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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I forgot to brag... The other night I was on Vent while playing CoH. I came up with a bad pun, and actually stunned one of the others on Vent. She was speechless for almost 3 minutes.


Then she had me share it with everyone else who came on.


The Joke: I was talking about making a Cow hero, and said There is only one origin that would fit. MOOtation. :sneaky:




What sits around all day saying "Oom, oom, Oom"?



A dyslexic cow


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Re: Musings on Random Musings


"...and that's how I ended up with a box full of silicone noses, officer."






for your pleasure then, a song that The Corries used to swear is about a nose...



(by The Corries)


On the 17th of March in La-Di-Da-Di-Da

A son was born to Mrs. Da-Di-Dum

He had two arms, two legs, a mouth and ears and eyes

And the usual La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


They duly christened him La-Di-Da-Di-Da

They gave his second name as Da-Di-Dum

And throughout his life, and he lived for 90 years

He was known as La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


As he grew up his La-Di-Da-Di-Da

Grew quicker than his other Da-Di-Dum

And when he was fifteen, everyone remarked

On his great big La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


He met a girl in La-Di-Da-Di-Da

She was pretty though a little Da-Di-Dum

But the reason that he, loved her best was she

Did nae mind his great big La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


Her mother was awfully La-Di-Da-Di-Da

Her father was completely Da-Di-Dum

They sat down to dinner, of salmon mayonnaise

And a bowl of La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


It all went well 'til La-Di-Da-Di-Da

Bent to take a bite of Da-Di-Dum

He cobbed his plate, and the salmon mayonnaise

Fell upon his La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


Her mother cried loudly La-Di-Da-Di-Da

Her father sort of mumbled Da-Di-Dum

She said my dear, you must try to find a boy

With a smaller La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


But they married in the spring of La-Di-Da-Di-Da

They honeymooned in lovely Da-Di-Dum

But they found that they could nae, get in the double bed

For his great big La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


They duly decided La-Di-Da-Di-Da

To use two single beds instead of one

They slept together, and they used the other one

Just to rest his great big La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


On the 14th of June in La-Di-Da-Di-Da

He took ill with an attack of Da-Di-Dum

They wrapped him up in bandages, that ended with a bow

'Round his La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


He died on the morning La-Di-Da-Di-Da

A victim of the dreaded Da-Di-Dum

They put him in his coffin, but they nae could shut the lid

For his great big La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


So the undertaker La-Di-Da-Di-Da

Decided on a plan for Da-Di-Dum

He made another coffin, roughly three feet two by one

Just to take his La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum


Now you can read on his tombstone La-Di-Da-Di-Da

The son of La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum

Here lies his body, and in the next grave up but one

Lies his La-Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Dum

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


With apologies to Poe:


The "Raving"


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I

pondered weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious

volume of forgotten lore.


While I nodded in the hushing, suddenly

there came a rushing, as of someone

slowly flushing water 'cross my chamber

floor. Only this and nothing more.

Eagerly I wished the morrow, vainly I

sought to borrow plungers to relieve my

sorrow, mops to dry the soggy floor.

I slowed it down and nothing more.


Ankle deep in water standing, long I stood

there wheezing, panting, weeping, cursing

curses no mortal ever cursed before. As the

mess was slow subsiding, my thoughts were

strong to go a-riding to dry my troubled

clothes, perhaps to find a liquor store.


I jumped astride my motor scooter, a big

black bird screamed "Roto-Rooter"!

"And away go troubles down the drain" --

Roto-Rooter. Quoth the raven: "Evermore."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I am certainly aiming at GenCon this year, but it all depends upon what I can afford at the time. If I end up moving to a new job, that'll take a good chunk of change out of my pocket. On the other hand, If I end up moving to a new job, I should be making a lot more money. So who knows?


I guess what I'm saying is I will be at GenCon this year. Unless I'm not. But definitely one of the two.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I am certainly aiming at GenCon this year, but it all depends upon what I can afford at the time. If I end up moving to a new job, that'll take a good chunk of change out of my pocket. On the other hand, If I end up moving to a new job, I should be making a lot more money. So who knows?


I guess what I'm saying is I will be at GenCon this year. Unless I'm not. But definitely one of the two.


It sounds like you're achieved quantum superposition. Look around for Erwin's cat while you're there, would you? :D


I have never been to GenCon. I would like to try and make it this year. I've attended DragonCon several times, so I'm not totally unfamiliar with going to large conventions. But any advice from prior GC-ers about how to get the most out of the experience would be appreciated.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Satin Kitty and I will be at GenCon again this year, baring unforeseen disasters (foreseen disasters aren't as much of a problem, though of course still disastrous).


Always a good time for us; cool people, good games, great dealers room.


And it's always fun to find out how close to someones board persona his or her face to face personality is. ;)

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