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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


This morning, as I drifted between sleep and waking, I heard a male voice in my head. He declared, perkily, the way radio DJs will speak as if there's a bubble in their throats: "Coming up, Alice gets a zombie dream! Will she triumph, or will her brain be eaten?"


There is no level of "WTF?" to cover that.


. . . My army stormed the Gates of Hell' date=' slaughtered their way through the wraiths and the demons, charged the Iron Throne -- and blew it all by killing Satan with the wrong weapon. My men torn asunder around me, the last thing I remember is hurling myself into the fiery Abyss, falling forever . . . [/quote']


Sounds like y'all need to get a Summer Dream Job. ;)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


When Superman is constantly less impressive than those around him, talked down to, and beaten unconscious, you're not demonstrating anything special by having your Mary Sue of the moment do it yet again.


It's bad fanfic posing as comic book writing.


Which is the same category I'd put Civil War in. And why I never bothered to even read the series.


Really annoying to see an otherwise excellent film following the Super-Worf tradition.


"Super-Worf tradition"? I know of Worf on ST:tnG, and ST:ds9. But need more info abou this Super-Worf, please.


If you're constantly looking for ways to gimp one character to let the rest of the cast shine' date=' maybe you should consider not including that character in the first place.[/quote']


Why would anyone want to gimp a character that in some incarnations could push *planets* around? :rolleyes::D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


"Super-Worf tradition"? I know of Worf on ST:tnG, and ST:ds9. But need more info abou this Super-Worf, please.


Worfing a character is having Character B smack around or otherwise outshine Character A in order to show the audience how tough Character B is. Unfortunately, you quickly reach a point when Character A can no longer be reasonably thought of as "tough"; too many people have spent too much time showing him up as a paper tiger. Super-Worf refers to the constant Worfing of Superman over the last twenty + years.


Why would anyone want to gimp a character that in some incarnations could push *planets* around? :rolleyes::D


Why indeed? There are any number of ways to get him out of the scene without gimping him, from disasters only he can deal with, to heroic self sacrifice, to just not having him there when the big bad shows up. Gimping him by having him taken out in one shot, by a weapon the big bad doesn't use on any other main character, is bad writing.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I found her a vapid attention whore and bad actress.

I think I like two songs out of her entire catalogue.


Yeah' date=' and that latter is consistent with what I said. A decent novelty act and little more. The former could well be true too; I pay no attention to the media segment that gave her most of her publicity.[/quote']


Regardless of good/bad/indifferent, and not at all to imply you like her, but I want to say that she is a diligent/serious musician/singer/entertainer, not just in terms of managing things but in terms of songwriting, arranging, generally taking her craft quite seriously. The reason I say this is that although neither of you are saying this or even necessarily implying it, it might be inferred by "vapid attention whore" and "novelty act."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I agree: my characterization as a "novelty act" says nothing about about how hard she works at her craft. It's just that, well, I find I like her stuff only in small, well-separated doses ... which fits in "decent novelty act" for me, and that's about as strong a statement as I'd make about her.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Regardless of good/bad/indifferent' date=' and not at all to imply you like her, but I want to say that she is a diligent/serious musician/singer/entertainer, not just in terms of managing things but in terms of songwriting, arranging, generally taking her craft quite seriously. The reason I say this is that although neither of you are saying this or even necessarily implying it, it might be inferred by "vapid attention whore" and "novelty act."[/quote']

I will agree most musicians, particularly those who write/produce/create/perform work, harder than the public (in this case, me) give them credit. That doesn't change my opinion that Madonna annoys me, nor does it change my opinion that she's a bad actress and a writer/performer of songs I generally don't care for, or that she's craved attention her entire career and often looks silly as a result.


I will strive to use more accurate adjectives in the future :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I will agree most musicians, particularly those who write/produce/create/perform work, harder than the public (in this case, me) give them credit. That doesn't change my opinion that Madonna annoys me, nor does it change my opinion that she's a bad actress and a writer/performer of songs I generally don't care for, or that she's craved attention her entire career and often looks silly as a result.


I will strive to use more accurate adjectives in the future :D

Heh, I have no "objective" or passionate objection to your "adjectives" or either yours or Cancer's descriptions, especially not being a huge fan of hers. :)


Though I should "admit" for the record, I like a substantial portion of her work and vocal style.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Heh, I have no "objective" or passionate objection to your "adjectives" or either yours or Cancer's descriptions, especially not being a huge fan of hers. :)


Though I should "admit" for the record, I like a substantial portion of her work and vocal style.

Wall Street Journal did an article on the Finnish education system.


No discussion of differences in pedagogy. No discussion of differences in curriculum. Minimal discussion of the difference made by better qualified teachers and more dedicated students.


A mention of teacher's salaries and spending per student that was totally crap reporting.


Yes, teachers in Finland aren't much better paid, in terms of salary, than American teachers. On the other hand, their college educations and graduate school were publicly funded, they have national health insurance, and they can rely on all the other social services Finland provides for its citizens. Even the additional professional training they'll need throughout their careers is publicly funded. In real terms, teachers are starting their professions with zero debt, their expenses are lower, and they can look forward to a more comfortable retirement than their American colleagues. With those incentives, no wonder Finnish schools can pick and choose the best teachers (40 applicants for every opening according to the Journal article).


Talk about an apples and oranges comparison. I expect that some WSJ editor honestly believed that Finns were doing more with less and therefore didn't bother asking the reporter to look at the broader context; the alternative is to believe that the WSJ intentionally posted a misleading story.


I have seen this sort of sloppiness in lots of mainstream media reporting on the nominating campaigns in the last several months, especially as I've been particularly active this year more than any other in following it (witness http://www.zorn.name/Wilson/politicaleconomy/blog/). The NYT is really bad rather often (and that isn't at all a reflection on the McCain story), just as an example of a paper generally considered to be good, but the issue here is (as I'm sure you've also experienced) that at the same time the NYT does have extensive and good reporting on many fronts, so I don't like to throw out the baby for the bathwater, cut off my nose to spite my face, etc.. It is really vexing though. I noticed the British papers, I suppose because they are once removed so to speak, include amazingly bad inaccuracies/outright falsehoods, way more than I would have imagined, and I'm speaking here of the London Times and other credible organizations. I don't recall which of the British online papers it was, but I recall one pointing poll figures incorrectly, using numbers I recognized as valid for one particular set of questions but they misapplied those numbers to an entirely different set of questions (for which the results were quite different) to create something completely wrong, whether by atrociously careless accident or conniving deceit (who can say?),


Anyway, it is indeed vexing.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I bought Josh's birthday presents today.


I am seriously contemplating testing his resolve by posting what I got him under a spoiler.


Hmmm . . .



Bad Josh! :nya:



In going to get it, though, I learned something interesting. I can't share yet, though, lest he figure it out.



Apparently Alice shops in the Mirror Universe.


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Re: Musings on Random Musings



Doesn't everyone?


Seriously, though, I know Josh's sense of curiosity. He can tell me where my birthday present is hidden, and I'll deliberately turn away to not look there. Josh will scour receipts and look for evidence as to where I've been.


Interestingly, I told him about a month ago what I was getting him, but he still keeps asking me what I got him.


He'll like it. ^ v ^


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