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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Last night, I had a flashback of sorts. I was dozing off while watching TV. Something made me think of a house I lived in as a kid. For a moment, I could swear I was looking outside the gate. I vaguely remember my aunt also being there.


Okay, it was just a dream. But I woke up early in the morning with a song I hadn't remembered for 30 years playing in my head. Remember the cartoon The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan? It was one of the songs they sang there.


In case you're curious about song I suddenly remembered, I just did some digging and found this site. It's the second track.


It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but what a weird way to wake up!

I once woke up muttering "daijobu." I had to look up what it meant.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Actually, I find myself wondering if the spot around what is now called Trumanplatz still smells the same way as it did last time I was there, which was 1971. I first smelled that in 1962, and it's not a bad smell at all. Just not one I've encountered anywhere else.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So I now have Firefox at work.


On a related note, what in the world would possess a company whose ads I've actively ignored before to think that I'll change my mind if they shove them in my face, then crash my browser when I close them?

A hosts file is your friend.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Very briefly, as long as you're not entering numeric IP addresses directly, your machine ALWAYS consults a DNS to run the URL into the numeric IP. And the machine ALWAYS checks its Hosts file first, a local file in a designated place with a list of server names and their associated IP numbers. Most people have no Hosts file or a one-liner, but it is possible to put others in. And, to the point, misdirect certain obnoxious servernames to point to the local host (that is, your own machine). That means that lots of ads will get 404 ("Not Found") errors quickly, but the obnoxious crap won't get through.


Here is a source for getting one into place.


The weakness is that new server names have to be added individually; there are no wild cards in that file syntax. The good part is that it's a flat-text file, human readable, so even mere mortals can know what they are letting themselves in for by looking at the file. There can't be any concealed back doors, though it's impossible to get completeness of coverage.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Saw another satellite last night. It was heading north.


I saw a shooting star last night

I wished on it but it was just a satillite

It's wrong to wish on space hardware

I wish, I wish, I wished you care

I don't want to save the world

I'm not looking for a New England

Just looking for another girl.


- New England by Billy Bragg

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


A what? :confused:


/etc/hosts (or wherever it is in windows land) could be edited to have the company's address point to a benign file.


Though I go similar to Old Man and do NoScript. (I also use the extensions Smart Middle Click, and Tabbed Browser Preferences)


Heck, Cancer wrote it so nicely...


A second note, it is possible that the hosts file is not the first thing checked. Though I believe by default for most systems.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


/etc/hosts (or wherever it is in windows land) could be edited to have the company's address point to a benign file.


Though I go similar to Old Man and do NoScript. (I also use the extensions Smart Middle Click, and Tabbed Browser Preferences)


Assuming a standard Windows install, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Are there really people out there than honestly think that someone is somehow more dead if they are killed by a gun than if they are killed some other way? The terms "Gun Crime" and "Gun Violence" are useless terms. Separating out "Gun Violence" from violence in general would be like setting up a separate category for violence committed while wearing denim jeans.


The problems are the crime and violence, not that the person committing the crime or violence happened to have a gun.


Yup. I sometimes think that this kind of thing (categorizing of violence) comes out of a partially accurate idea that it's possible to control something once you've fit it neatly into a box. If the cause of violence is "_____", you can reduce it by reducing "_____".


Of course, since incorrect causes are so often touted, even partial accuracy tends to be lost.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Doh! Forgot the Ubersoft link.


It's just a parody, though I had a boss once that sounded close to that. (I'm much happier in my new profession)


Actually, I've worked with a fair number of companies that consider the law only to apply if their was a risk of getting caught, and known a few people who mocked law abiding citizens as sheep.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Actually' date=' I've worked with a fair number of companies that consider the law only to apply if their was a risk of getting caught, and known a few people who mocked law abiding citizens as sheep.[/quote']


It's way more common and I think that thought pattern is one of the biggest problems that faces humanity.


The CEO for NAI was always using Warren Zevon's "Lawyers, Guns, and Money" as how to do business. (I'm pretty sure guns were not involved though...)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Actually' date=' I've worked with a fair number of companies that consider the law only to apply if their was a risk of getting caught, and known a few people who mocked law abiding citizens as sheep.[/quote']


Not to mention that companies tend to do a cost/benefit analysis on breaking the law, and if it is more expensive to abide by the law than to break it, they'll break it.


As to the criminal attitude, I've known several myself. And have been very amused when such people get arrested. :)

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