quote']


friendship shouldn't take effort, thus IMO if it takes an effort, it's not a true friendship. But if a person is attempting to make amends, then IMO civility demands that they be given the chance.


Because she's an ex, receiving a birthday card is not like being told I love you by a partner -- there is no obligation to send an "I love you to" birthday card. :|

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So your character has two Mommies ?


I think the "rest was magic" comment refers to a magically induced change of gender and perhaps species.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has a Y chromosome and a Y-Not? chromosome.


A single Reincarnation would take care of that' date=' IIRC. :nonp:[/quote']


Add a carefully-arranged timeslip with that reincarnation and you could have something that would be better described as a family taproot than a family tree.


No no no. :) Sorry, it's the cheeky version of, "I met your mom playing an online video game."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Heh. Just read an article that said gift cards are not gifts and should generally not be used. It said if you are close to someone, an actual gift is needed.


Last year on Christmas Eve, someone told me they had been to the Mall and it was wall to wall men. She said there was a long line of them at the Victoria's Secret counter buying gift cards. I think those guys will be in big trouble.


Well, IMO the author of the article is an idiot. And if my significant other ever gave me a Victoria's Secret Gift card, I'd be friggin thrilled. That means I get to dress her for christmas and....well ... better than a set of wrenches.


I have long approved of Gift Cards, I know some people love to shop and give a great gift, heck I'm one of them, but people who hate to shop? Gift Cards are great and certainly beat a desk lamp.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


On Relationships: They can be messy, and relationships with Ex's often are.


And about Gift cards. :thumbsup:


There are a few occasions where they don't work so well. Like a gift card for the florist isn't a good idea, but my wife loves getting others such as for book stores.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Of course, what really hurt was when Aloha Airlines went belly up. Since my credit card paid back in Aloha Airlines miles, about 50k miles disappeared with the airline.


I have a cash back card now.


I'm just hoping the bookstores will stay in business. I know Borders and B&N aren't the cheapest or most competent booksellers around, but I still like them.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well, IMO the author of the article is an idiot. And if my significant other ever gave me a Victoria's Secret Gift card, I'd be friggin thrilled. That means I get to dress her for christmas and....well ... better than a set of wrenches.


I have long approved of Gift Cards, I know some people love to shop and give a great gift, heck I'm one of them, but people who hate to shop? Gift Cards are great and certainly beat a desk lamp.

I, too, would prefer gift cards (assuming the retailer isn't going out of business). I have a lot of crap that I never use but can't throw out because so-and-so got it for me. I accumulate more and more of this stuff between moves, and it's not getting any lighter. Just give me a dratted gift card, I'll think of you while I shop, and we're all happy.


We're having a pared-down Christmas, and, so help me, if anyone gets me a too-small sweater or a set of scented candles, I may scream. Call me ungrateful and selfish, but who actually burns that many frickin' candles?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Um... no?


I've never understood the "make an effort be friends with your ex" trope. Be civil? Sure. Especially if you had kids. But friends? I don't see the point. In fact, unless there are kids, it seems better to put some distance between you and your ex. Over is over. When intimate relationships break apart the cleaner the break the better. I mean, sure, if you had an amicable separation and remain friendly as a matter of course I can understand it. But to make an effort to be anything more than civil? Meh. Seems messy. And what if you do become friends, will she be your best man when you get remarried? Please God No! Move on!


While on one hand I totally agree with you, on the other I'm also the polar opposite.


In general, by the time I'm dating someone I've become friends with them.

If I live with them for years, that deepens things.

If we break up.... We still have most of the "friend" program running in the background. Sometimes it resurfaces once the dust settles down. Sometimes not. It's never a thing to push, however.


I'm still not speaking to my most recent ex.

We've tried.

I can't cope, and she usually ends up hostile.


my prior before her, however, is still a very good friend. Her husband is one of the guys I'd call in the event of a Zombie outbreak, her son calls me Uncle.

She keeps trying to find loose women to hook me up with ;)


So.... It depends.

Mostly on how sour things went before the end.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I onyl have one ex, and she was a psycho stalker, so I am unqualified to give advice on this matter.


I prefer cash to gift cards, or even to gifts. I can spend it anywhere I like, I can get exactly what I want, and it goes further during the post-Xmas sales.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Heh. We have a huge number of candles in our fireplace and burned them during our house warming. It looked nice and the wax is contained.


Hmm, great idea. It'll be a few days before I can rep that post, though.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Two nights ago, while driving home, I saw a fantastic sight. It was the crescent moon, flanked on the left and the right by two very very bright stars. I'm pretty sure one of the stars was Venus. I'm guessing the other was... maybe Jupiter, or Saturn?


It was quite beautiful. :)


Venus was occulted by the Moon on the 1st, too.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It's good to hear I'm not being a jerk here. I'm still unable to look at our relationship clearly. I often wonder if I ever loved her at all, but I'm told that is a common reaction after a divorce. I thank god we didn't have kids.






Of course that would have required sex at some point... :rolleyes:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So what if you did badly? It might set back your world conquest plans by a couple of weeks. And depending on the job, it might not matter that much. I consider interviews to be important, but I think I've only conducted maybe one or two where the interviewee wasn't nervous or something. And then I was suspicious of the ones who weren't nervous, because shouldn't they be?

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