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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Research strongly indicates that thoughts can trigger physical changes in the brain, and therefore there are patterns of thought that should be avoided.


It may be that both spam and porn are physically rewiring us.


The Internet may actually cause brain damage.


At first I wasn't worried about spam, because for it to have such effects, people would have to actually read it. :)


Then I realized that there probably ARE people who really DO read their spam. :eek:


Then I realized it's still nothing to worry about, because such people are probably already brain damaged. :(


Lucius Alexander


Reprogramming a palindromedary. Or is that vice versa?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Then I realized that there probably ARE people who really DO read their spam. :eek:


We had that happen here. Our receptionist, nicest girl you could possibly meet, freaked out because she got extortionist death threat spam. This was very fortunate, because we then discovered that she was also starting to follow along with some Nigerian bank fraud scams as well. She's not stupid, just didn't come from a tech background. She now knows a great deal about spam.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Re: That link Alice posted.


That is some seriously f***ed up s*** right there. :mad:

You'll notice I had no remarks about it. Just a link, with a smilie that got as close to my facial expression as I was reading it as I could approximate.


I'm still mostly struck speechless, even thinking about it. It just seems like such a bizarre perspective, so alien to me, that I can't even BEGIN to wrap my brain around the reality that someone actually thinks that way.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We had that happen here. Our receptionist' date=' nicest girl you could possibly meet, freaked out because she got extortionist death threat spam. This was very fortunate, because we then discovered that she was also starting to follow along with some Nigerian bank fraud scams as well. She's not stupid, just didn't come from a tech background. She now knows a great deal about spam.[/quote']

Yea, for the most part, people I work with don't have anything resembling a tech background. Heck I made the mail server's admin eyes glaze when I started asking specifics. But no problems so far on regular scams since I think most of my coworkers already have scam radar.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You'll notice I had no remarks about it. Just a link, with a smilie that got as close to my facial expression as I was reading it as I could approximate.


I'm still mostly struck speechless, even thinking about it. It just seems like such a bizarre perspective, so alien to me, that I can't even BEGIN to wrap my brain around the reality that someone actually thinks that way.


Indoctrination from birth is often a terrible thing, IMO.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You'll notice I had no remarks about it. Just a link, with a smilie that got as close to my facial expression as I was reading it as I could approximate.


I'm still mostly struck speechless, even thinking about it. It just seems like such a bizarre perspective, so alien to me, that I can't even BEGIN to wrap my brain around the reality that someone actually thinks that way.


One of these days, we're going to kick the oil monkey off our back. Then we'll be able to tell those idiotic, barbaric f***ers that they're welcome to have the 12th century all to themselves, and if they ever want to join the civilized nations they're going to have to come here to the 21st century, not the other way around.


At least, that's my dream. :no:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yay! The Daily Show and Colbert Report are back!

Andrew Sullivan was on the Colbert Report.


It was kind of awkward both shows theme was the writers strike.


But it was funny and I actually watched an hour of actual television for the first time in three months.


No! Stop! You were almost free, dammit! The writers were doing you the biggest favor of your life and you're squandering it for a few laughs!

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