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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've been approved by the management of my new apartment complex. I will be going through an in-town move during the last 2-3 weeks of December. But I can say hello to having a ~50% bigger place (960 sq. ft. vs. 675 sq. ft.), washer/dryer hookups, and a Den for my hobbies/games/computer! And Goodbye to a very run-down apartment with much less to offer.


And I'll be only 1.75 miles from work. Once it warms back up, I think I'll get back on my bicycle.


Excellent news.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Josh and I have made up several "how we met" stories' date=' because, if and when we have children, we don't want them following our example to try to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right. It worked out all right in the end, though.[/quote']


On Green Acres, they had several different episodes where Lisa Douglas (Zsa Zsa Gabor) would relate the story of how she and her husband Oliver Douglas (Eddie Albert) had met and married. It was always bizarre and fantastic, as I recall, and of course it was a different story every time.


I would like a DVD with nothing on it but all the episodes like that. I have no idea how many of them they did, but there were at least three or four I think.


Lucius Alexander


Keep Manhattan but gimme a palindromedary

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So your character has two Mommies ?


I think the "rest was magic" comment refers to a magically induced change of gender and perhaps species.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has a Y chromosome and a Y-Not? chromosome.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I don't like my screen name on the Hero Games board. NinjaGeek? Laaaame!!! :idjit: I was just in a rush to get registered for some reason and couldn't think of anything better. (I like my avatar pic though. Dexter is cool. :cool:)

So...ask a mod...and change it. just post a note so we know what you changed it too. ;)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Got a birthday greeting from the ex-wife yesterday. I'm not quite sure how to react. She's been trying to be friends lately. While flattering' date=' it's a bit creepy. After all, I blame the divorce largely on her these days (you know, after the guilt abated and the self loathing was at a normal level). I have no intention of sending her a birthday card on her birthday. [b']Does that make me an jerk?[/b]


Um... no?


I've never understood the "make an effort be friends with your ex" trope. Be civil? Sure. Especially if you had kids. But friends? I don't see the point. In fact, unless there are kids, it seems better to put some distance between you and your ex. Over is over. When intimate relationships break apart the cleaner the break the better. I mean, sure, if you had an amicable separation and remain friendly as a matter of course I can understand it. But to make an effort to be anything more than civil? Meh. Seems messy. And what if you do become friends, will she be your best man when you get remarried? Please God No! Move on!

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