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Discuss: XP spent during adventures


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During the chat tonight I made a comment about one character buying off part of his CvK, got me thinking: Do you allow spending of XP DURING a session?


I do if I feel it adds to the story.


Example: Thud is the prince of a galactic society sent to earth to prepare him for battle against his Brothers for the right to rule his planet.


Thud encountered one of his brothers who had kidnapped (Superman Clone) Mind controled him and disguised him to look like himself (the brother) for a challange to the death. After defeating the Superman clone (Yah Thud and team) out of the areana (They discovered the plot) & brother they decided as per the culture to execute the brother. The player bought his code down to Soldiers CvK (a 15 point disad that allows for killing in times of war)

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


I think it just depends on what the XP are being spent on.


Some XP are spent on things that are studied, such as KS. Sometimes they are spent on things that actively take place during the session, or multiple sessions.


In that case, since theorectically XP equates to character growth if the character would grow in the middle of a session for some reason they should be allowed to spend the XP right then and there.


The whole idea of XP must be spent between sessions never really sat well with me. As far as I'm concerned the player and the GM must simply agree that the XP spent is put into an appropriate place and spent at the appropriate time.

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


Not during combat.


I will almost always let players improve an existing skill during game and sometimes let them add one. "Do you think it would be alright to raise my Breakfall to represent the fact I have been training in our danger room for the last couple of months?"


Powers I do not permit mid-game.

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


I wouldn't have allowed the lowering of a CvK in the middle of that particular incident. I would have enforced the existing Disad level and allowed them to buy it down after the scenario/adventure.


I do allow the spending of XP during an adventure on a case by case basis. Many times it makes sense (adding a 1-pt contact, adjusting a power slightly due to training, etc). It just depends on what's going on, the character in question, and what the XP is to be spent on. I rarely allow more than a couple of points to be spent, either, so no one is going to be raising their attacks by 3 DC mid-adventure.

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


If it fits the story and game logic, I allow it. I also allow 1 XP to be spent at any time to perform a spectacular Power or Skill stunt, once per adventure. It grants the spender a critical success or maximum effect (not both) on any one roll, or lets the spender use any single advantage (one level only) on that power that fits the special effects.


A few players have slightly abused it, but most don't, and it can boost the drama quite a bit. :)

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


I'd allow it if appropriate. I think one of the most appropriate times for something like this is (especially for new characters and/or players) when they suddenly realize during an adventure that their character really should logically have some Skill, Perk, or even Power that the player forgot to buy for them. Allowing XP spending "on the fly" in such cases keeps the character from being penalized by a simple oversight on the player's part.

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


Reading through this again ..


Spending XP on a power in the middle of a session should be allowed. Assuming it's the progress that's being developed by the player, it's dramatic enough and it makes sense.


Let's say a player lets the GM know he wants his character to get a certain attack as a develop of the character - the character has been practacing with their powers/skills lately .. the GM can say, before the session "no, he can't have it yet." So the player banks the XP for when the GM will say yes. At some point in the session it's a dramatic scene, the character is under duress, or needs to be super heroic and fires off their power - only it's the new/upgraded/whatever version the player was aiming for and the GM goes "OK, now spend the XP and write it down." And it leads to a fairly dramatic moment....


but, I'm all about storyline and drama.

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Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures


I'm very supportive of it as a GM - moreso than players in actual practice - so long as it's not contrary to the story. I think in-session, even in-combat, XP expenditures can well-reflect growth (if consistent) or a dramatic break-through (if cinematic/dramatic, and of course assuming the character will continue to exercise the ability).

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