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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thanks, fellas.


And I only ever drool when I get some good sleep. :)

I drool when I nap, sometimes. It makes a certain kind of sense to me, and knowing that about myself makes it very important for me to wash my face when I wake up from a nap.


And yes, congrats.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Bad week for electronics.


While driving back from Vegas I pass a construction site and then the acrid smell of the smoke being let out of some electronics hits me.


I think it's the construction and air out the van. And then the MP3 player stops. Nothing to be done about it at the time, and turns out it's the USB power converter for it that blew.


Lost my Nikon Coolpix camera. The one I'd carry if I didn't want to carry the D80.


Decided today to clean my computer cases. One dead fan on my gaming system that I don't have a spare for. Will probably pick it up in Phoenix.


My wife had a dead fan as well and then I noticed her power supply fans. Both of them dead. Her machine is still running fine and well within temp tolerance, but geez. Thank the redundancy deities.


So I think what I'll be buying this weekend:

A new power supply. (I just don't feel like redoing the fans...)

A fan for my system

An air purifier for the computer room.


What powers electronics?


Smoke. When the smoke is released the electronics stop working.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Lemming's Sig: "If only people with closed minds came with closed mouths."


But if they had closed mouths, we'd waste time trying to figure out if they had closed minds before it became apparent. Let them open their mouths and remove all doubt, I say.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There are an awful lot of people that I wouldn't trust to bus tables running around wearing hospital scrubs. That scares me.


But then again pretty much* anyone can just go down to the store and buy their own scrubs. ;)


* "Pretty much" because, well, you have to be able to afford them...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sister Renee, the jack of all trades

don't put that hatchet in my back, in my back

Watch myself fade on the bed that was made

not by Nurse Ratchet but by you, yeah by you

Your uniform fits the charm and the wit

Life on the top floor by my side, by my side

I'm down in a pit with nowhere to sit

With a wrought iron door that separates us....separates

You gave me som poppyseed and we lay here for hours

Heal these blisters sacred sister

I will miss her so

Heal these blisters sacred sister

I will miss her so

Sister Renee, you've got it made

moving to a place that is warm, oh so warm

What can I say, I want you to stay

I'll touch your face with my fingers and my thumbs

You gave me some poppyseed and we lay here for hours

Heal these blisters sacred sister

I will miss her so

Heal these blisters sacred sister

I will miss her so

I will miss her so

I will miss her so

I will miss her so...


-- Sister Renee, Ed Harcourt

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I just got F-bombed repeatedly for a couple of minutes by an angry woman

In person or over the phone? In person: I'd've either called security or the police after letting her know that wasn't appropriate and that she would have to leave if she couldn't calm down. Over the phone, again after the warning I'd just hang up. Both of those were company policy when I worked my first retail job (Sears), and I've pretty much kept to those guidelines ever since. Fortunately I've not had to do either that often...

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