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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm quite grateful that men aren't as prone to getting them as women seem to be. Not to sound selfish' date=' but a woman's UT is about an inch long. Mine, while I'll spare you all the embarassing DaVinci's Notebook references, is longer than that, suffice it to say. Men could get much bigger UTIs, just as a matter of topography.[/quote']


I've never had one.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've never had one.

If one is prone to them, one will get them regularly, usually as a consequence of sex. I'd had them, like clockwork, once every other month, from the ages of 17 to 20. I'm quite resistant to penicillin and amoxicillin, now.


I hadn't been getting them lately, and, when I do, I've been able to banish them with cranberry juice and plenty of water, without taking antibiotics. I get the symptoms about every six months, which amounts to a day of discomfort.


And, in this case, a sprained foot and thumb. :nonp:


Scared the heck out of Josh.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Is there seriously no such thing as a new TV for less than $75?

:think: Dunno. Does you no good, of course, but we have a perfectly good, if old, 19" TV we'd like to give away. We redid the living room and it's too big for the space available there now.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've been checking the local Craiglist regularly, and there's a used TV listed about once a week. But I'd need a certain kind of AV input, for the purpose we want to use it, and none of them show pictures of the AV inputs, or even show whether they have any at all. So I was figuring it would be easier to just get something new, simple and cheap. But apparently it doesn't exist. They want to give me something flat-screen with a built-in DVD player at the lowest price margin.


I'm not even going to be hooking it up to any sort of cable or satellite, and all these TVs have those boxes for converting the HD signal.


It's starting to wear on my sanity.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Memo to nonscience students:


You probably hope that your instructor does not take literally your t-shirt that says "pwn n00bs" that you've worn to the first session of the lab course. The amusement he gains from this is on more levels than you want to think about.

I'd do it anyway and in reply wear a t-shirt that says "pwn students".


Make them pay.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've been checking the local Craiglist regularly, and there's a used TV listed about once a week. But I'd need a certain kind of AV input, for the purpose we want to use it, and none of them show pictures of the AV inputs, or even show whether they have any at all. So I was figuring it would be easier to just get something new, simple and cheap. But apparently it doesn't exist. They want to give me something flat-screen with a built-in DVD player at the lowest price margin.


I'm not even going to be hooking it up to any sort of cable or satellite, and all these TVs have those boxes for converting the HD signal.


It's starting to wear on my sanity.


I wasn't aware that there ever had been new TVs for less than $75.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I wasn't aware that there ever had been new TVs for less than $75.

I bought one in college. It lasted me all three years, actually, and was eventually passed along to a younger friend who didn't have a TV in her dorm, because it was just one more thing to move, for me.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I bought one in college. It lasted me all three years' date=' actually, and was eventually passed along to a younger friend who didn't have a TV in her dorm, because it was just one more thing to move, for me.[/quote']


How big was it? I've seen little 5" jobbies for less than that, but I don't know if I've ever seen one much bigger than that for that low a price.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now's your big chance to kick the habit altogether! You're on the very cusp of it! Imagine the feeling a smug superiority in hearing your coworkers discussing Dancing with the Stars when you don't even know what channel or night it's on! Think of all the extra time you'll have to play with a squirrel once L&O is completely off the agenda - forever!


Spend the $75 on books, musical instruments, accessories for the boudoir, whatever! Kill your television now, before ownership becomes mandatory!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now's your big chance to kick the habit altogether! You're on the very cusp of it! Imagine the feeling a smug superiority in hearing your coworkers discussing Dancing with the Stars when you don't even know what channel or night it's on! Think of all the extra time you'll have to play with a squirrel once L&O is completely off the agenda - forever!


Spend the $75 on books, musical instruments, accessories for the boudoir, whatever! Kill your television now, before ownership becomes mandatory!

I already have that smug sense of superiority. I haven't had cable in YEARS.


The one TV we have is for watching movies and playing video games. But sometimes, I want to play one game, while Josh wants to play another. Currently, that's impossible. So I want to get a small TV for the bedroom, so one of us can use the Playstation while the other watches a movie or plays Wii Sports, or whatever.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


AFAIK they aren't mandated to go away -- the only mandate is that all broadcasts be available in digital.


EDIT: I stand corrected after reading the Wikipedia entry on Analog Television. Apparently all[/a] broadcasts after the changeover date will be digital. With the exception of Cable Television service until 2012 being available in glorious analog.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


:D I love my smug feeling of cable-less-ness. Very well' date=' carry on. How 'bout the good will? They are typically filled to overflowing with extra TV sets as the world gradually goes flatscreen.[/quote']

Hadn't thought of that. I'll give it a try, anyway. Can't hurt.


AFAIK they aren't mandated to go away -- the only mandate is that all broadcasts be available in digital.

Congress passed a law about 18 months ago mandating that all TVs manufactured after April 2007 have digital signal receivers. It's one of the reasons I'm so disgusted with the FCC these days.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


But I'd need a certain kind of AV input, for the purpose we want to use it, and none of them show pictures of the AV inputs, or even show whether they have any at all.


I'm not even going to be hooking it up to any sort of cable or satellite, and all these TVs have those boxes for converting the HD signal.


So what kind of A/V inputs do you need?


It's starting to wear on my sanity.


Hero System doesn't have a SAN stat. So I guess we're all SANS SAN. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Congress passed a law about 18 months ago mandating that all TVs manufactured after April 2007 have digital signal receivers. It's one of the reasons I'm so disgusted with the FCC these days.


From Wikipedia:

In the United States by no later than February 17, 2009, all U.S. television broadcasts will be exclusively digital, by order of the Federal Communications Commission, with legislation setting this deadline signed into law in early 2006.[3] Furthermore, starting March 1, 2007, new television sets that receive signals over-the-air, including pocket sized portable televisions, must include digital or HDTV tuners for digital broadcasts.[4] Currently, most U.S. broadcasters are beaming their signals in both analog and digital formats; a few are digital-only. Citing the bandwidth efficiency of digital TV, after the analog switch-off the FCC will auction off channels 52–59 (the lower half of the 700 MHz band) for other communications traffic[5], completing the reallocation of broadcast channels 52–69 that began in the late 1990s. The analog switch-off ruling, which so far has met little opposition from consumers or manufacturers, would render all non-digital televisions dark and obsolete within 2 years. The FCC has determined that an external tuning device can simply be added to non-digital televisions to lengthen their useful lifespan. (However, as of March 2007, external tuning devices are not widely available, are relatively expensive, and require bulky AC power supplies.) Currently, even the earliest televisions continue to work with present broadcast standards. This mandate was designed to help provide a painless transition to the new standards. On September 12, 2007, the FCC voted 5-0 on requiring cable operators to make local broadcasts available to their users, even those with analog television. This requirement lasts until 2012, when the FCC will review the case again.


Emphasis mine.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


From Wikipedia:



Emphasis mine.


In the United States by no later than February 17, 2009, all U.S. television broadcasts will be exclusively digital, by order of the Federal Communications Commission, with legislation setting this deadline signed into law in early 2006.[3] Furthermore, starting March 1, 2007, new television sets that receive signals over-the-air, including pocket sized portable televisions, must include digital or HDTV tuners for digital broadcasts.[4] Currently, most U.S. broadcasters are beaming their signals in both analog and digital formats; a few are digital-only. Citing the bandwidth efficiency of digital TV, after the analog switch-off the FCC will auction off channels 52–59 (the lower half of the 700 MHz band) for other communications traffic[5], completing the reallocation of broadcast channels 52–69 that began in the late 1990s. The analog switch-off ruling, which so far has met little opposition from consumers or manufacturers, would render all non-digital televisions dark and obsolete within 2 years. The FCC has determined that an external tuning device can simply be added to non-digital televisions to lengthen their useful lifespan. (However, as of March 2007, external tuning devices are not widely available, are relatively expensive, and require bulky AC power supplies.) Currently, even the earliest televisions continue to work with present broadcast standards. This mandate was designed to help provide a painless transition to the new standards. On September 12, 2007, the FCC voted 5-0 on requiring cable operators to make local broadcasts available to their users, even those with analog television. This requirement lasts until 2012, when the FCC will review the case again.

Emphasis mine. ;)

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